Marriage is a central institution that contributes to the development of the society and creates the basis for its further evolution. For this reason, its role in peoples lives could hardly be overestimated. However, in the last several decades the tendency towards the increase in the number of divorces could be observed (Warren). Sociologists are concerned about this issue because of its pernicious impact on communities and peoples relations. Therefore, the investigation conducted by researchers outline three most common causes for divorce which are leading at the moment: laziness, failed expectations, and financial difficulties (Meyer). In the majority of couples, these aspects result in the deterioration of relations and decreased attractiveness of partners.
The fact is that people do not realize that marriage is a hard work and spouses should do their best to support each other and develop their relations. However, there is a misbelief that marriage will make people happy just because of its nature (Meyer). That is why men look for women who will care for them, and women look for men who will maintain a family and satisfy all their needs. Thus, husbands and wives are not ready to work on themselves and relations gradually deteriorate. This disillusionment becomes a hard challenge for spouses as their stereotypes become dismantled and they experience the failure of their expectations that becomes another cause for divorce.
Indeed, disappointment related to high expectations along with the inability to achieve desired goals is among the three most popular reasons that make couples divorce. As stated above, every spouse has his or her vision of marriage and perspectives on male or female roles in relations. If these ideas are far from reality or too romanticized, individuals will face harsh life and suffer from the cognitive dissonance complicated by depression and other psychological problems (Warren). Furthermore, these issues might also result in the lack of motivation to work and earn money to maintain a marriage. As a result, households might experience significant financial troubles which, in their turn, become another popular cause for divorce.
In fact, almost all young spouses face financial problems. Partners just start their long journey and do not have a stable income. That is why it becomes a severe trial for just-married couples. In case they both are ready to do their best and overcome all difficulties that might appear on their way, a marriage will be successful (Payne et al.). Unfortunately, in a significant number of cases, high expectations and laziness decrease individuals motivation levels and contribute to their disappointment with marriage (Payne et al.). Moreover, spouses might blame each other for their poor financial situation and the lack of resources to live in accordance with particular images they have in their mind.
Altogether, today one could see a disappointing tendency towards the increase in the number of divorces. Young people who have just married are not able to overcome all challenges that appear in their family life. Therefore, poor understanding of the nature of marriage cultivates numerous misbeliefs among individuals. In this regard, they become unable to work hard to maintain their marriage and relations. It results in the painful failure of expectations and lack of motivation to earn money and solve financial problems. In such a way, laziness, high expectations, and financial troubles could be considered the three leading causes for the divorce in the modern society.
Works Cited
Meyer, Cathy. “Three Major Causes of Divorce.”Live About. 2016, Web.
Payne, Lisa et al. “The Ten Most Common Reasons People Get Divorced.”Huffington Post. 2016, Web.
Warren, Shellie. ” Ten Most Common Reasons for Divorce.”Marriage. com. 2017, Web.