At the early stages of childhood, children are not able to identify and control their emotions. Consequently, they react distinctly to display situations in accordance to their intensities and perspectives. The reactions expressed determine the message relayed to a child caretaker. However, regulation of emotions improves by the rise in the age of a child.
The middle stage of childhood allows children to control their emotional reactions. This implies that the child must not cry to refute an action. Instead, speaking and reasoning are incorporated when presenting the response. The emotions experienced during childhood are related to the environment in which a child grows. This essay will explore the emotions that children attain and experience when subjected to different emotions.
Extroverts and Introverts
Children exposed to outgoing parental treatments could become extroverts and sociable. Consequently, they make friend and sustain their happiness through interactions. The positive emotional skills are retrieved subconsciously from parents during daily shores. The child copies the moods and actions intimately. For instance, if a dependant mother is calm and tolerant to the husband, children could be less aggressive.
Additionally, the children could tolerate hardships in accordance to their mother’s tolerance. Consequently, the children could be highly tolerant when performing motherly duties. In reverse, children who are raised by mothers with direct exposure of negative emotions and vulnerability fail to succeed well in life. They are characterized by failure to identify emotions of friends. For instances, they do not note when they are making friend happy or sad.
The environments exposed to children determine the emotions established in their characters. What emotional differences would be expected between twins raised from two distinct families? Assuming one family is rich while the other one is poor, the response reactions and emotions would be significantly different.
Probably, the child growing in a wealthy family will have problems to tolerate and face hardships. The child will meet other happy children living under similar conditions. Consequently, the child will be happy, adventurous, and livelier than the twin brother. On the other hand, the child living under harsh conditions will face hardships, receive poor education and miss adventures. Although these attributes deny a child the opportunities to be outgoing, he could attain qualities of tolerance and perseverance.
Emotional Neglect
There exist childhood forces that retain their intimacy at adulthood. Apparently, these forces reduce the joyous activities that people would like to experience throughout their life. This feeling makes people feel separated and distinct from others. Parents could direct the emotional needs of their children to prevent emotional neglect.
Emotional neglect refers to an attribute where parents fail to address emotional requirements of their children. For instance, what if a pupil arrives home in an angry mood due to a discouragement he faced from field argument? The child could not be aware about the deep feelings and personal invalidation he faced. The future effects of this invalidation and discouragement could be influential to adulthood emotions.
Childhood emotions are fundamental attributes to adulthood personalities and characters. Children should receive close care to prevent negative emotional skills. This will help to arm individuals into becoming respectable and sociable in the society. Additionally, adults must be aware about the characters arising from their childhood. This knowledge could help them to modify the negative characters retrieved from childhood.