While analyzing the space peculiarities of both companies Mirabel Realty and Superior Giftware at their size respectively the smallness of Superior Giftware’s office tends to make one think of more opportunities for machines to create noise. It is so because of the acoustics in the living room and workplace. Saul Ferguson admitted beforehand that the problem of space characteristics for the equipment appliances appeared from the very beginning because of no proper offices at that time. The main pieces of noise and vibration, as it was noticed, came from Ferguson’s office with noise levels being equal to 83-86 dB in time when both offices were working (Blicq 182). Thus, the dividing wall is the only obstacle for noise spread and mere levels of 66-74 dB near this wall in Mirabel Realty’s office (Blicq 182). Four points of measurements with Nabuchi Model 1300 were required: in time hen two offices are working, when only Mirabel Realty, when only Superior Giftware, and when both are not working. (Blicq 184).
By the scheme above one can figure out the most critical points being A, B, C, H, I where the closeness to packaging and sealing machine is minimal. There the noise levels were the highest and even overcoming the ratings of SL 2020 standards, dated January 20, 2001, where the required noise rate even for busy office should not exceed 55-75 dB (Blicq 183). Furthermore, noise is transmitted in two ways possible, namely: air and structural parts (walls, ceiling, and floor).
The vibration was felt now and then in the working time. Also, the noise from Superior Giftware pointed out the need for dampening vibrations coming out of the machine. The significance of the dividing wall improvement became the most reasonable approach as of the effective and reliable ways of solution. It touched upon the spread of noise by air. With regards to the vibration spread floor and wall covering with carpets and Vib-O-Rug for packaging and sealing machine were supposed to be the optimal ways for the problem resolving (Blicq 183). Thus, there should be a sort of cooperation between Mirabel Realty and Superior Giftware in terms of financial issues as for costs of remedies proposed:
- wall with corrugation insulation inside Mirabel;
- black cork panels;
- carpeting of the Mirabel office;
- Superior Giftware’s machine mounting on Vib-O-Rug (Blicq 183)
Among the materials, there are Corrugon, black cork, Vib-O-Rug, and synthetic covering or carpet. There are some advantages of these materials in their ability to dampen noise effectively and reduce vibration as well. Along with these advantages, there are several limitations. First, some materials, such as corrugation and carpeting will be expensive due to the specific features of the material, in the first case, and the generous amount of carpet for Mirabel’s office with its huge size. 18 mm thick black cork walls with glue can negatively influence the staff due to a specific smell, especially in the first instance, polymethyl will be helpful for the primordial lessening of this smell (Blicq 184). Thus, the costs of the remedies can be compared with approximate level of noise reduction looking at the table below:
(Blicq 185).
Thus, the optimal decision for finding better solutions can be outlined with possible cooperation with Superior Giftware in terms of dampening of vibration in structural constituents of both offices. Second, Mirabel Realty is better to garnish walls with Corrugon and provide carpeting with underlying rubber of good quality throughout the office for better isolation from noise and vibration.
Works cited
Blicq, Ronald S., and Moretto, Lisa. Technically-Write! Ed. 6. NJ: Prentice Hall, 2003.