Executive summary
The paper provides the data concerning the capability audit and the application of its main aspects to the investigation of the functioning of a hospital. It delves into such aspects as infrastructure and processes. The paper finds the state of these capabilities satisfactory yet admits the necessity of their constant improvement.
The efficient functioning of every company or organization is impacted by numerous factors that condition the level of performance, theoretical outcomes, image, etc. To create a pattern that will guarantee the beneficial cooperation between all departments and members of the staff, it is crucial to introduce the assessment procedure that will provide credible information related to the functioning of an organization and its main showings (Hammer para. 6).
In this regard, the audit procedure becomes an integral part of any efficient project. It is needed to investigate the weaknesses and strengths of the company as well as to highlight the most problematic areas. Additionally, the capability audit could also be considered the crucial practice focused on the determination of the major concerns related to the most important points.
Nevertheless, the application of the capability audit to organizations whose functioning guarantees the further development of society is essential for the improvement of their efficiency and the promotion of further growth (“Internal Capability audit model” para. 9). The healthcare sector could be considered the core component of any community as it provides the basis for the survival of its citizens. That is why the audit of the given sector is an important concern conditioned by the significance of the issue. To initiate the procedure, it is vital to collect credible information and process it in terms of the most important challenges that currently appear. The are several main points related to the procedure.
The capability audit is based on the precise analysis of the eight components that create the basis for the efficient functioning of every organization (Risk & Business Consulting 6). Besides, process and infrastructure could be considered the crucial aspects of any healthcare organization. Yet, speaking about the hospital, process assessment is vital for the improvement of its efficiency. Hospitals’ internal processes should be evaluated to determine their efficiency and organizational pattern.
Besides this, the existing organizational culture and the level of mutual understanding promote the significant improvement of the quality of the suggested services and contribute to the creation of the establishment’s positive image (Smallwood and Ulrich para. 7). Additionally, the majority of the performed actions and processes could be considered well planned and well organized, which evidences the great responsibility devoted to this capability.
When speaking about the infrastructure as another aspect of assessment, it is crucial to admit several points. First, any hospital should be characterized by efficient facility management needed to provide qualified services and guarantee the creation of a positive image. All components of the infrastructure are closely interrelated and condition the hospital’s functioning. In addition, the given organization has an elaborate infrastructure.
There are special departments for various kinds of disease, which increases the level of performance and contributes to a faster recovery. Additionally, there is the modern equipment, which guarantees a detailed examination of every patient and provides the necessary credible data. There are also numerous recreational facilities, which are needed to mitigate the negative impact of a certain treatment. In general, analyzing the given aspect, it is possible to admit the great potential for the further development of the hospital.
Concerning both these components, their great impact on the hospital’s functioning should be admitted. The current level of the development of these capabilities conditions the creation of the positive image of the given establishment and provides numerous opportunities for its further evolution. Yet the infrastructure and the peculiarities of the most important processes create the basis for the efficient cooperation of the specialists working there (“Process Capability Audits” para. 5).
However, it is vital to admit the necessity of the constant development of these capabilities to avoid stagnation and promote further growth. The detailed investigation of these elements provides information that could be used to implement several improvements.
Capability audit could also serve as the basis for the further reorganization of the establishment and improvement of its functioning. The fact is that the provided information will obviously highlight the most important change areas that might contribute from the audit and reconsideration (“Capability Audits” para. 5). Resting on the above-mentioned facts, the creation of the new pattern needed to manage the most important processes could be considered beneficial. It might help to achieve the next level of quality and increase the efficiency of the major procedures and services. Additionally, some slight changes in the infrastructure and creation of the new distributional pattern could also help to make the performance better.
Altogether, investigation of the major concerns related to the functioning of any organization in terms of capability audit could be considered the crucial element of the modern world as it provides the significant information needed to evaluate a company and initiate the change process if there are any problems. Moreover, by analyzing the functioning of a certain hospital, its infrastructure, and the most important processes, one should admit their great impact on the performance and the quality of the suggested services. That is why the procedure of the capability audit should be initiated on a regular basis to determine the strong and weak points of every organization and contribute to its improvement.
Works Cited
Capability Audits. n.d. Web.
Hammer, Michael. The Process Audit. 2007. Web.
Internal Capability audit model. n.d. Web.
Process Capability Audits. n.d. Web.
Risk & Business Consulting. Assessing the top priorities for Internal audit functions. 2014. Web.
Smallwood, Norm and Dave Ulrich. Capitalizing on Capabilities. 2004. Web.