Food Contamination and Adulteration: Environmental Problems, Food Habits, Way of Cultivation Research Paper

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The purity of food and drinks is often left carelessly in today’s fast moving world. Food contamination and adulteration is a subject that deserves great attention and studies. The reasons for food contamination and adulteration are connected with different issues like environmental problems, new food habits, modern way of cultivation etc. The purpose of this essay is to explain reasons for different kinds of food contamination and adulteration, harmful contaminants and adulterants and the diseases caused by the usage of those substances, prevention of food contamination and adulteration etc.

Food contamination

The world has begun to pay attention for an emerging health related issue that is food contamination. Generally, the carriers of the problem are bacteria, parasites and virus that cause sickness such as stomach upset, vomiting, diarrhea, fever and dehydration. There are a number of sources to get the food contaminated. They are raw materials and ingredients used in the food, impure water, air congested with dust, soil, garbage and sewage, rodents, insects, food handlers, materials used to pack up the food, animals and birds. The major food contaminations are divided into four kinds. They are environmental, bacterial, fungal and chemical.

  1. Environmental: Food gives sufficient nutrients to microorganisms and it may get contaminated through different process like harvesting, processing, distribution and preparation. Water pollution is a major reason for increase in food contamination. The main cause of water pollution is industrialization and various environmental studies show that there is an increased prevalence of transmission of virus through water in industrialized countries. Today all the springs and rivers are contaminated with pharmaceutical, toilet and factory wastes. “Nearly 40 percent of bottled water is simply repackaged tap water. What’s more, there’s no government agency testing bottled water contamination from known hazards such as bacteria, synthetic contaminants, or heavy metals.” (Water Contaminants? Bottled Water No Help para 3). Soil is polluted due to pesticides that are used to destroy insects and it is distributed by the wind throughout the soil. In this way the pesticides may be infiltrated to groundwater, rivers and lakes.
  2. Bacterial: There are numerous bacteria affecting food poisoning and there are some bacteria which are responsible for the ninety percentage of the food contamination. The bacteria are present in the raw materials of food and it can be prevented through proper cooking and not allowing them growing. Staphylococcus aureus is a bacterium that produces toxin which leads to the illness and it can grow in the room temperature. Salmonella is also a bacterium which is related to protein food like eggs, flesh and fish and these food items get contaminated in low temperature. Clostridium perfringens is a bacterium that grows in soil, dust, animals and man. When we eat clostridium perfringens containing food, it produces a high amount of toxin in the intestine and it causes illness. Vibrio parahaemolyticus is another type of bacterium that grows in a sea atmosphere where salt is found more. Therefore, these bacteria can be seen abundantly in sea foods. Bacillus cereus is a bacterium that lives in soil and dust. Listeria monocytogenes is a type of bacterium which can grow in low temperature and hot temperature. It causes illness in persons. Yersinia enterocolitica, Campylobacter jejuni and Enteropathogenic Escherichia coli are also some of the bacteria that cause illness.
  3. Fungal: Mycotoxines are fungal food contaminants that are present in dietary components and crops. High amount of mycotoxines affects the immunity power. Aflatoxin B1 is a fungal contaminant that causes damage to seeds. Tremor syndrome is related to fungal toxin which is a food contaminant. Some items of food which are not contaminated are chocolate, sugar, salt, fresh bread, sponge cake, juices such as pineapple, orange, apple, grape etc.
  4. Chemical: There are organic and inorganic chemicals that contaminate the food. The inorganic chemicals are heavy metal such as lead, mercury, arsenic cadmium and sulfur. Mercury contains in sea foods and fish is contaminated by the waste of industries. Whoever eat mercury-containing fish have the possibility of developing damage in central nervous system. Lead causes to behavioral abnormalities in persons. Water is contaminated by a large amount of lead. There is only rare chance of getting contaminated by cadmium. The organic chemicals are pesticides and other industrial chemicals. DDT and PCBs are the dangerous two pesticides that are responsible for environmental contamination. There are chemicals which are manufactured for industrial purposes and there is a possibility of getting contaminated with the food that is very hazardous for health.

