Innovation Management in Healthcare Organisations Essay

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Today, many people are obsessed with an idea of innovation and consider it as the main driver of personal and professional well-being. Innovation is used to promote growth and success, to identify and eliminate weaknesses, and to increase the number of positive outcomes. Each field requires certain innovations from time to time to demonstrate a portion of the progress achieved. In the field of healthcare, innovation plays an important role due to the possibility to introduce new practices, improve human life, and promote an understanding of change (Khanassov, Vedel, & Pluye, 2014).

It is necessary to understand that innovation in healthcare is not a new kind of technology only. Healthcare innovation is a concept that may be used in various health management programs, processes, and services to improve the existing system and find a solution to an existing problem. In this paper, the goal is to introduce, develop, and discuss an innovation strategy in healthcare, its peculiarities, and key outcomes. Talent management is one of the strategies that have already been used in different countries and healthcare facilities. However, there is no definite structure and plan on how to implement this innovation in healthcare. Therefore, the quality of Middle East healthcare may be considerably improved with the help of crossover learning, and this paper will examine different aspects of this strategy, evaluate several experiences, and prove that government schools are ready to elaborate the relationships between patients’ and healthcare practitioners’ lives, the working environment, and the promotion of lifelong learning (Vishwanath, 2015).

Unit Background

Dallah Hospital is the focus of the current report. The organization has been known for providing various healthcare services for twenty-five years. Dallah Hospital has gained an impressively positive reputation over the years of its existence by providing consistently good service and focusing on the needs of patients by identifying culture-specific characteristics thereof. As a result, the opportunities for efficient management of a disease or disorder form in which a patient suffers are located and explored extensively. The active promotion of multiculturalism and the importance of addressing the unique needs of customers should be viewed as one of the primary assets of Dallah Hospital (“Dallah Hospital starts treating speech and swallowing disorders,” 2013).

Problem Description

Managing changes in the healthcare setting is a challenging task, primarily because of the necessity to balance the needs of patients and those of staff members. Herein lies the issue regarding the introduction of innovations in the context of healthcare institutions; while serving as the foundation for a massive improvement in the quality of the provided services, they also imply that staff members should accept new responsibilities and acquire a range of new skills. Therefore, it is possible to face significant resistance from the staff members. By introducing the principles of transformational leadership combined with the communication strategy grounded in the idea of compromise and negotiation, one will be able to manage change in the healthcare setting successfully

Even though the company’s values include handling the unique needs of patients as efficiently as possible, the organization has been experiencing significant issues with the management of their human resources. Particularly, the issues associated with the management of the staff’s schedule and the enhancement of their motivation levels should be viewed as two primary issues that need to be addressed. While Dallah Hospital provides the services of excellent quality, it needs to reconsider its current policy toward its staff by rearranging the roles and responsibilities among them. Thus, the issues associated with unreasonable workload, including workplace burnouts, can be avoided successfully, and the quality of the provided services will remain consistent. To attain the identified goal, the company will have to introduce innovative solutions to the area of HR management.

Innovation Focus


As stressed above, it is imperative to make sure that the necessary changes should be made to the existing approach toward managing innovations that Dallah Hospital adopts. Therefore, the current focus on innovation must be geared toward exploring new opportunities for communication between managers and staff members. Particularly, it is essential to address the issues associated with the tools for encouraging employees to accept the suggested changes, the leadership framework that will allow keeping them motivated, the strategy for reducing the levels of resistance toward change among the target population, and the active use of the time management strategies that will contribute to the further improvement in the staff’s schedule. Moreover, Dallah Hospital must consider viewing the principles of talent management as the foundation for its relationships with its staff members. As a result, the very idea of innovative thinking can be fostered among the employees and promoted to them as the basis for decision-making in the context of the organization. The identified change is bound to affect the quality of the employees’ performance to a considerable extent, thus, contributing to a significant improvement in the number of positive patient outcomes, as well as the satisfaction levels among staff members (Erickson et al., 2015).


