Social Media Marketing and Brand Communication

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The use of modern technologies in the field of business is a relevant practice that is promoted in various enterprises and different markets. Today, when visual perception and the opinions of the majority play a significant role in sales, effective advertising campaigns are the driving force of marketing as a separate sector with its unique approaches and concepts. One of the platforms that are fruitful for promoting various types of products, including both material goods ​​and popular services, is the area of social media.

A large number of Internet users spend much time communicating with one another, and the possibility of selling certain brands or products through specialized communities or direct advertising is a good solution in case of its competent implementation. At the same time, in the modern digital environment, there are many strategies and practices based on engaging audiences and retaining potential customers. Therefore, the analysis of the existing principles that marketers use in social media can help identify those factors that affect consumer interest and the conditions that sellers need to follow to create stable demand.

This work is aimed at describing social media marketing strategies, the characteristics of this environment, the concepts of trust and trust management in this area, the objectives of promotional activities, as well as those tools that contribute to improving sales. The study will be conducted by utilizing the existing findings in academic literature and on current websites; therefore, both reliable scholarly sources and some selected online materials will be drawn to demonstrate real-world approaches and possible practices.

As an analysis methodology, qualitative research will be dominant since evaluating facts and comparing possible hypotheses is the key objective. Since the social media field is central to this study, marketing strategies and approaches will be analyzed only in this framework. The use of relevant information will allow bringing statistical data and correlating the obtained information with the objectives of the research conducted. In general, the field of social media marketing affects the vast majority of online resources applied by Internet users, and the implementation of the principles and methods of engaging customers by promoting products in this environment is one of the most common and relevant sales practices.

Peculiarities of Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is a popular and effective method of promoting goods or services. According to Chang, Yu, and Lu (2015), this principle implies advertising on the Internet by engaging the web-based distribution principle as a strategic tool. The ability to influence the audience through popular digital platforms makes it possible to demonstrate specific materials to a large number of people, which is the key goal of such practices.

As Ashley and Tuten (2015, p. 15) argue, the prevailing number of sellers (about 86% of the entire target group surveyed) are convinced that social media marketing is an effective approach to ensuring stable demand for specific goods and services. Moreover, the modern capabilities of the digital field allow interested parties to use promotional materials at a variety of sites, including those where users from all over the world can pay attention to special products. As a result, this area is potentially more lucrative than traditional practices maintained in print media or specialized advertising websites since the users of the global network tend to spend more time on specific platforms where they can communicate and share experiences.

Since today, there are several of the largest media platforms with a multimillion audience, for instance, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, and some other networks, many marketers make efforts to introduce their promotional materials at these sites. The ability to make as many people as possible see specific advertising opens up significant prospects and contributes to increasing interest in specific products.

As Alalwan et al. (2017, p. 1178) note, a wide variety of digital practices aimed at using Internet channels, software, and other tools gives an opportunity “to create, communicate, deliver and exchange offerings that have value for an organization’s stakeholders”. At the same time, no legal, ethical, or other norms are violated because advertising in social media does not differ from that distributed in other sources. The main explanation for the popularity of this approach to ensuring sustainable sales and demand is increased interest in the digital field and, in particular, individual networks. Therefore, despite unique approaches that are typical for only such activity, the classical principle of involving and retaining customers is relevant in this practice.

Accordingly, the use of strategies and concepts is an essential step in making client-oriented promotional materials because a large number of promotional materials on the Internet create competition. The struggle among brands for consumer interest involves analyzing a wide range of data, including the popularity of specific products, the degree of trust in them, the presence of analogs in the market, and other criteria. Therefore, marketing management in social media is a complex process that may be an effective mechanism for creating a reliable sales system in case of a competent approach to interacting with the audience.

Marketing Concepts for Social Media

Approaches to the creation and promotion of advertising content in social media are largely based on various concepts involving the use of narrowly focused strategies. Tuten and Solomon (2017) provide examples of such methodologies and mention several significant practices. In particular, the authors point out special concepts of raising brand awareness, which involve building programs of interaction with the audience to increase the degree of recognition and trust (Tuten & Solomon 2017).

Also, other approaches differ in the key objectives of interventions – profit, impact on the decision-making process, and other aspects. For instance, the concept of building conversions to increase revenues is the strategy that implies the passive involvement of the public, while achieving brand awareness through active interaction with the target audience is based on constant communication. Thus, the principles of engaging and retaining potential customers may differ depending on the purpose of a marketing campaign and the resources available.

