Modern hotel industry leads reservation online. It is very convenient and fast. Even though many people still prefer to make telephone reservations, the Internet has already occupied the hotel reservation. It should be mentioned that more people see the privileges of using online reservation rather than do it via email (Smit, 2012). The form of reservation is convenient, the time spent on this procedure is minimal, and people do not have to go anywhere, they have just switch on the Internet and follow the steps. The reservation online is an easy task to do as the actions are reduced to minimum and the information required is also minimal (Bardi, 2011).
Thus, to understand how online registration works, whether it is convenient of not, we have decided to check three different sites where tried to reserve a room. Online reservation is aimed at booking a same room type, considering the same check-in and check-out date, and understanding whether the same number of guest is allowed. In other words, three web sites which deal with registration have been examined. We tried to check all the points in order to see whether they are advantageous or not for people. The main criteria according to which the web sites for reservation are going to be checked are as follows, the hotel website,, and
The US hotel in Las Vegas appeared as the center of our attention. Thehotel Mandalay Bay is a focus of our discussion. The choice of the web sites for analysis was justified by the frequency of used services. The site of the hotel is considered to be the most common for reservation, then, we selected two most spread services, and The analysis is going to be based on stressing pros and cons of reserving a room with one of the services in several aspects, such as payment method, cancellation policy, benefits received, benefits received, convenience of the order form, and user-friendliness.
Comparison table
Therefore, having conducted a research about the way of hotel room reservation, it may be concluded that is the best in this sphere. The hotel reservation system requires too much information which sometimes may be inconvenient. The reservation may be provided on another person and the data necessary for it with the use of the hotel website is too personal. is not friendly enough. Even though the form of reservation is convenient and the number of steps is appropriate, is not that service which is to be used while booking a room. with all the disadvantages is has is considered to be the most appropriate service for making an online reservation.
As the practice shows, it has the rooms even when the hotel reservation form states that no free rooms are available. Moreover, the user-friendliness parameter is the most important. is available on different languages as the reservation is possible from different parts of the world and a customer is able to read and sign up the form on an appropriate language. Each Internet reservation service has a database, thus, in case of registration, a service is going to use the previously left data of payment for making an order (Smith, & Taylor, 2004).
Reference List
Bardi, J. A. (2011). Hotel Front Office Management. New York: John Wiley and Sons.
Secure booking: THEhotel Mandalay Bay. (2013). Web.
Smith, P. R., & Taylor, J. (2004). Marketing Communications: An Integrated Approach. New York: Kogan Page Publishers.
Smit, L. (2012). Event Management: Putting theory into practice – A South African Approach. New York: Event Management South Africa.
THEhotel at Mandalay Bay. (2013). Web.
Thehotel Mandalay Bay. (2013). Web.