Communication and Leadership Problem: Sunrise Hospital Essay

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The Problem

Nurse Olivia Witte is faced with a communication flow problem in managing the disciplinary team. While the team is supposed to be the center of decision-making and directing information, other organs and teams at Sunrise Hospital are making independent decisions without due consultation with the interdisciplinary team. The information received by the caretakers at the home care is varying depending on the source of information. The pattern of communication was dialogical, where; decision-making is slow and mostly inaccurate. For example, the Joint Commission (TJC) had not communicated their intention to visit, hence hasty in moving the ventilator-dependent patients.

In group communication in the nursing profession, the start pattern form of communication is most suited. Huber (2013) writes that the star pattern has one leader recognized. Messages are centralized, hence a clear flow of information. Compared to the circle pattern communication, the information flow in the star pattern communication is quick and accurate. In the case study, the communicators were multiple. The information was not centralized, creating confusion in decision-making by the implementers of the program.

Problem Bearer

The bearer of the communication problem is the top management of Sunrise Hospital. The hospital did not create an effective environment for communication within the hospital. The interdisciplinary team led by Nurse Olivia Witte was in charge of the program of moving patients to home care. However, this information was not communicated to other organs that the sole decision-making organ is the interdisciplinary team. For example, the physicians flatly refused to follow designed programs by the nurse while the nurses were making independent decisions for pathway maintenance. The top management of the hospital failed to give clear directions of communication in implementing the program.

Solution for Nurse Olivia Witte

Nurse Olivia Witte has to provide communication leadership. Communication leadership helps in shaping an organization’s insightful communication culture devoid of confusion (Nagelkerk, 2005). Nurse Managers have to offer coordination in communication, especially in error-prone situations. Nurse Olivia Witte was faced with a communication crisis, where; information was not flowing in an organized direction. The physicians, the nurses, the dietary coordinators, and the Joint Commission were not giving coordinated information. Nurse Olivia Witte ought to design a communication system that is coordinated from a central point. The interdisciplinary team has to be the receivers of information from all organs and a source of important information to relevant groups at the home care center.

Effective Mode of Communication for Nurse Olivia Witte

The best communication mode to be used by Nurse Olivia Witte is the star pattern communication. Huber (2013) writes that this mode of communication is accurate and fast. The information is only intended for the leader of the group, who then communicates to the group members. In the case study, different groups of individuals are making independent decisions. This has created confusion for the ultimate decision-makers, and especially the disciplinary team led by Nurse Olivia Witte. There is a need to streamline communication if the home care program for ventilator-dependent patients is to be successful.

A good communication channel is an element of effective leadership (Nagelkerk, 2005). It is critical as it helps in relaying information accurately and fast for decision making. Star pattern communication, also known as autocratic or hub communication offers a direct flow of information. It flows from the leader to implementers, and implementers to the leader. In the case of Nurse Olivia Witte, information ought to flow from the organs of the hospital in charge of the program to her team for decision making. Then the information and the decisions should be communicated to the organs for implementation of the program.

Communication Structure for Clarity of Messages

Good communication must have three major components. These are the sender, the message, and the receiver (Huber, 2013). The sender drafts the message, and using an effective communication channel, sends the information to the receiver. The receiver acts on the information and using a communication channel, gives feedback to the sender. Communication is two-way.

Communication is two-way

Communication Element in an Effective Communication Channel

In developing an effective communication strategy, Nurse Olivia Witte has to communicate to implementers of the program. The nurses at the home care have to get appropriate information fast and first for decision making. Nurse Olivia Witte is the sender of information while the nurses are the receivers of information. However, the structure of communication is vertical. In the middle of the communication triangle are the physicians, the Joint Commission and the dietary representatives.

Leadership and Management Strategies for Nurse Olivia Witte

Nurse Olivia Witte has to possess critical leadership and management skills. Four of the most important elements in leadership and management are the cognitive, communication, negotiation and persuasion skills (Huber, 2013). There are several strategies that the nurse has to use for effective leadership. She must be able to create positive environment for the staff and patients to operate. She must be able to influence communication structures and its processes for effective decision making. She must have cognitive communication competency to have positive influence on the interdisciplinary team and other individuals in the program. Lastly, she must have proper negotiation and persuasion skills to influence and implement decisions.


Huber, D. (2013). Leadership and Nursing Care Management (5th Edition). Missouri: Elsevier Saunders.

Nagelkerk, J. (2005). Leadership and Nursing Care Management. Missouri: Elsevier Saunders.

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IvyPanda. (2022, April 15). Communication and Leadership Problem: Sunrise Hospital.

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"Communication and Leadership Problem: Sunrise Hospital." IvyPanda, 15 Apr. 2022,


IvyPanda. (2022) 'Communication and Leadership Problem: Sunrise Hospital'. 15 April.


IvyPanda. 2022. "Communication and Leadership Problem: Sunrise Hospital." April 15, 2022.

1. IvyPanda. "Communication and Leadership Problem: Sunrise Hospital." April 15, 2022.


IvyPanda. "Communication and Leadership Problem: Sunrise Hospital." April 15, 2022.

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