Health problems and food contaminants

Toxicants are main food contaminants that affect human health. There are toxicants created by industry and formed naturally. Toxicants get inside the food in the processes of manufacturing, storage and transportation. Some of the contaminants are industrial toxicants, polybrominated biphenyls, polychlorinated biphenyls and dibenzofurans. “Characteristic toxic manifestations in the affected population included choracne, hyper pigmentation, subcutaneous facial edema, cheese like discharge from eyes, swelling of eye lids, transient visual disturbances, hyperemia of conjunctiva, and hearing difficulty.” (Peshin, Lall and Gupta 194). There are higher risks of liver cancer and reproductive problems due to toxicants. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons are carcinogenic food contaminants. It is produced through tobacco smoking, burning of rubber and coal, emission of automobile engines etc. Food contamination of polycyclic hydrocarbons occurs through air, water and cooking. Soybean, coconut, cotton seed, sunflower are edible oils which are contaminated by polycyclic hydrocarbons. Wax paper used in the covering of eatable things is contaminated with it. The major health problems in association with oil contaminants are lethargy, breathlessness, diarrhea, glaucoma, burning of eyes, vomiting and cardiovascular manifestations. Monosodium glutamate is a food contaminant which causes chest pain, vomiting and head ache. Minimata is a disease due to the emission of mercury into Minamata bay and the effects of this disease are brain damage, deafness and cognitive problems. So also, the various diseases among children caused by mercury which is a metal food contaminant are profound mental disorder, cerebral palsy and tremors. The important metal food contaminants are arsenic, Aluminum, Copper, Iron, Lead, Tin and Zinc. Arsenic contaminates water and develops the possibility of peripheral neuropathy and skin cancer. Magnesium is a metal food contaminant which causes motor neuron disease. The three groups of fungal toxins which are food contaminants are Aspergillus, Fusarium and Penicillium. These funguses can be with oil seeds, vegetables, dry fruits and milk. Microorganisms also cause food contamination and it results in various health problems such as diarrhea, vomiting, abdominal pain and fever.

Cancer and food contaminants

It is proven that more incidences of cancer cases are found in certain geographical area. There is a relation between life style and the incidence of cancer. Food pattern also is a precipitating factor to the development of cancer. There are four important carcinogenic groups that might contaminate food. They are polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, mycotoxins, heterocyclic amines and N-nitroso compounds. There are carcinogenic compounds which contaminate food naturally and they are estragole, cycasin and safrole. Plants take up a lot of minerals and gases from soil like nitrate, molybdenum. So also, growing plants near the industries would take up waste expelled from the industries. Those who eat the fruits of these plants also have the possibility of getting the same minerals which are dangerous for health. There was a report on carcinogens by United Nations toxology program which have graded the cancer risks for humans. “Contaminants with the highest level of evidence include aflatoxin, alcoholic beverages, 2, 3, 7, 8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin. Agents with a moderate level of evidence include acetaldehyde, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, some nitrosamines, and yerba mate. Agents with a low level of evidence include bracken fern, fumonsin B(1), ochratoxin, and others.” (Carcinogenic Food Contaminants para 1).

Neurological disorders and food contaminants

Food contaminants affect the functions of the brain. The environmental chemicals that are received through food, water, air and soil are hazardous for the health of individuals. Endosulfan is a food contaminant pesticide which causes neurological disorders. It creates developmental problems, reproductive problems and sexual immaturity. It is a dangerous pesticide used for cotton, vegetables, fruits, coffee and tea. “Endosulfan related deaths and debilitation have included thirty-seven farmers dying in Benin, two boys dead in South Africa, flower workers poisoned in Colombia, and villagers in Philippines and India poisoned by the toxic pesticide.” (Endosulfan around the World para 1).

The organic and inorganic chemicals lead to the development of neurological disorders.

Abortion and food contaminants

Despite a number of causes for abortion, bacterial cause is vital among them. Salmonellae is a food contaminant bacterium that leads to abortion. And also, a number of food contaminants get into our stomach through food. Today there are organic and inorganic chemicals which are food contaminants due to the emission of industrial wastage. There is a possibility of getting these contaminants through different means. It is hazardous for the pregnant ladies since it affects the health of the fetus.

Brain damage and food contaminants

The major food of the brain is oxygen. The chemical compounds such as carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide etc, hamper the process of the brain since it lacks the amount of oxygen. It causes many of the neurological problems. These chemical compounds spread in the water and soil through rain and they enter to the food we take. The higher risk groups are pregnant ladies and children.