Despite some differences in strategies, many marketing concepts have one common goal – the creation of appropriate conditions for attracting the interest of Internet users to specific goods or services. At the same time, a large number of factors play a role in choosing specific principles since, for target consumers to notice certain products, it is essential to successfully integrate the content and utilize not only high-quality materials but also a reliable platform. Activity types may differ, but according to the information from online sources, promotion on the most reputable Internet platforms involves placing three types of paid advertising – video, display, and paid-per-click (Wunderboom Marketing, Public Relations & Event Emcee 2018).

In addition, the presented resource provides a scheme that reflects the algorithm of a possible promotion strategy – brand exposure, brand engagement, soft lead generation, prospect conversion, and customer retention (Wunderboom Marketing, Public Relations & Event Emcee 2018). This process is one of the most popular examples of activities aimed at promoting products or services on social media.

As a result, advertising concepts have one common goal – creating a positive image of a particular brand and attracting the attention of the audience. As Chang, Yu, and Lu (2015) state, for these purposes, various tools are applied, and the application of persuasive messages is a significant aspect of such targeted work. Practical techniques that marketers resort to provide an opportunity to update content regularly and organize partnership agreements with the owners of certain online platforms. Therefore, continuous innovations in the digital sphere serve as an incentive for strategic work and support for practices based on the promotion of goods or services via the Internet.

Brand Communication in Social Media

The concept of brand communication is one of the aspects of marketers’ activities in the field of social media. As Tuten and Solomon (2017) note, in the case of online work, the growth of goods or services sales directly depends on the quality of their promotion. Therefore, the principles of interaction with the Internet audience require utilizing variable approaches to maintain interest. In this regard, brand communication is an opportunity to influence the preferences of potential clients through the use of various retention strategies and proposals aimed at promoting a certain product. According to Schivinski and Dabrowski (2014, p. 194), “communication stimuli cause a positive effect in the consumer as a recipient”. Consequently, the interaction of sellers and buyers comes to a new level, allowing both parties to benefit.

Creating a positive image for a brand is one of the key tasks that marketers in social media seek to achieve. Tuten and Solomon (2017) remark that consumer involvement is largely due to building the reputation of products and services, and retention strategies imply gaining a stable client base with a high level of trust. Modern advertising approaches are different, and they can all be used in an online environment.

For instance, the system of bonuses or prizes offered by sellers allows attracting the attention of the public because discount mechanisms tend to influence sales volumes positively. In addition, according to Tuten and Solomon (2017), the creation of a brand communication system contributes to tracking consumer activity in real-time, which contributes to analyzing the compliance of the chosen strategy with the volume of demand. As a result, products with the highest user ratings cause the greatest interest and, therefore, serve as profit drivers.

The integration of advertising and sales techniques is a responsible task since, in the case of client recognition, it is necessary to sell goods as quickly and conveniently for buyers as possible. Modern social media have ample opportunities for the technical support of promotional materials. Moreover, advertising and sales are usually available within a single platform, and if customers are interested in certain products, they can complete all operations easily.

Therefore, the concept of brand communication implies providing a consistently high-quality work algorithm that involves creating a convenient system of advertising content on certain online platforms with the subsequent sales of goods or services. This procedure eliminates the engagement of third parties and is beneficial for all participants in the transaction process, including the seller, the owner of a digital resource, and the buyer.

Social Media Strategies

The process of creating specific strategies aimed at engaging and retaining customers in social media has certain principles and conditions. Criteria for the selection of specific practices may vary depending on the peculiarities of the goods sold, the characteristics of the target audience (age or gender), and other parameters. Nevertheless, there is a general model of operation for creating a reliable system of interaction with consumers on the Internet and ensuring effective sales.

This work is significant because, according to some statistical analysis, approximately 78% of small companies receive a significant proportion of regular customers by involving them in social networks (Importance of social media marketing 2019). Since the majority of the population, in particular, young people, utilize the Internet as the main resource for searching information, it is beneficial for sellers to place advertising materials on various popular platforms. Therefore, the creation of a reliable strategy of engagement is an essential aspect of marketing activities in social media.

The organization of the stable working methods of attracting customers is based on several principles. First, it is essential to identify the industry that is most popular in the list of search queries (Importance of social media marketing 2019). For instance, some samples of fashionable clothes, mobile accessories, and other goods are in a trend for a certain time. Therefore, monitoring the most frequent requests for a particular brand or service can be useful for creating advertising content. Another important strategic step is engaging potential customers through direct interaction (Importance of social media marketing 2019). Regardless of whether communication with clients is automatic or carried out by real consultants, this measure can be useful for creating confidence in the product and trust in it.

