There are many factors to consider for disease management strategies. It is impossible to know for sure how and why disease develops and what could be the catalyst for each one. Therefore, it is essential to think ahead about how to properly manage and monitor not only the treatment process itself but also the possibilities of the disease and how they might affect other people.
Speaking of such factors, one of the most important can be mortality from the disease. It is worth noting that it is necessary to take into account not only the number of deaths from a particular disease but also the total number, as well as the severity of tolerance (D. Frenkel, 2018). This creates a complete picture of how the patient felt as they progressed through the treatment and what symptoms they experienced (Chhabra, 2017). Death is a consequence of the steps taken earlier, so it deserves just as much attention as the other aspects. One of the most prominent examples of using such a strategy is the autopsy of the deceased person. It helps to reconstruct the circumstances and cause of death (Morgan, 2021). This method is primarily used by law enforcement officials. In my opinion, however, autopsies should also be performed frequently to analyze what has happened thoroughly.
In addition, it is vital to take into consideration the fact of morbidity. It is largely ignored, and one prefers to focus on the treatment process rather than on the infection. An important step is not only to ask the patient about the disease but also to investigate it for the doctors themselves (Zelmat et al., 2020). This strategy will help to build an overall picture of how the disease got into the body and, from this, to have a broad understanding of the problem, as well as methods of treatment and prevention of the disease.
Chhabra, S. (2017). Emergency Obstetric Care, Essentialities for Prevention of Maternal/Neonatal Mortality/Morbidity. Obstetrics & Gynecology International Journal, 8(2).
D. Frenkel, L. (2018). Infectious diseases as a cause of global childhood mortality and morbidity: Progress in recognition, prevention, and treatment. Advances in Pediatric Research.
Morgan, D. (2021). Estimates of drowning morbidity and mortality adjusted for exposure to risk. Injury Prevention, 17(5), 359–359.
Zelmat, S., Belhachemie, N., Bouabida, D., Kerbouia, K., Boucherit, K., & Mazour, F. (2020). Hellp Syndrom, A Real General Desease that Threatens the Maternal Morbidity and Mortality at the EHU in Oran. Journal of Cardiovascular Medicine and Cardiology, 7(2), 094–097.