Travelodge chain of hotels is among the notable success stories in the hospitality industry. From its humble beginnings in the United States, Travelodge has expanded to such other countries as Canada, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Australia and Spain (BBC par 3). It is important to note that the Travelodge brand is the same the world over.
However, in the various countries in which the hotel chain has a presence, its operations are independent of the mother company and therefore, unique. Within the UK hospitality industry, Travelodge has a considerable market share and hence it is among the leading chain of hotels in the country. Travelodge UK boasts of approximately twenty thousand bedrooms, in effect meaning that the hotel is among those with the highest capacity in the sector.
The services offered by Travelodge UK are at an affordable rate. This is with a view to encouraging an increasing number of individuals to travel and explore the UK. Because Travel lodge remains a market leader in the UK hospitality industry, the construction of a new container hotel facility is a clear demonstration of the commitment by the hotel’s management to providing customers with an improved quality of service.

Event management is an activity that has been in operation for a long time now. The fact that we now have an increasing number of events being organized every other day is a clear testament of the extent to which event management as an activity has become entrenched into our culture (Allen and Bowdin 56).
Some of the most common events that we are now more familiar with include games, festivals, concerts, meetings to political rallies. If at all the aforementioned events are to be properly executed, it is important to ensure that they are managed well.
In this case, the hospitality industry plays very important role in the success of such events. To start with, those attending such event find accommodation in hotels and resorts. Accordingly, the all important role played by hotels in the activity of events management cannot be underplayed.
The hotels also provide a platform for holding events. The success of any event is highly dependent on the planning process. In this case, the required resources in order to ensure that an event in question is held successfully, needs to be available prior to the commencement of such an event.
In managing events, sponsorship is very important. It should be noted that managing events is an expensive undertaking, both in monetary terms, and time wise (Oliver 102).
Sponsorship of an event does not just involve the raising funds for the events; rather, the marketing process of the actual event is yet another important undertaking that one needs to take into account. Finding the right sponsor(s), the choice of sponsor(s) and the management of marketing and commercials aspects of an event forms an integral part of event management exercise.
Every event has its goals and objective. Events are not just ends by themselves. They are mainly used to pass a certain message. Where a group of people have converged, this acts as a valuable opportunity to pass the desired message.
The ability to wrap up a particular message with a given activity in an event is what actually differentiates a successful event from an unsuccessful one (Raj, Walters and Rashid 78). The theme of an event should not be overshadowed by the activities involved. Instead, we need to ensure that each activity in an event bears the intended message.
The idea of container hotels is a new concept in the hospitality industry. By definition, container hotels are hotels constructed from containers. The new concept has developed as a result of a number of challenges experienced that have faced the hospitality industry. In spite of increase in the number of hotels in the world, the market is still large enough, meaning that the existing facilities have not grown in tandem with the increasing market.
In this case, a large market still exists as the available lodges and hotels are hardly enough to accommodate the growing demands of the hospitality industry. Some of the major challenges experienced in hospitality industry include the high costs incurred while putting up hotels and long duration of time required constructing hotels.
Container hotels are a new concept that represents hotels of the future. Prior prepared containers are bolted together to make a hotels, a concept referred by experts as ecological building (BBC News par 6). Container hotels are less costly to construct. They also take less time to construct in comparison with the conventional hotels and still provide the desired quality of service just like the other hotels. Moreover, the hotels are also ecologically friendly as the containers can be easily dismantled.
Futuristic Fashions, slated to be held at Travelodge hotel, shall be a fashion show featuring fashion for the future. In this event, fashion designers are invited to future design fashions. The organizers of this event remind participants on the importance of being innovative in their design of current and future fashion issues.
Historically, the field of fashion design has been quite dynamic. New fashions are full of complexity and they try to address new issues facing the world. Fashion designers from all parts of the world have been invited to participate in this event. The event will allow designers to address various issues through their designs. Apart from the attendants, the event will also target television audience.
Theme of the Event
The theme of the event will be futuristic fashions. The event will aim at allowing designers present their fashions. The designers will be invited to think creatively and see beyond today in developing their designs. The 21st century is considered a century of great discovery and innovation (The Greens par 3).
The world is constantly changing as a result of new developments each day. Therefore, challenges are the main motivation towards innovation. Many innovators are motivated by the challenges that they have to overcome in their lives or by the problems surrounding them (Bramwell 67).
Innovation is usually viewed as a tool for liberation and hence, a tool that makes life much easier. Advancement in both technology and knowledge has allowed people to predict and imagine the future. The phrase “futuristic” has now become very common. Futuristic music, futuristic art, futuristic transport system and futuristic cities are only some of attempts to imagine the future.