“Lead encephalopathy occurs chiefly in children, has a significant mortality rate, and causes severe permanent brain damage in 25% of survivors. Encephalopathy in adults is rare and usually results from consumption of led contaminated illicit liquor.” (Mahindru 191).

Developmental problem and food contaminants

The toxic food contaminants cause developmental and behavioral problems in children. The toxicants can lead to mental retardation. The use of Endosulfan for the vegetables and other agricultural purposes has become a grave reason for the developmental and behavioral problem of the children who stay near to the Endosulfan affected area. There are so many incidences of Endosulfan in Kerala which is one of the states in India. The children in most of the families who live aside of agricultural field used Endosulfan have developmental problems. There are a number of children who are mentally retarded in that area. This means the chemical substance used for agricultural purpose makes the food and atmosphere polluted. So also there are so many incidences of chemicals affecting the people throughout the world.

“Among dietary factors, learning and behavior are influenced not only by nutrients, but also by exposure to toxic food contaminants such as mercury that can disrupt metabolic processes and alter neuronal plasticity. Neurons lacking in plasticity are a factor in neuron developmental disorders such as autism and mental disorders.” (Dufault et al. para 1).

Mortality and morbidity rate due to food poisoning

An enormous number of people die due to food contamination and adulteration throughout the world. This number of mortality and morbidity is more in industrialized countries. The United States is more affected by food contamination and adulteration. The steps to avoid food poisoning have been taken. The air and water pollutants are responsible for today’s most of the environmental problems. If this problem is left without framing any steps to overcome, the consequence will be more increasing death of a mass number of people. “The morbidity rate of Food Poisoning was increasing from 113.6 per hundred thousand population in 1994 to 225 per hundred thousand population in 2001, and markedly decreased to 67.79 per hundred thousand population in 2003. However, the mortality rate was reported to decrease from 0.02 per hundred thousand population in 1994 to 0 per hundred thousand population in 2003.” (Food Contamination Monitoring and Food Borne Disease Surveillance at National Level para 25).

Pollution and food contamination

Food can be contaminated in various ways. Industry and vehicles are the main factors through which the food and air are polluted. The major gasses emitted by industries and vehicles are carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons and nitrogen oxides. Carbon monoxide is toxin gas which does not have taste and color. It is poison that is emitted being burned organic matter with inadequate supply of oxygen and it causes headache, depression, confusion, memory loss and heart problems. It affects the fetus and central nervous system badly. Sulfur dioxide is a chemical compound produced by volcanoes and industrial emissions. It also causes acid rain. Acid rain spreads this chemical compound everywhere and soil, plants and water are polluted. Chlorofluorocarbon is a chemical compound containing carbon, fluorine and chorine and refrigerants are mainly responsible for the production of this chemical. It is emitted by large vehicles and industries into the air and hampers the existence of stratosphere. Through water and soil it enters food. Nitrogen oxide is a chemical compound of nitrogen and oxide and it is produced by the combustion of fuels in the industrial process, high temperature oxidation and when coal is burnt which is a high source of nitrogen.

Water is polluted by heavy metals, petrochemicals, bacteria and chloroform. Sewage and fertilizers are also water contaminants. Petrochemicals are produced from the raw material of petroleum. It spreads to the water and the overabundance of this kills a large amount of fishes and other water creatures. Heavy metals are also dangerous to the health of the people. Heavy metals are lead, copper, silver, mercury etc. These are the organic chemicals that spread in the food we take each day. There are so many bacteria which are responsible for food contamination, such as Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella, Clostridium perfringens, Vibrio parahaemolyticus, and Listeria monocytogenes. Chloroform is a compound of chlorine and methane and it is produced for industrial purpose. This is also a hazardous compound in the protection of health. The soil gets polluted with the same chemical compound through rain and wind.

Food adulteration

One of the definitions for food adulteration is “act of intentionally debasing the quality of food offered for sale either by the admixture or substitution of inferior substances or by the removal of some valuable ingredient.” (Food Adulteration para 1).