Working with the target audience requires not only making plans but also some concessions. As a valuable marketing solution, attracting the attention of the audience through a special bonus may be a successful method (Importance of social media marketing 2019). In this case, sellers will not incur significant costs if they lower the prices of the offered goods a little to ensure more profitable propositions than those of competitors.

However, this principle of operation will attract buyers’ attention and can be the key to active sales. Finally, promoting brand awareness through constant customer engagement is another potentially valuable strategy (Importance of social media marketing 2019). In social networks, people spend a significant portion of their free time, and integrating advertising content into familiar applications and communities is the mechanism that will encourage consumers to explore products or services. When the same offers are often found at different sites, it is an incentive to learn more about a particular brand. All the aforementioned steps can be useful for creating stable customer demand and retaining a large number of clients.

Trust as a Marketing Objective

Since the stage of engaging consumers on the Internet is no less important than the sales process itself, it is crucial to ensure that potential buyers not only know about specific goods or services but also trust them. As Wang, Min, and Han (2016, p. 36) argue, “SMPs providers are dependent upon the ability to cultivate trust with member”. In other words, confidence in the quality and reliability of the goods purchased is one of the key objectives that marketers on the Internet seek to achieve. At the same time, it is not easy to provide comprehensive confidence since buying products online means the inability to evaluate a specific item personally. Therefore, sellers need to know that their customers trust specific brands and are ready to purchase them through social networks or other digital resources.

Based on an approach to building trust, utilizing corresponding steps to increase consumer confidence in the quality of goods is a significant activity. According to Liu et al. (2018), the ability to provide a stable interest in specific goods or services is a prerequisite for securing brand loyalty, which, in turn, enhances sales potential and is a powerful anti-competitive mechanism. The loss of trust entails a drop in demand, which is highly undesirable not only for start-up firms involved in promoting online products but also for any other companies. Therefore, the struggle for customer confidence is one of the priorities in the process of establishing a business on the Internet and maintaining high market positions.

The opportunities that customer trust provides to sellers are associated not only with stable sales. Liu et al. (2018) note that in case of ensuring the confidentiality of the target audience in a specific brand, the probability of engaging buyers increases significantly. The communication of Internet users is one of the driving forces of social media marketing, and additional advertising provided by customers themselves can be no less effective than well-planned promotional campaigns.

As a result, sellers receive not only grateful customers but also additional credibility among potential clients. Product and service reviews help digital community members to better navigate product trends, and marketers have to ensure that no negative opinions are made public. In this regard, all the aforementioned strategies of bonuses, discounts, and other incentive systems are indispensable conditions for winning consumer confidence and the positive assessment of the majority of users in general.

Trust Management in Social Media

Based on the previous analysis of the significance of trust as a variable that positively affects the interest in specific brands or services, it is logical to assume that trust management is a mandatory procedure in social media marketing. Creating conditions conducive to the growth of customer confidence in the purchased goods requires prior preparation and the participation of competent persons. Nevertheless, despite potential challenges, productive work can be the key to a high level of sales. According to Wang, Min, and Han (2016), such indicators as client behavior and decision-making process directly depend on the quality of trust management.

If a certain brand has a good market reputation and popularity among a large number of Internet users, this is an additional incentive to buy it. Otherwise, the lack of appropriate management work can entail the loss of trust of the target audience and problems with sales, which, ultimately, may lead a business to bankruptcy. Therefore, proper organizational work aimed at maintaining a high level of control over the quality of sales and, in particular, customer confidence, is one of the prerequisites for successful marketing in social media.

Protection against the risks of any business is a significant aspect of work, particularly in the field of sales where high competition and constantly changing trends may become the causes of financial failure. Wang, Min, and Han (2016) state that the concepts of trust and risk are closely related and, as a rule, are considered at the same stage of analytical activity because these variables are dependent on each other. In the case of trust, management is at the proper level, threats to sales are minimized, and advertising campaigns have potentially higher productivity. The ignorance of necessary measures, for instance, insufficiently careful control of customer interest or brand awareness, leads to problems, and the social media sphere is no exception.

The importance of work on monitoring the interest of Internet users in the proposed goods or services is determined by several criteria. According to Liu et al. (2018), the quality of trust management can be determined by using such a factor as sales stability. If advertising content finds a response among the target audience, it means that the degree of confidence in a particular brand is sufficient. Another essential factor that the authors mention is consumer engagement (Liu et al. 2018). Customer base growth may be slow, but if the dynamics are consistently positive, this means that the risk of problems is minimized. The fall in sales figures is a significant reason to revise the strategy of trust management and conduct comprehensive analytical work.

