Foods held at improper temperatures
Improper temperatures allow bacteria to grow fast. These bacteria are responsible for foodborne illnesses like salmonellosis, E. coli Infection, campylobacteriosis, and cholera among others. Short-term corrective measure involves keeping all foods out of the ‘Danger Zone’ (40 °F and 140 °F). Food should not be out of refrigeration for more than two hours. Hot food should stay hot at 140 °F or above, and cold food should stay cold at 40 0F or below (temperature control). Long-term measure includes temperature control at 40 °F or below, or 140 °F or above. Foods also require re-heating until they steam or become hot within two hours.
Foods cooled improperly
This can cause bacterial infections. Short-term measure includes cooling the food fast to 40 °F or below. Long-term intervention includes avoiding the ‘Danger Zone’. This involves keeping the food refrigerated at 40 °F or below.
Improper hand-washing procedures
This can cause various foodborne diseases as viruses and bacteria multiply fast in less than 20 minutes. Short-term and long-term measures include proper hand-washing procedures. This includes rubbing all parts of the hands, thorough rinsing and drying.
Bare-hand contact with ready-to-eat foods
This is responsible for transmissions of bacteria and viruses which cause foodborne diseases. Short-term and long-term inventions involve avoiding a bare-hand contact with ready-to-eat foods. Therefore, employees should use barriers like spoons, tongs, gloves, and papers.
Foods bagged improperly
This can give pests access to food and enhance the growth and spread of bacteria. Intervention should focus on proper food storage techniques such as using jars. Employees should use bags that cannot burst when moving stored food.
Employee food left on prep table
This can cause a quick growth and spread of bacteria. Short-term intervention includes disposing leftovers immediately. Long-term measure entails training employees on proper handling of food during preparation.
Debris on the floor of a walk-in freezer
Debris can cause growth of bacteria and viruses, and attract pests. Short-term intervention involves immediate cleaning of the floor while long-term intervention entails keeping the floor clean at all times.
Rice stored under dirty drainboard
Dirt from the drainboard may spill into the stored rice and spread harmful bacteria that cause foodborne diseases. Rice should not be kept under the dirty drainboard. Drainboard should always stay clean and dry.
Employee used only hand sanitizer upon entering food area after leaving restroom
This can cause the spread of bacteria from the restroom. The employee should practice proper hand hygiene that involves thorough washing of hands with anti-bacterial soaps and drying the hands afterwards. The employee can then use sanitizer when entering food area.
Foods processed without approval
These foods may not meet quality standards set by heath officials and harbor dangerous ingredients. Short-term and long-term measures involve removing such foods from restaurants until they get approvals for processing foods.
Facility operating without valid health permit
The facility can distribute adulterated and contaminated foods, which are responsible for most foodborne diseases. Short-term and long-term interventions involve stopping operation until the business acquires valid health permit to enhance safety and hygienic food preparation, protect buyers from illicit foods, and prevent foodborne illnesses.
Hand sink used to thaw fish
Hand sink may have warm water responsible for growths and spread of bacteria. Employees should not thaw fish in warm water. They can thaw food in refrigerator, a microwave oven and cold running water.