Nowadays, the UAE is one of the most fast-growing countries in the world, with the great level of incomes and rapid tempos of the development of the economy. That is why, having entered the stage of evolution, the state faces new challenges, which it has never faced before.
With this in mind, the given paper revolves around the UAE and the main peculiarities of its homeland security. The analysis of the country and some main facts about its demographics, economy and peculiarities of the region are provided. Moreover, some potential threats to the security of the country are also taken into account and analyzed. The literature review of the sources connected with the issue is accomplished and the most well-known cases connected with the work of the homeland security are investigated. At the end of the paper conclusions are made and some further perspectives are outlined.
There is no use denying the fact that existence of any state is guaranteed by the complicated cooperation between different powers and systems which try to save existing order and protect people from the manifestations of chaos and anarchy. Moreover, the well-being of any state depends on the level of cooperation between different branches of power and their efficiency. Being a very complicated institution, a state depends heavily on the functioning of a great number of systems which, in their turn, control the life of citizens of this very state. That is why, the first and the most important task for any state is to align the efficient functioning of systems which will guarantee stability and prosperity of a country.
There is a great number of different structures important for this process, however, it should be said that security system is one the most important as it guarantees safety for citizens and helps to promote public peace. Every country has its own vision of this system and tries to create it in accordance with the peculiarities of local culture for it to be the most efficient. With this in mind, analysis of a certain security system will help to understand peculiarities of culture and mentality of people better. Under these conditions, the security system of the UAE was chosen for the analysis as the border security is extremely vital for the development of the given state because of the blistering development of its economy and increase of the level of wealth of people. That is why, its homeland security should be able to protect the UAE from various threats that appear, control the most dangerous areas and guarantee the further stable development of the country in accordance with the way chosen by the government.
To understand the main tasks of the homeland security of the UAE better, it is possible to outline the main peculiarities of the region. First of all, the structure of the population should be analyzed. According to the last surveys, the population of the UAE is comparatively young. The age group that includes people from 25 to 54 years old comprise 65% of the population of the country. Arabs are the dominant nationality.

Another important peculiarity of the region is the fact that the majority of people live in urban areas. Thus, it should also be said that the migration rate not very high, though, it should be controlled by the security service of the UAE as these people cross borders and could be involved in some terrorist organizations.
Issues at Hand
Besides, the next points will be investigated in the given paper:
- The increase of the potential threats to security of the country which is triggered by its blistering economic development and the strengthening of the role of the UAE on the international level. Increase of the influence of the state leads to the appearance of new threats.
- Some important demographic and economic data will be taken into account while analyzing the main aspects of the security system.
- Threats connected with the activity of various countries and their security services.
- The usage of various means of media in the work of homeland security.
- Cases connected with the breaches of laws and the response of homeland security to them.
The population of the UAE is about ten million people and continues to grow. The state could be characterized by the high tempos of the population growth. The majority of population lives in big cities.

Gross Domestic Products
The UAE can be characterized by the highest showings of the GDP in the world. Its annual growth is about 4% and according to the latest statistics it comprised about $1,5 trillion in 2014. The given fact means that the state could be taken as the most promising in the modern world. However, the greatest share in GDP belongs to the crude oil extraction and sales, which makes the whole economy vulnerable and dependent on this very sector.