Image and Reputation as Marketing Objectives

The aforementioned concept of trust as one of the evaluation factors of promoting work in social media is closely related to such indicators as image and reputation. These terms are similar and reflect the same parameter – the value of a particular brand for a certain market and target audience.

As Ott and Theunissen (2015) note, a product image is created by analyzing several criteria, in particular, the reliability and quality of goods, the level of two-way communication, timely reporting, and other valuable components. Brand reputation is also difficult to characterize by using one term because it is based on different variables, for instance, “perceptions of credibility, reliability, accountability, trustworthiness and competence” (Ott & Theunissen 2015, p. 97). However, both concepts under consideration are of great importance for social media marketing since, along with customers’ trust, these factors form demand and are a background for successful sales.

A good reputation is an objective that many marketers seek to create a sustainable sales system. Advertising content, in this case, serves as an additional incentive, encouraging buyers to purchase. Dutot, Lacalle Galvez, and Versailles (2016) research the concept of social media reputation and remark that the focus on product quality with the involvement of innovations is a valuable activity due to an opportunity to increase demand.

This statement is justified since the use of modern technologies in various fields, including advertising in social media, indicates sellers’ interest in creating high-quality content. This, in turn, attracts buyers who often rely on personal perception as the main evaluation criterion. For instance, the visual execution of advertising by utilizing the latest innovative graphic designs may have a more positive impact on consumers than low-cost materials with outdated approaches. Therefore, the notions of image and reputation are the results of prior activities aimed at maintaining demand.

Those brands that have a high reputation gain more opportunities in the market from the standpoint of resistance to competition and customer recognition. Ott and Theunissen (2015) state that if the seller loses the trust of the target audience, and the image of a particular product falls, getting out of the crisis is a difficult process. It is not easy to restore the interest of buyers and, as a result, demand if goods or services have lost their market relevance due to negative consumer feedback. Therefore, to prevent such an outcome and maintain sales in social media at a consistently high level, it is essential to create an appropriate control plan for managing reputation and image.

Reputation Management

When comparing the principle of reputation management with the aforementioned trust control system, one can note much in common in these approaches. According to Ott and Theunissen (2015), marketers involved in social media activities should take into account many different variables that make up the concept of monitoring brand image and recognition. The authors note that in this environment, “a shift from monologue to dialogue” is to be observed when moving to higher sales levels, and good reputation management is one factor that may allow sustaining customers’ interest in goods or services (Ott & Theunissen 2015, p. 97).

The permanent participation of responsible persons in the control process is mandatory; otherwise, the absence of measures to create a positive reputation can lead to the lack of clients’ initiative and the suppression of business by competitors. Therefore, to prevent such an outcome, marketers should follow relevant practices associated not only with sales but also with the creation of the positive perception of specific products.

The quality of reputation control depends on how effectively marketing managers combine special measures to create demand monitoring and customer-oriented offers. Geoff (2018) provides some strategies that may be relevant to preserve the image of a particular business in social media. The author mentions such steps as posting on blogs to maintain a dialogue with the target audience, the review of existing platforms for discussing specific products or services, as well as activities aimed at increasing brand awareness (Geoff 2018).

Ott and Theunissen (2015), in turn, remarked that the assessment of market interests is a significant aspect of reputation management. To offer relevant and high-quality products and, consequently, have a positive image among buyers, it is essential to conduct activities in the most sought-after areas where sales may be the highest. Thus, customer interaction and market analysis are valuable components of reputation management.

Another important aspect of reputation management policies is the evaluation of competing firms’ activities. According to Geoff (2018), Internet marketing is the area where following trends and introducing relevant innovations timely are the key to success. As a result, to prevent the decrease of the image of a particular business in social media, it is essential to monitor the activities of competing firms to prevent them from luring a large number of potential buyers through more efficient sales mechanisms. Therefore, the specificity of the goods and services offered plays a crucial role in the process of managing reputation in the social media environment.

Social Media Categories

Since modern technologies in the field of social media have advanced significantly, today, there are many options for interaction among Internet users. About marketing in this area, a variety of resources opens up broad prospects for the promotion of goods and services. Social media categories may be divided into two large groups – platforms designed to host content and tools utilized for work. According to Lee (2018, p. 199), the first category includes different sites where sellers and marketers can “access enormous amounts of customer data”.