The challenges that we face today remains the main motivating factors towards innovation and creativity. Some of the challenges that we are faced with in the world today include depletion of natural resource, environment degradation and a growth in the global population. To address the issue of scarce resources and the effects this has on the environment, the concept of sustainability has been developed. Sustainability is concerned with responsible use of natural resources.
The goal here is to utilize the available resources in such a manner as not to compromise future generations. It is important to note here that the Container hotel model is a move toward sustainability (BBC News par 7). The hotel is constructed using containers that have been bolted together. These containers can easily be dismantled. This implies that a hotel constructed in this manner could easily be relocated from one venue to another.
Furthermore, the containers used for constructing the hotel can be reused for shipment. The containers could also be melted to make something else. Therefore, container hotels are a success in sustainability in hospitality resources. The design saves on construction of a hotel. The containers are prepared separately and only brought together during construction. This not only save cost but also reduce the duration of time required to put up a hotel.
Container hotels are a reflection of the future hotels and homes. The future hotels have to take note of scarcity of construction resources and space. High mobility of people in the world also calls for designs that allow homes to be easy to relocate. Futuristic fashions will raise people’s interest on creativity. They will also be able to imagine the future and in the process feel comfortable with container hotel model.
Travelodge Marketing objective
Travelodge market itself as a budget hotel. The hotel’s intention is to provide affordable hotel services to its clients. One of the regrettable challenges the hotel have experienced in the past have been overbooking. Among other reasons, high demand for the hotels affordable services had led to overbooking in some occasions. The new container hotel model thus aims at helping the hotel meet the high demand for its services.
The design ensures efficient utilization of available space. Moreover, the design reduces cost considerable helping the hotel save a lot of money. Travelodge hotel is well known as leader in innovation. In many years of operation, the hotel has been dedicated to using innovation and creativity in providing services to its customers. The fashion show event will therefore help the company market its new container hotel.
Through this event, customer will be booked into the container rooms, giving them opportunity to experience the convenience of the new rooms. By doing this, the customers will have a first hand experience on suitability and comfort of the new design. It is highly expected that the fashion show will help market the hotel.
Positioning of Travelodge from the event
The event will position the hotel as progressive and innovative. There has been increase interest in innovation across the globe. People are interested in companies that meet their needs in a different way (Tum, Norton and Wright 104). Futuristic fashions will call for a lot of innovation and creativity from the designers.
The fashions may range from those that address environmental issues to those that can be used in space. Container design will also be portrayed and innovative way of solving current problems in the world. Thus, the hotel will be viewed as future hotel and environmentally friendly. As many people are concerned over environmental conservation; the event will portray the hotel as environmentally conscious.
Sponsorship brings benefits to both the sponsors and the event (Berkowitz 47). In planning an event, sponsors are chosen depending on the benefits to be derived. On the other hand, potential sponsors to an event such as government media and corporate evaluate the benefits they would get by sponsoring an event (Raj, Walters and Rashid 105).
Thus, events sponsoring bring mutual benefits to both sides. By choosing a good sponsor, event managers can attract participants and audiences and be able to get enough revenue. On the other hand, government sponsor may aim at passing certain information in form of public awareness. In such a case, the government sponsors should target events that will attract public attention. Corporate with commercial reasons pursue events that will give them commercial benefits.
Despite the benefits that attract sponsorship, event managers have the responsibility of controlling the sponsorship (Bramwell 33). The purpose and integrity of events should not be compromised by the benefits. Events that are attractive to sponsors may lead to unhealthy competition. Sponsors to the futuristic fashions will be invited and selected appropriately. Environmentally conscious organizations will be most appropriate as sponsors to the event.
Media plan
Media plays a very significant role in success of an event. The media help to raise awareness over an event and communicate intended message. Public awareness over an event determines how people would participate in an event. Theme of an event should be elaborate in a media presentation.
It should prepare participants on what to expect from an event. For this event, television and radio advertisements will be used. The television and radio adverts shall be run concurrently. Appropriate media houses will be identified to carry the adverts. Both local and international media will be used in order to reach the hotels wide market world over.
Works Cited
Allen, G and Bowdin, J. Event management. London: Elsevier, 2006. Print.
BBC News. Shipping container hotel built. 2008. Web.
Berkowitz, T. Event Sponsorship. Rochester Business Journal, 2.3(2008):54.
Bramwell, B. Strategic Planning before and after a mega-event. Tourism Management, 18. 3(2008).
Oliver, I. Event Planning. New York: Lulu. 2008. Print.
Raj, R., Walters, P., Rashid, T. Event Management: An Integrated and practical approach. New York: SAGE Publications Ltd, 2008. Print.
The Greens. Futuristic Fashions. 2010. Web.
Tum, J., Norton P and Wright, N. Management of event operations. London: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2006. Print.