The given aspect is also vital for the analysis of the main peculiarities of the UAE security system and its functioning. The fact is that a great number of potential dangers come from the various means of transport or objects of infrastructure, which are used by plotters for various reasons. That is why, development of the infrastructure could bring not only benefits, but some serious problems. Nowadays, the UAE could be characterized by one of the most developed infrastructures in the world. It should be said that the blistering development of industry could be taken as one of the main factors that determined the evolution of this sphere. Infrastructure of the country had to satisfy the needs of various companies and people who lived in fast-growing cities. That is why, the efficient and modern system was created.
The system of international airports serves to satisfy the needs of the economy of the state, which depends on its international partners. Moreover, highways and multi-level junctions help to regulate the traffic in huge cities and cope with the great number of cars. Additionally, there are several important seaports, such as Port Zayed and Jebel Ali ports, which also provide various kinds of services. With this in mind, it is possible to conclude that the infrastructure of the UAE is very efficient and complicated at the same time. That is why, the security system of the state should control it in order to guarantee protection for citizens and the state.
It is possible to outline the following stages that comprise the process of writing of the given paper
- Determination of the main topic of the work.
- Analysis of the main facts connected with the UAE, its location, development and threats that the state faces because of its blistering development.
- Review of the credible literature connected with the chosen topic.
- Creation of the main plan of the given paper.
- Completion of the paper:
- Description of the main peculiarities of the UAE
- Analysis of the main points of the security system of the state
- Description of some important threats and cases connected with the security of the UAE
Lessons to learn
- Security system of the UAE is the guaranty of its existence and further beneficial development.
- Efficient functioning of the security system helps to protect people and the state from various dangers.
- Development of the economy of the UAE attracts attention of various terrorist and criminal organizations and the number of threats increases.
- The usage of the means of media in the functioning of security system could make it more efficient.
- The UAE has to be ready to face various threats that come from the transnational crime and security services of other countries.
- Homeland security of the UAE demands great investments to guarantee its efficient functioning.
Taking into account the main aim of the given paper, which is the investigation of the main peculiarities of the homeland security of the UAE, it is possible to say that various approaches are used in the suggested research work. First of all, it should be said that the literature review is accomplished and the qualitative approach is used to evaluate the main information obtained from the chosen sources. Besides, analysis of the main statistical data connected with the demography, population, economy and the GDP of the UAE is performed with the help of the quantitative method that is used for the given research. Moreover, both qualitative and quantitative approaches are used to evaluate the main principles of the functioning of the UAE security system and some cases connected with the breaches of the law. With this in mind, it is possible to conclude that the analysis of the main threats and peculiarities of the UAE and its security system is accomplished with the help of the combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches.
List of questions to answer
- What is the connection between the blistering economic development of the state and the increase of the number of threats that it faces?
- What are the main peculiarities of the homeland security of the UAE?
- How could media be used in the work of security system?
- What are the advantages and disadvantages of the UAE homeland security?
- What are the most significant cases connected with the functioning of the UAE security system?
- What is the current state of the development of the UAE and its security system?
- What steps could be made to improve the situation?
- What factors do influence the functioning of the UAE security system?
- Could the existing homeland security system of the UAE be called efficient or not?
Literature Review
To start the investigation of the given issue the sources connected with it should be analyzed. First of all, it should be said that according to Mayew and Morris the UAE is a young state which was created in 1971 of the seven emirates which became the member of this federation and, that is why, its security system was developed in unique and different from the majority of countries way. The strong influence of other countries of the region is one of the main factors which should be taken into account while creating the security system. According to Hunter countries of the Persian Gulf have always been subjected to some rebels, mass demonstrations of skirmishes. That is why, under these conditions the national security system of the UAE had to be efficient enough to be able to face all challenges peculiar to the given region.
Talib, Khelifi, El Barachi and Ormandjieva state that due to this very fact since the first days of its existence the UAE tried to work together with the other states of the Gulf in order to harmonize their relations and outline standards according to which different systems of all these countries could function, guaranteeing the high level of efficiency and quality. Additionally, Shetty underlines the fact that being one of the richest countries of the region, the UAE managed to achieve great progress in the sphere of development of national security and nowadays it is possible to speak about one of the most efficient systems in the area. Thus, is does not stop its development as there is a great threat of Islamic radicalism in the Arabian Peninsula and the UAE security system should be ready to cope with it. Finally, its development is also guaranteed by the desire of the rulers of emirates to guarantee stable development of their state.
Peculiarities of the homeland security of the UAE
General overview of system
Taking into account the information obtained from the chosen sources, it is possible to make the general overview of the homeland security of the UAE. First of all, it is possible to say that nowadays great sums of money are spent on the development of this very system. Its budget sometimes is higher than in some developed European countries and this fact can be taken as the evidence of great attention given by the officials to this sphere. According to the latest researches $5,5 billion are spent on homeland security. That is why, specialists, who work in the sphere of national security, are able to obtain the newest equipment because of this great budget. Moreover, officials of the country underline the necessity to double the existing budget in order to increase the efficiency of this system. That is why, it is possible to predict the further development of this sphere.
Nowadays, there are two main tasks which are allotted. First of all, the national security system should be able to protect citizens of the UAE from inner threats such as crime and some other possible infractions of the law. The second task is more global and complicated. Homeland security of the UAE should also be ready to protect the country from external threats such as terrorism, which is especially topical in this region. Current situation and the war with ISIL make the work of this system especially significant as only it could guarantee safety for citizens of the country. Under these conditions, the UAE security system should be ready to protect the well-being of the country at any time. That is why, such a great attention is given to the development of the given sphere.
Role of Media
Nevertheless, it should also be said that being the modern system, homeland security of the UAE widely uses different means of media in its work. There are several reasons for this strategy. First of all, it is possible to say that the usage of media can help to align the mechanism of cooperation between the citizens of the UAE and representatives of the national security system. Experience has proven that this cooperation can be rather efficient especially if some information from citizens is needed or, on the contrary, they should be informed. Under these conditions, the collaboration with media becomes especially significant.
Moreover, traditionally, there is an official spokesman who presents the needed information for people and who also informs them about the progress in some sphere. With this in mind, it is possible to say that nowadays security system of the UAE widely uses different means of media in order to increase its efficiency and align contact with the audience. It is obvious, that in case of some serious accident, all means of media could be used to inform citizens of the UAE and squash rumor connected with the accident. That is why, the President of the of the state can address the nation and explain the main events and strategic steps made by the government.
Thus, there is also the official spokesperson who could inform the population of the UAE. The spokesman is usually chosen among the workers of the security service or some other authorities for his/her words could be trusted by citizens. Moreover, it is possible to say that the image of the whole system could also be improved by the outlining of the main achievements made by this very system. Very often means of media are used for propaganda, outlining great successes of the UAE in the sphere of security and demonstrating the great power of its army for people to feel themselves protected. That is why, it is possible to say that media plays an important role in the security system of the UAE, informing it citizens about some accidents and promoting the development of the positive image of the given system.
Case of the Reem Island Ghost

