Gender Jihad: A Struggle Against the Exploitation of Islamic Women Essay

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The article I used was written by Danny Wood for BBC News entitled “Islam feminists urge gender jihad”. The article discussed the focus of the International Congress on Islamic Feminism, on the gender equality struggle in Islamic countries. This struggle involves contesting the chauvinist interpretations of Muslim teachings. The unequal or lesser regard and treatment for women as opposed to the conditions of men do not originate from the exact teachings of the Koran, but these actions are results of interpretations of the laws of Islam. Islam in no way promotes the oppression of women. There are several causes for this disregard for the rights of women and there are likewise several solutions or remedies. The article, through comments from different people discusses these causes and solutions.


Muslim women are advocating Islam feminism or a gender jihad as a step towards uplifting the human rights of Muslim women and to lessen, if not totally eradicate injustices and exploitation directed at them. Jihad means to struggle in the way of God or to struggle for the improvement of one’s self or society. This is precisely what the Islam feminists want to do. They are struggling for gender equality in Muslim communities and they are fighting to counter the distorted interpretations of the teachings of Islam regarding the treatment and status of women in Muslim society.

The predominant notion in determining the root cause of gender inequality in Muslim communities is that the practice was basically derived from the doctrines of Koran. This is greatly refuted by those who are really educated in the Koran and the Islam feminists who have carefully reviewed the doctrines to stay true to their cause. The misinterpretation that Islam is a chauvinist religion is doing a great disservice not only to the religion itself, but to the women of Islam. People who have long been exposed and who were born with this misconception will most likely assimilate it into their system, thereby passing it on to other family members and those outside the household. People will not only believe it, but they will practice it if they observe that it is the way of life in their community. This chauvinistic notion of Islam will be embedded into the culture of the society and thus will continue to thrive unless it is broken severely.

The main cause of the unjust treatment of women under the Islam religion is the distortion of the doctrines of women in the Koran which was upheld and practiced by the older people and passed on to the next generations. It is not a matter of the young being educated in such a manner but it is the influence of the family that molds their minds and dictates their responses. If a boy sees that his father mistreats his mother and that his mother does not do anything about it but allows the exploitation, the boy will grow up thinking that there is nothing wrong with what the father did or continuously does. The boy did not see resistance from the mother, nor did he see any negative reaction from the mother after the mistreatments. This will form a mindset in the boy that there is no problem and it is accepted when men hurt women. The same is true for a young girl. A young girl who experienced the same thing and does not see any resistance from the mother will grow up thinking that like her mother, she will experience the same when she grows up and there is nothing wrong with it. This kind of exposure to the unjust treatment of women at home breeds a continuous culture of gender inequality and a very poor perception of women’s rights and their role in society.

Men who wish to continue their harsh treatment of women will always hide behind the Koran and will use it as their defense. This is a privilege that they have enjoyed and that they cannot just let go that easily. As long as Islam men and women remain less knowledgeable about the real contents and doctrines of the Koran and what Islam really represents, these men or certain groups will prosper. To stop this, it entails initiatives to learn more about the true teachings of Islam and avoid second hand interpretations.

The primary solution to ending gender inequality problems in Muslim communities lies in the empowerment of Muslim women. Empowerment through education is the strongest force to battle exploitation of women. Women who are educated possess more knowledge, awareness of their rights, confidence and power to uphold their dignity. They are more adept in identifying problems and addressing issues. They value self-worth more than those who have not experienced any form of education. Education likewise places women in better positions in the household. Educated women most of the time hold good jobs that provide for financial needs of the family. This financial capability adds to the rights of the women in decision-making at home. Education gives women independence from men because they can support and provide for themselves and even their children. Financial dependence is at times the main cause of exploitation of women as men get away with doing things due to the fact that the women cannot financially survive without them. Proper education eradicates this.

At the grassroots level, women should be made aware of their rights. The advocacy should start in families where the true teachings of Koran and how Islam regards women should be learned and taken by heart. If women continue to believe that they deserve the ill treatment that they are getting from men, then men and children will likewise believe so. Men who have been used to mistreating women will not take the initiative to stop these actions because they get satisfaction out of it which may be through principle or emotion. It is the women who should learn to value their physical, mental, emotional and spiritual self. They should fight for their human rights and they should struggle against oppression. Gender jihad is the way to go.

Work Cited

Wood, Danny. “Islam feminists urge gender jihad.”2005. BBC News. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2021, September 1). Gender Jihad: A Struggle Against the Exploitation of Islamic Women.

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"Gender Jihad: A Struggle Against the Exploitation of Islamic Women." IvyPanda, 1 Sept. 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Gender Jihad: A Struggle Against the Exploitation of Islamic Women'. 1 September.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Gender Jihad: A Struggle Against the Exploitation of Islamic Women." September 1, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "Gender Jihad: A Struggle Against the Exploitation of Islamic Women." September 1, 2021.


IvyPanda. "Gender Jihad: A Struggle Against the Exploitation of Islamic Women." September 1, 2021.

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