Social networks, blogs, and microblogs are the most common forms of such platforms since online users spend much time while interacting with one another and sharing their opinions. Also, this category includes websites with ratings where people leave certain goods and services reviews. Monitoring such platforms provides relevant data regarding customer interest in specific products and the reputation of certain brands. In addition, social bookmarking websites can be mentioned, which are designed to save and exchange links. Both potential clients and sellers can use these platforms to their advantage.

The second category of social media is the tools used to stimulate and simplify communication on the Internet. They are not the direct means of interaction, but with their help, online users can generate content and share data. As Pearce et al. (2018) argue, marketers can use these tools to establish contact with the target audience and conduct a dialogue with customers. In addition, modern multimedia communications on the Internet, involving the utilization of video, audio, and other materials, expand the possibilities of promoting advertising materials on different platforms. As a result, all the content generated by users and marketers is freely available, and the more people are attracted, the greater is the likelihood of successful sales through productive communication and the exchange of views.

Despite the numerous advantages of a wide range of platforms and tools, some drawbacks can manifest themselves. In particular, as Lee (2018) remarks, monitoring users’ activities on free sites allows adjusting the activity mode, but there is no way of influencing the process of such interaction, except through the implementation of an active program to improve brand reputation and trust in it. As a result, experienced marketers can analyze the response of Internet users to advertising content and draw conclusions concerning what further innovations are needed to maintain customer interest and stimulate the involvement and retention of as many clients as possible. This skill is valuable in the conditions of a wide variety of platforms and tools for communication.

Marketing Tools in Social Media

The use of marketing tools in social media is an important approach to maintaining customer interest in specific products or services because the variety of communication and interaction mechanisms used on the Internet makes it possible to maintain contact with the target audience and promote advertising materials differently. As the key objects of analysis, such technologies will be evaluated as e-mailing and mobile media, viral marketing, and social media gaming and branding. These tools are the common components of online promoting principles and allow generating advertising content by using various methods.

E-Mail and Mobile Media

Both these marketing tools are common forms of social media advertising. Dickinson (2019) gives a scheme of the possible actions of sellers promoting goods or services online and notes that the channels of communication directly with the target audience by sending e-mails and by interacting on popular Internet platforms (YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and some others) help speed up the decision-making process and brand awareness. The timely notification of customers about product updates is a valuable sales incentive. Since almost everyone has access to the global network, promotional offers are distributed through popular mobile applications, which is convenient for both marketers and consumers. Regular e-mailing maintains customer interest and allows retaining a stable client base.

Viral Marketing

Viral marketing is a valuable incentive for encouraging Internet users to share certain content that, in turn, contains direct advertising. Gunawan and Huarng (2015) define this concept and compare it with the real-life form of microorganisms that spread rapidly. Various media mechanisms, for instance, video excerpts, allow promoting certain materials among a large number of people. In addition, this advertising tool is not expensive and does not require any prior investments. If the content becomes viral due to the relevance of the topic touched or other factors, the possibility of influencing the decision-making process increases substantially.

As a result, potential customers obtain interesting materials, and marketers make a profit through an increasing interest in a particular brand or service. The main task is to come up with content that may be in trend and can attract the attention of as many users of the global network as possible.

Social Gaming and Social Media Branding

Any online gaming business is a productive area, and integrating promotional materials into this sphere is a potentially successful strategy. Chen et al. (2017) state that many owners of mobile applications forge partnership agreements with sellers, thereby creating mutually beneficial cooperation conditions. Access to such promotional content is usually free, and this practice is becoming more common. The principle of social media branding is similar to the aforementioned approach. However, potential customers are attracted not through gaming applications but advertising on other platforms.

This practice is very successful since the promotion of goods or services at the expense of third-party resources expands the sphere of influence on the target audience. Gao and Feng (2016, p. 868) research different Internet communities from 35 countries and note that, according to the results of their survey, “50% of social media users are connected to brands”. Such indicators show the value of this strategy and its relevance to the modern online environment.


The sphere of social media is a favorable platform for promoting various goods and services by distributing advertising content to the target audience and attracting new customers through effective strategies. There are various marketing concepts in this field, and their use and combination provide an opportunity to achieve maximum impact on customers. The notions of trust, reputation, and image play an essential role in the process of creating a positive perception of specific brands, and the competent management of these aspects makes it possible to maintain the consistently high demand and consumer interest by stimulating the decision-making process.

Among the social media categories, special platforms and tools may be distinguished. The mechanisms of e-mailing, mobile media engagement, viral marketing, social gaming, and media branding are valuable practices for achieving competitive advantage and sales stability. The sphere in question largely depends on the dynamics of introducing modern technologies, and the innovative development of advertising is the driver for engaging and retaining clients.

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