The implementation process will require the active use of transformational leadership strategies. Particularly, the employees will have to be provided with a set of innovation-oriented values and a role model that they can follow to meet the company’s expectations. Furthermore, the tools for enhancing the communication process between the staff and the managers will have to be used.

For this reason, the use of the services of a coach should be deemed as paramount in the identified situation. It is important to make sure that the progress of the employees should be coordinated and controlled by coaches will help create the environment in which a homogenous professional growth of the target population will become a possibility. Furthermore, the sue of coaches’ services will allow collecting the feedback from the staff and, thus, spotting the points at which problems in the perception of the innovative techniques, the development of the relevant skills, the acquisition of essential knowledge, etc., will be hampered. As a result, it will be possible to pinpoint the exact moment at which the process of rearranging the staff’s perspective is stalled and, thus, introduce the tools for managing the emerging issues (Ratanawongsa et al., 2014).

Key Outcomes

It is expected that the application of the identified technique will lead to a massive improvement in the quality of services. Indeed, with the emphasis on communication and the development of talents in staff, one will be able to create the foundation for refocusing the corporate values and viewing the improvement as the basis for the company’s development. Thus, both the proficiency of the staff and the number of positive patient outcomes will increase (Adams, Smart, & Huff, 2016).

Risk Management

As stressed above, it is expected that Dallah Hospital will have to face several obstacles. The resistance among the employees should be viewed as the key one. therefore, the current risk mitigation strategies will have to be aimed at promoting loyalty among the staff. For instance, benefits for the target population will have to be provided. Furthermore, training opportunities will showcase the organization’s willingness to cooperate and invest in its personnel (Bowers & Khorakian, 2014).

Incremental Plan


Seeing that people are viewed as the primary focus of the innovation, one will have to reconsider the current approach toward human resources that are used at Dallah Hospital to manage the relationships between staff members and managers. As stressed above, it is expected that eh employees are going to be against the changes that will be implemented in the context of the organization due to the changes in the responsibilities and tasks that they will have to meet and accomplish. While the innovative approach based on a redesign of time management techniques and the values of the organization is aimed at reducing the pressure experienced by the employee, the rearrangement of roles and responsibilities may cause dissatisfaction among the target population. Therefore, adopting the principles of transformational leadership along with the active support of the employees is required. Furthermore, the communication between the company and its employees must be enhanced. Thus, the staff members will realize that their voices are heard, and the levels of tension among the target group will be reduced significantly (Schippers, West, & Dawson, 2013).


It should be borne in mind that the identified changes will only become possible once the enhancement of a specific corporate culture will occur in the target environment. Therefore, the active promotion of the values associated with the consistent improvement and the enhancement of communication between the stakeholders involved should be deemed as a necessity. The specified elements of the corporate culture will lead to the process of uninhibited communication between the employees and the managers and, therefore, allow resolving the conflicts that occur in the workplace much more efficiently than they are handled at present. Consequently, the satisfaction levels among the staff will increase systematically. Furthermore, the focus on the unceasing development and lifelong learning will trigger a rapid rise in the quality of the services provided by the staff. Remarkably, the two elements are intertwined. Indeed, by investing in the progress of the employees, Dallah Hospital will contribute to not only their professional growth but also the rise in their trust toward the organization. Consequently, the opportunities for further improvement in the performance of the target population can be expected (Birken et al., 2015).


The redesign of how technology is currently used at Dallah Hospital must be deemed as a necessity. The first and most obvious, the devices for maintaining consistent communication between managers and employees should be introduced into the company’s design. For instance, the creation of a corporate network within which the essential data will be transferred will allow for a significant improvement in the security of the patients’ personal information. Also, the incorporation of hand-off communication tools for healthcare staff members will allow carrying out a range of procedures much more efficiently; for instance, bedside handover will improve extensively with the addition of the devices that will contribute to a more efficient hand-off communication among healthcare staff members.

