Aims of the modules
Engineering Science 1 is a course that is aimed at laying a foundation for the students that take different Engineering courses. It aims at equipping the students with the basic principles in Mathematics and Physics that are applicable to different fields of engineering like Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, Aeronautical, or Ship engineering.
The learning outcomes
- At the completion of the module, a student is supposed to have understood the basic mathematical concepts like fractions and the number line and is able to relate algebra to geometry; the student should be able to represent algebraic equations on some co-ordinate system and interpret what the graphical presentation means.
- The student should have learned the basic units of measurements that are used in engineering and from which the other units are derived.
- The student should have learned vector presentation in 2-dimension and in 3-dimensions, vector algebra, and the different vector quantities that are encountered in mathematics and physics.
- The students should have learned the force as an important vector quantity and the different types of force like friction that are very significant in mechanics. The student should be conversant with the various laws of motion and their implication. Pressure as a vector quantity should have been understood.
- The student should have learned the relationship between the center of gravity of an object and its stability.
- The student should have been introduced to basic concepts in electricity like resistance, current, capacitance, and inductance.
Course content
The module contains topics in Mathematics and Physics namely: Numbers, algebra, geometry, graphical equations, vectors, the motion of objects, friction, pressure, Current electricity 1, Basic units of measurement, and Centre of Gravity and Stability
Modes of assessment
The assessment consisted of Continuous Assessment Tests that accounted for 10% of the total score. There were a series of practicals that accounted for 20%. An exam at the end of the module accounts for 70% of the total score. The assessments are aimed at evaluating the student’s understanding of the concepts.
Teaching styles
The instructor provided the course outline and the schedule that would be adapted to the completion of the module. The instructor adopted a thematic approach to teaching mathematical concepts. The different units under the module were meant to demonstrate the mathematical fundamentals of mechanical and electrical systems and thus were supposed to revolve around one large area. The introductory units often have different applications but later converge to a common application.
In teaching the module, the instructor first taught the mathematical concept based on the provisions of the course content with little regard to the applications. The students were to understand the concepts in that simple context. Then the instructor brought in some real-life applications of the mathematical concepts that had been introduced. The applications were still distinct but provided an insight into the relevance of the concepts. The last stage module involved mathematical modeling that channeled the different applications towards a common entity.
Available resources
The college had materials in the library that were relevant to this module. However, the number of copies in the library was not sufficient to meet the demands of the many students taking this module as students from other modules also used the materials. The college also has an online library that is accessible by all the students in session. Besides, the instructor provided handouts and tutorials especially for the units that were not consolidated in most of the texts.
Number of students in each class
The module had a significantly large population of students. With 250 students registered for the module, the population was divided into two classes with 125 students each. The instructors also subdivided the classes into smaller groups for purposes of group discussions, group presentations, or practical activities. The groups comprised five to ten students depending on the individual abilities that had been identified.
Coverage of the course content
Despite the planned schedule that was provided at the beginning of the module, the whole content was not covered fully. The final stages were hurriedly covered to fix the content now that the end-of-module exams had been set. The last weeks of the module were characterized by a series of impromptu classes and voluminous handouts in a bid to clear the course content. The procedures that are essential for a new concept to be imparted were not followed and these last concepts were understood only by fast learners.
Table 2.1: Module Planning for Personal Development.
Table 2.2: Assignment/Project Planning for Personal Development.