Nevertheless, there are some cases which became rather famous and the analysis of which could help to understand the main peculiarities of the functioning of the national security system of the UAE better. One of these cases is connected with the murder of 47 year old women. This accident is often referred as the case of Reem Island Ghost because of the place where the accident happened. Thirty year old murder killed a woman in a toilet at Boutik Mall. However, she was found within 48 hours due to the technologies used in this investigation. Further and more precise analysis of the case could help to understand peculiarities of the functioning of this system better.
Assassination of Mahmoud Al-Mabhouh

Another important case connected with the functioning of the security system in the UAE is the assassination of Mahmoud Al Mabhouh. He was the leader and co-founder of the Izz ad Din al Qassam Brigades, which belonged to the organization Hamas. Mabhouh was wanted by Israel because of a great number of crimes committed by him. However, the case was very complicated because there was a great number of suspects, moreover, some of them had British passports. This case shows the way in which homeland security of the UAE tries to guarantee law enforcement is the country. Its further investigation could help to obtain more peculiarities of the functioning of this very system.
Muslim brotherhood
Finally, there is another case connected with the activity of Muslim Brotherhood and its illegal branch in the UAE. This organization is known as a Sunni Islamist organization which insists on political reforms. However, in the UAE it is taken as the terrorist organization. That is why, one of the most important tasks of the UAE

security system is to control the functioning of this organization on the territory of the state and to try to prevent its pernicious influence on citizens. That is why, analysis of the work of the UAE homeland security system connected with this organization can help to understand its nature better.
In general, it should be said that the given cases are closely connected with our research as they demonstrate the main peculiarities of the functioning of the UAE security system on the background of some complicated accidents. That is why, it is possible to predict that the further analysis of the above-mentioned cases could help to obtain more detailed knowledge about the homeland security system of the state and the main patterns of its work.
Current challenges
However, it should also be said that there is still a great number of challenges which the UAE security system faces:
- terrorism;
- international threats;
- activity of other countries security services;
- special training for security professionals;
- support of the Nonproliferation Treaty;
- control of the functioning of various companies;
- refugees control.
Research findings and recommendations
With this in mind, having analyzed the given issue, it is possible to outline the main research findings. It should be said that the security system of the UAE is rather young, however, it still develops and increases its efficiency. Being situated in the region with the traditionally high level of crimes, the UAE managed to create the system which guarantees protection for its citizens. Qualitative analysis of the cases, which show peculiarities of the functioning of this system, helps to come to a conclusion that the UAE obtains stable and reliable national security system which is able to face any challenges. Thus, improvement is still needed, especially in terms of current situation connected with the activity of ISIL and spread of terrorism. That is why, the further development of national security in the UAE could be predicted.
Finally, it should be said that the given research issue is rather interesting and topical. Besides, there are still some possible recommendations connected with it. It is possible to underline the necessity of further investigations of the given issue and draw attention to the main peculiarities of the functioning of the UAE security system on the international level.
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