Adulterants are added to food mainly for the purpose of increasing quantity, taste, color, etc. The removal of necessary contents from food item also comes under the definition of adulteration. Even though adulterants are widely used, only those causing serious threat to human health come under our discussions. Addition of some foreign substances to food items even if profitable for the trader would not be much harm to consumer. Addition of water to milk is an example for this. But, consequences of addition of some chemical substances cause serious diseases. The artificially colored sand and exhausted leaves that are used in tea powders cause serious health issues like cancer. Other than chemicals, there are so many naturally derived substances that can cause many diseases. Main problem with these kinds of substances is it is not necessary to add the names of these substances in the ingredient label. ”What I find interesting is if an additive is animal derived, it needs not be stated on the ingredient label, leaving vegetarians stuck unknowingly consuming products that they are ethically opposed to.” (24 Potentially Harmful Food Additives para 6).

Substances that enhance color and flavor of food

Chloropropanols, Potassium Bromate, Diacetyl, Sodium nitrate and nitrite etc are some of the main harmful substances used in food items to increase color and flavor.

Chloropropanols: It has been banned in countries like, Canada, UK etc. FDA has recommended to the US Government to ban food items that contain this substance. It is more common in Asian food items.

Potassium Bromate: It is a substance that is added to flour. It doesn’t do much harm to health. So governments have not banned its usage yet. It is used to get a uniform consistency for the flour.

Diacetyl: It is commonly used while preparing pop cones. Main consequence of usage of this chemical is lung disease. The consumers of pop cones as well as the employees working in the field of pop cone production are the victims of this kind of diseases. When it began to become a serious issue, many companies started to give up the usage of this chemical.

Sodium nitrate: This chemical is used with meats to keep it fresh. It also helps to preserve the color of meat. It is widely used in hot dogs and fried bacon. This chemical combines with the acid in stomach and forms nitrosamines, which causes cancer.

Citrous red 2, Red dye #3, FD&C Blue #1, FD&C Green #3, Tartrazine, FD&C Yellow #6, FD&C Yellow #6, Ferrous Gluconate etc are examples for other important colorants that are used in fruits and other food items.

Harmful preservatives

Preservatives are used to prevent the damage of food items. Most food additives are designed to improve food safety and have been authorized by health officials to be used in this manner. Food preservation has been in practice for centuries. Smoke, salt and vinegar have all been added to foods in the past to retard or limit the growth of food contaminates. Without preservatives, much of our food could not be safely consumed.” (Degraff para 1). Most of the preservatives are used as antioxidants and prevent oxidation of contents in food items. Some other preservatives work as anti microbials. They are used to prevent bacteria and fungi. We cannot say all preservatives are dangerous to health. But, there are some preservatives that act as harmful substances for health. Preservatives that act as anti microbials can kill almost all kinds of bacteria. But, there are certain types of bacteria that participate in our digestive processes. Killing of these bacteria can cause imbalance in our digestive system. Some of the commonly used harmful food preservatives are, BHT and BHA: Butylated Hydroxytoluene and Butylated Hydroxyanisole are two commonly used preservatives. These substances cause many allergic diseases. It also becomes the reason for kidney failure, dental diseases etc.

Aluminum compounds: Commonly, aluminum bottles are used to keep soft drinks safe. There are many other food items that are supplied using the protection of aluminum covers. Usage of aluminum crockery also leads to consumption of this element in massive amount. Aluminum causes many brain related diseases. Monosodium glutamate (MSG): Some food items have unpleasant smell. MSG is widely used to get pleasant smell to these kinds of food items.

Usage of pesticides is another important reason for adulteration of food items. These substances are used to avoid unwanted plants and insects that grow in fields. Some substances which are used as pesticides can harm even breast milk. The main victims of pesticides are infants. There are strong pesticides that can cause many health hazards.

Color additives and preservatives, pestisides etc are added to food items with certain intentions. But, there are some adulterants which are added to food items unintentionally. Bisphenol A, Benzene, Methyl mercury etc are some of the commonly found adulterants that are not added by Human with any particular intention.

Bisphenol A: This substance causes many serious diseases like breast cancer. Obesity is another result of consumption of this substance. It is a main ingredient in packaged food, baby bottles etc.

Benzene: It is found with many soft drinks. After finding contents of benzene in some soft drinks, many people had come forward demanding ban on such soft drinks.

