Recently, there has been a lot of progress made in the fields of special education and criminal justice. While proponents of school reform have stressed the importance of special education to their fight for universal access, advocates advocating criminal justice reform have highlighted the relevance of establishing restorative justice and addressing structural disparities (Anderson, 2020). This research explores the pros and cons of integrating special education and criminal justice curriculum.
Description of an Issue
The research analyses and categorizes the most effective methods for teaching students with special needs about the legal system. The inquiry will also make use of academic publications, journals, and articles of all kinds (Diliberti et al., 2019). ERIC, JSTOR, and Criminal Justice Abstracts are going to be utilized during the research. The conference highlights the significance of culturally sensitive and inclusive pedagogy.
Motivation for Selecting the Issue
When working with kids that have special needs, teachers are confronted with a number of obstacles, some of which include difficulties in communication and behavior, as well as academic deficits. These obstacles necessitate specialized assistance and inclusive teaching strategies for special education (Diliberti et al., 2019). Educators are able to create a more diverse and inclusive learning environment that is to the benefit of all students if they provide assistance and implement teaching practices that are inclusive of all students.
Preliminary Research Questions
Differentiated instruction, the use of visual aids, and individualized support are all tactics that can be useful for educating students with special needs in criminal justice courses. Students with processing difficulties can benefit from graphic organizers, whereas students with hearing impairments can benefit from audio recordings or closed captioning (Katic et al., 2020). Promoting social and communicative competence can also benefit from participation in peer support and cooperative learning groups.
Objection and Counter
The first argument against multigene projects is that they might not give pupils enough direction or organization. In response, multigene initiatives have a lot of space for structure and direction (Anderson, 2020). In reality, allowing students to investigate themes in a more meaningful and personal way through multigenre projects is a more engaging and successful approach of teaching standards and curricula.
Integrating special education within the criminal justice system could improve accountability and understanding of one’s actions. If they receive specialized education and care, students with special needs can learn the consequences of their actions and practice personal accountability (Katic et al., 2020). When given the assistance and accommodations they require, students with special needs are more likely to succeed in school.
Anderson, A. J. (2020). A qualitative systematic review of youth participatory action research for high schools in US. American Journal of Community Psychology, 65(1-2), 242-257. Web.
Basham, S. L., Radcliff, V. P., & Bryson, S. L. (2022). How to Write an Annotated Bibliography. Journal of Criminal Justice Education, 1-9. Web.
Diliberti, M., Jackson, M., Correa, S., & Padgett, Z. (2019). Crime, violence, discipline, and safety in us public schools: Findings from the School Survey on Crime and Safety: 2017-18. First Look. NCES 2019-061. National Center for Education Statistics. Web.
Katic, B., Alba, L. A., & Johnson, A. H. (2020). A systematic evaluation of restorative justice practices: School violence prevention and response. Journal of school violence, 19(4), 579-593. Web.
Parti, K., Robinson, R. A., Kohlmann, D., Virágh, E., & Varga-Sabján, D. (2023). Beyond obstacles: toward justice for victims of sexual violence in Hungary. a literature review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, 24(1), 203-217. Web.
Rodriguez, J. A., & Murawski, W. W. (2020). Special education law and policy: From foundation to application Plural Publishing. Web.