Career Options for a Computer Programmer Essay

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This report discusses career options for a computer programmer. The report extensively looks into the typical job titles and roles or duties performed by people who hold the job titles. Further, the report discusses the personal skills necessary for success in this job category. Most organizations require new employees to have some level of experience. This report looks into this requirement and explores the way by which an individual without experience can enter the industry or gain entry into a company. Money is the greatest motivator for employees. Apart from many other numerous reasons why people choose careers, the earning power in a profession plays a critical role in career choice. Therefore, this report will consider the attractiveness of remuneration perks given to computer programmers.

Information technology is a diverse field. The diversity manifests in the form of myriad career options that one can pursue in IT. There are different specializations in IT in line with specific information technology needs in organizations. One field in IT that is widely respected is computer programming. People who do computer programming are called computer programmers. In this age, most organizations require the services of a computer programmer. Computer programmers go by different names depending on the focus in a given organization. For instance, an organization that focuses on software development call computer programmers, software engineers or software developers. Some organizations focus on system development and thus computer programmers in the organization go by titles such as system developer, system administrator, system designer, and system analyst or system engineer. In some organizations, computer programmers are known to handle the technical aspect of computer systems. Therefore, they go by titles such as technical assistant, system technician or generally IT officer.

Irrespective of the title used computer programmers are individuals who have the technical know-how in computer program creation. Computer programs or software are encoded instructions that a computer executes. This field is highly specialized and requires a proper understanding of logical sequencing. Therefore, the first duty a computer programmer can have is software development. However, given software development means one can also troubleshoot and correct says instructions on software, computer programmers also offer support and maintain systems.

For one to launch self into a computer programming career, one has to take professional courses in computer programming. Most companies only take in people with experience. Therefore, it is normally recommended that students take up apprenticeship or internship positions while still learning. Volunteering also helps to offer one enough experience. Career progression is guaranteed by further education and accumulated work experience. Some programmers move from the level of being mere technicians to becoming managers or administrators of other programmers. Moreover, some computer programmers specialize in teaching computer languages to students who later qualify as computer programmers. Despite what the computer programmer actually does, he or she must have the capacity to design and implement software solutions.

In some organizations, computer programmers are involved in the testing of computer programs, operating systems and other advanced software. In order to implement an IT solution, many times organizations source ready-made software from the market but they can also develop software in-house. When the software has been bought or when the system has been developed fully, a computer programmer has to test it. Once the system or software has been installed and is running, the computer programmer’s focus is on offering support in maintaining the system.

The work performed by software engineers is complex and technical and the knowledge of computer science is highly appreciated in the working environment. The computer programmer has to have a number of technical skills or capacities. The first technical capacity required of a computer programmer is the ability to accurately interface with the user’s requirements. The computer programmer is responsible for translating the user’s requirement into a specific and well-written command that the system can accept. This capacity is achieved through familiarizing with the external interfaces and ways of ensuring that functional designs capture different user specifications.

The second technical skill requirement is designing. The computer programmer is responsible for creating and designing the system by selecting major components. He or she investigates the possible ways of designing the system from the requirements gathered. Thirdly, the system engineer ensures that the new system being designed will meet the user’s requirements; he or she analyzes and predicts input, output, memory, software and hardware aspect of design to ensure they meet the required development standards.

Thirdly, the computer programmer has to understand software validation and verification of data. Computer programmers plan and subsequently implement verification for the systems to ensure that they meet the specific requirements. He or she develops a test plan and test data which is used to validate the system to ensure it works to its specification.

Long gone are the days when computer programmers operated as an indifferent tech whiz. System development and implementation in modern organizations is an interactive process approached as projects. For each project, a project team composed of various professionals is formed. Therefore, apart from technical skills, soft or personal skills are critical for success in this area.

To succeed in the current job market, a computer programmer should be able to communicate well with the client and the team that he or she is working with. Efficient and accurate verbal and written communication is necessary for giving information. Secondly, the person should have needed to have strong analytical and judgmental skills. This is an important aspect because it helps in analyzing the processes involved throughout the development of a system to ensure every step is considered based on the requirements.

Good communication, analytical, problem-solving skills and good judgment should be complemented by strong leadership or management skills. The system engineer should display assertiveness; confidence and hard work to enable him or her to realize the best of what he or she is doing. Good leadership goes hand in hand with being a good team player.

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IvyPanda. (2022, March 18). Career Options for a Computer Programmer.

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"Career Options for a Computer Programmer." IvyPanda, 18 Mar. 2022,


IvyPanda. (2022) 'Career Options for a Computer Programmer'. 18 March.


IvyPanda. 2022. "Career Options for a Computer Programmer." March 18, 2022.

1. IvyPanda. "Career Options for a Computer Programmer." March 18, 2022.


IvyPanda. "Career Options for a Computer Programmer." March 18, 2022.

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