Methyl mercury: This substance can cause serious health issues in human beings. Presence of methyl mercury is commonly found in fishes. Study shows that we consume only small amount of Methyl mercury when we eat fishes and it is not that harmful. But, some large fishes contain too much Mehyl mercury and the possibilities are, therefore, its large amount of consumption while we make those fishes as our food.

Prevention of food contamination and adulteration

Contaminated food and water are the medium for bacteria to enter inside our body. These bacteria are the main cause of food born illnesses. In many cases, only after getting affected by the diseases people come to know that the food was contaminated. Lack of personal hygiene habits is the common reason for entering of bacteria in our body with food. Employees working in the area of food production also need to give great care. Personal hygiene includes proper cleaning of hands, finger nails etc. Fruits are the main food items that carry pesticides and bacteria inside. That is why people are advised to consume them only after proper cleaning. But, mere washing would not remove the bacteria which are inside those fruits. It is better to use dried fruits as chances are lesser to bacteria and insects to occupy inside them. People are reluctant to consume fruits after drying them. It is because people think that the quality of fruits will be lost when they get dried. But, many studies have revealed that drying of fruits will enhance its natural quality. Indeed, nutrients are also preserved then. Vegetables also can be used after drying. Food items should be cleaned well before they are dried. There are proper scientific ways of drying fruits and vegetables. If those ways are used well, it is possible to prevent contamination of fruits and vegetables at least to some extent.

Giving excess heat to food items is another way of making them free from bacteria. Still there are chances for some kind of micro organisms to remain in food. Their genetic structure helps them to overcome even extreme unfavorable conditions. In case of bacteria, some of them are seen as vegetative and some others in the form of spore. In vegetative state they cannot survive extreme temperature; then they have the ability to take the form of spore which can overcome any temperature. Indeed, they can speed up reproduction in the state of spore. They can again come back to vegetative state when conditions become favorable. The ways we follow to keep food material away from infection of bacteria have limitations. So, preventing bacteria from entering into food material should be the first priority. Preservation of meat is also possible by following scientific ways. Removal of air and overcooking is very necessary to make meat contaminant-free. Scientific methods of preservation are not only for these food items. There are lots of different methods for preserving various other food items. Canning is one effective way of preserving meat; vegetables, fruits etc. “Boil the ears of corn for ten minutes after the boil begins. Remove from the water and cut all the kernels from the cobs. Put a layer of the corn in the bottom of a jar, and cover thickly with a layer of salt. Put in another stratum of corn, then more salt, until the jar is full – having the top layer of salt.” (Canned Vegetables. Continued para 3).

Awareness should be created among the public about the problems that occur because of food adulteration and the requirement of surveillance on the issue. Food processing companies should observe the agencies which supply their products, because food adulteration happens also when there is carelessness while transporting them from one place to another. Frequent inspection is another way of controlling deliberate food adulteration.

Usage of color additives and preservatives cannot be banned by rules. But, there are rules to control the usage of harmful color additives. Variety of colorants is used in candy, chewing gum etc. Children are the main consumers of these kinds of food items. The rules should be made stronger to control the usage of harmful colorants and preservatives.

Massive usage of pesticides causes serious health issues. Some of the diseases caused by pesticides can affect breast milk. So, there are possibilities for transferring the disease generation to generation. So, there is no way other than banning these kinds of strong pesticides. Harmless or naturally derived pesticides can replace these chemicals.

As water pollution is the main reason for food contamination, effective measures should be taken to make sure public uses pure water for drinking and cooking food. As people consume food from restaurants there should a powerful system to monitor the working of restaurants. Appropriate rules should be made to avoid harmful substances from popular dishes.


Water pollution and other environmental pollution play great roles in making food contaminated. It is almost impossible to prevent food contamination without stopping these kinds of pollution. There are many difficulties in completely avoiding pesticides and other substances from cultivation of fruits, vegetables, food grains etc. But, when these kinds of substances cause serious health hazards like cancer, the necessity of finding alternative solutions increases. Usage of color additives are increasing day by day as new kinds of colorful food products are introduced in the market. All these things point to the need for changing our food habit. An ultimate change in our lifestyle is necessary to tackle food contamination and adulteration.

Works Cited

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Carcinogenic Food Contaminants. Making Medical Research Available to Everyone. 2007. Web.

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Mahindru, S. N. Food Contaminants: Origin, Propagation and Analysis. APH Publishing. 2004. Print.

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