Education is a broad domain that has not been explained properly, and if it has, many people have not understood it fully. People have not focused on many other benefits of education due to their mediocre reasoning and understanding of the meaning of education. This has led to the introduction of new methods of acquiring education. This type of education is a unique one that has been accepted globally. (Dede, 1989)
However, on the sight of James Barzcz’s position, this distance learning cannot fulfill the true purpose of education. Education is the process of acquiring knowledge and change of moral character.
Distance learning mode of education, which is a kind of education that takes place when the teachers and the students are separated by space and time, does not entirely serve the purpose of education. There is mostly a gap between the two which is bridged through the use of modern technologies. Such technologies include audiotapes, video conferences, satellite broadcasting, and other online technologies.
The utilization of these technologies has disrupted the core importance of traditional education where there was the closeness of the teachers and the students.
The purpose of education is not the mechanistic acquisition of information, which is being deployed by the recent education systems. It is clear to many people that education should nurture character and moral development. Education of information from new technologies does not support this. It only encourages the literal acquisition of information which may enhance knowledge rather than character. Many people claim to be educated, yet their behavior and moral character do not support their claims. They have to acquire the information and become equipped with the proper instruments of exploitation. This is evidenced by the current and recent rampant uprisings in many states. People are now eager to explore information only to trample on the masses and the unprivileged. The dangerous criminals have emerged as people with information knowledge but no morals. (Dede, 1989)
Education is focused on training one to have critical, quick, resolute, and effective thinking. While distance learning applies the retrieval of information from the internet, the training of critical thinking is made to fade away. Access to information makes students get whatever they require. This makes them not nurture their brain thinking capacities. Thus, their thinking ability grows feeble day by day. Distance learning is ameliorating the lack of logical and scientific thinking in the majority of the students.
In summary, distance learning has distorted the purpose of education. It just exposes the students to information. Moreover, the environment in which some of these distance learning led to the acquisition of some of the information is dangerous to the community and societies. Therefore, it is wise to incline into education materials that give the full meaning of education of intelligence and character, which form the true education goal.
Dede, C. (1989): The evolution of distance learning, technology-mediated interactive learning.