Furthermore, the introduction of innovative technologies allowing for a faster and more accurate transfer of the necessary data will lead to a significant drop in the amount of workload with which the members of the hospital staff have to deal regularly, especially as far as the management of the crucial data is concerned. Thus, the pressure experienced by the staff will be reduced successfully. Consequently, the opportunities for rearranging the roles and responsibilities among the target population will be open for managers.

However, the shift toward the importance of talent management is going to be by far the most essential innovation in the setting of Dallah Hospital. By focusing on fostering the importance of the consistent acquisition of new knowledge and skills among employees, one will enable them to engage in the process of consistent lifelong learning. As a result, the quality of the services provided by the staff members will remain high, and the motivation levels will be kept at the required level (Godfrey, Andersson‐Gare, Nelson, Nilsson, & Ahlstrom, 2014).

The focus on talent management, however, will require massive changes in the company’s HR system. For instance, the introduction of extra options for improving the employees’ abilities and helping them develop new competencies will have to be designed. It should also be borne in mind that the connection between the talent management framework and the corporate philosophy must remain transparent. Thus, the foundation for promoting trust in the relationships between the employees and managers at Dallah Hospital will remain a possibility.


Apart from addressing the current approaches toward time management, talent management, and communication processes, one will also have to consider the specifics of the corporate hierarchy and the structures that are currently used in the realm of Dallah Hospital. For instance, the importance of providing staff members with personal coaches that could guide them toward achieving better results should be recognized by Dallah Hospital’s managers. Consequently, the reconsideration of the existing corporate hierarchy and the introduction of a group-based structure, where the communication process and knowledge-sharing will occur at a faster pace, must be deemed as essential.

Disrupting the structures that currently exist in the environment of the Dallah Hospital does not seem reasonable, though. The rearrangement of its elements is likely to disrupt the system to the point where the participants will not feel comfortable enough sharing the relevant data. Therefore, one should consider reinforcing the existing framework and improving it by adding the elements that will serve as the mediation mechanisms. Coaches, for example, will become not only the agents of change among the employees but also the link between the staff and managers. Thus, a more active transfer of essential information concerning the needs of the employee, and the requirements of the company will become a possibility.

Results and Expectations

It is assumed that the active promotion of the talent management approach rooted in the enhancement of communication and supported with the adoption of the latest technological innovations will contribute to a significant improvement in the overall quality of the employees’ performance and the number of positive patient outcomes. Particularly, it is expected that the staff members will be encouraged to accept the philosophy of lifelong learning and, thus, engage in the process of unceasing knowledge acquisition and the development of new skills.

The focus on talent management as the foundation for the improvement of healthcare quality is assumed to lead to a significant rise in the levels of understanding of multiculturalism as the foundation for efficient service delivery among the staff. While the gravity of failing to recognize the specific needs of patients is currently recognized by the staff of Dallah Hospital, the healthcare experts seem to lack the cross-culture communication strategies that allow meeting the needs of patients in the most efficient manner possible. Therefore, the focus on the subject matter is bound to lead to a significant rise in the recovery statistics at Dallah Hospital. Furthermore, the efficacy of the communication process between the staff members and the patients is expected to occur.


Creating additional opportunities or the staff members at Dallah Hospital is a crucial step toward improving its performance. The active use of talent management must be deemed as an essential step in enhancing the employees’ willingness to engage in lifelong learning and, thus, improve their performance. As a result, a massive rise in the number of positive patient outcomes is expected. As soon as the staff members develop the abilities required to improve their skills and abilities regularly, rapid growth in the number of positive patient outcomes is expected. For this purpose, a change in corporate values will have to occur. Dallah Hospital will have to place the emphasis on talent management and the process of fostering the necessary qualities, including lifelong learning and the appreciation for patients’ needs, in employees.


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