New Technology Training in Hospitality Industry Research Paper

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The research paper explores the application new Technology training (or e-training/e-learning) in Hospitality Industry. It also looks on the advantages, drawbacks, opportunities, and challenges facing its application. Because of its adaptability, low cost, flexibility, modularity, and time saving, e-learning has been adopted by many companies largely in part due to its cost effectiveness.

The application of e-learning in training employees encourages productivity as it increase the performance levels of employees. The hospitality industry is able to enjoy the numerous benefits associated with the adoption of this cost effective training method.


The emergence of new technologies in the hospitality industry has made it possible to enhance training and learning among the employees and the management team. Although the installation of the technological infrastructure is expensive and costly, it remains one of the most cost effective means of reaching the diverse workforce in the hospitality industry (Poulos, Tenut, & Lowry, 2009).

E-learning has been associated with numerous benefits which makes these new technology training programs reliable and cost effective. For example, restaurants have adopted these training programs as they offer consistency in training which increases the employees’ competency as well as reducing the turnover rates (Poulos, Tenut, & Lowry, 2009).

An example is the Hilton hotels which has adopted training via technology based media. Through customer satisfaction at the restaurants, customer loyalty is created which has the capacity of increasing the annual revenue level which can surpass the initial investment.

The ability by new technologies to provide a common learning platform, offers same training experience among the employees hence high retention rate. This offers the employees the adequate learning experience thus improving their competence levels. One of the major challenges that restaurants face is the high rates of turnover.

However, well trained employees with high competence levels have the capacity of getting job satisfaction thus low rate of quitting the job. This reduces the overall turnover rates as training through the new technology is easily achieved (Poulos, Tenut, & Lowry, 2009).

Restaurants depend mostly on consumer satisfaction for their finances and revenues. This consistency can be achieved through the new training technologies that are cost effective and can provide the employees with the required skills.

Purpose of training

As the technology advances, the hospitality industry and the customers become complicated. The major aim of any ideal business in to maximize its profits as well as retain its customers through the provision of the required and satisfactory services. Training employees in the hospitality industry especially in restaurants increase the revenue incurred as well as reducing the level of turnover.

For example, the Marriott hotel trains its employees in loss prevention courses. It also increases competence and confidentiality among the employees as they are able to offer the services with zeal and zest. Training employees improves the organizational capabilities as well as the employees’ capabilities.

The training programs are geared towards the improvement of the employees’ skills, knowledge, and performance (Afaq, F. Yusoff, Khan, Azam & Thukiman, 2011) which are the same reasons why employees are trained in Hilton Hotels (Baldwin-Evans, 2006).

Lastly, training in the hospitality industry equips employees with the new trends in the industry improving their management skills and the ability to retain customer consistency (Mejia, 2009).

Type of training [training methods]

There are numerous methods that have been adopted in the hospitality industry especially by the restaurants. The training methods solely depend of the level of technology embracement, their management team, and their geographical representation. These training methods can be categorized as either traditional training or the new technology training.

Traditional training methods

This consists of the following training methods, on the job training, job instruction training, lecture, cases, role playing, and behavior modeling. Job instruction training/ technique involves the preparation, presentation, trying out, and follow up processes (Blanchard, 2009; Noe, 2010).

The trainees are trained on the specific field where they are supposed to follow instructions while they are at work. It is a common training method in the hospitality industry that makes use of the trainee deficiencies as they are modeled to fit the job description.

The advantage of this method is that the progress of the trainee is monitored as it happens on one on one basis. On the job training is a commonly applied training method that uses the skilled and experienced employees to offer training to the less skilled and experienced (Blanchard, 2009; Noe, 2010).

It is often supplemented through the classroom training although it depends on the skilled employees who act as trainers. Other methods that can be supplemented to make it efficiency and effective are coaching, apprenticeship, mentorship, and the job instruction technique (Blanchard, 2009). A sequence of training that is developed is based on a program that is carefully crafted by the trainers.

Behavior modeling is used to develop and build the skills of the employees. Some of the skills built applicable in the hospitality industry include interpersonal skills, communication skills, and sales techniques among many others (Blanchard, 2009).

It applies a model that defines the skill deficiencies, relevant theories applied, the learning points, and the behavior that need to be watched. It also uses expert role models where the trainees are exposed to the behaviors required and practice then in a role play (Blanchard, 2009). Through the imitation of the required behaviors, the trainees are able to develop the skills of the role model.

Role playing involves single event simulations where the trainees are provided with the general descriptions of the role they would be playing. For instance, the hospitality industry is more characterized by customer services, so the trainees’ communication and interpersonal skills are sharpened as trainees are fitted in a particular role to play.

The different attitudes, opinions, character, needs, and character are enhanced to suit the role one plays (Blanchard, 2009). The major objectives of using the role play is to build up an insight based on ones behavior to influence the behavior of others.

New Technology Training

Advancement of technology is having numerous impacts in all industries. For new technology training to be effective in hospitality industry, it requires the blending of information technology, training, and top management. Some of the commonly applied include Computer-based instruction (CBI), video, Interactive Video training (IVT), and Web-based.

Computer based instructions is a new technology training technique that uses tutorials case studies and practice exercises allowing sophisticated interactions through the incorporation of business simulation and gaming activities (Wilson, & Hash, 2003).

The trainee is able to follow the given instructions and apply them in real life situations. Its application in hospitality industry is that it offers consistent learning materials as well as reducing the time required in training.

Its cost effective form of e-learning as it is cheap since transport, tutor, and meal costs are reduced. Through the offer of the multimedia content, employees in hospitality industry can learn automated tracking and record keeping at the same time enjoying the interactive learning atmosphere.

Some of its drawbacks are it lacks the aspects of human, peer interaction, issues related to computer literacy, difficulty in updating the content, and it lacks feedback from the instructor.

However, CBI has the capacity of retaining the attention of the learner through its video and audio aspects (Petty, Lim, & Zulauf, n.d). However, CBI does not allow interaction between the trainer and the trainee as it is based on non-web (Wilson, & Hash, 2003).

Web based training (WBT) allows distance learning through the use of innovative technology that is incorporated through the World Web, intranets, and internet (Henke,2001). WBT offers live content to the trainee where the content is delivered as fresh and can be modified any time depending on the structure that the trainee likes.

Its application in hospitality industry is being applied to trainee employees making it easier for companies to create room for working and skills and knowledge improvement. The advantage of the WBT is it offers large scale applicability since it can be used anytime, anywhere, and by anybody (Henke, 2001).

The instructions offered are safe paced enabling employees in hospitality industry to get training at their will or speed. This encourages modularity as the employees can learn a given module at a given time.

Other aspects that could be increased on the WBT are video and audio conferencing, chat, animation 3D virtual reality which make it more advanced as it could provide real time training to the employees. The drawback of the new technology training is the installation cost required and amount required in purchase of the required equipments (Henke, 2001).

Video and interactive video training are almost the same training methods. The only difference is that interactive video training allows interaction between the trainer and trainee in real time while video training does not allow the interactive aspect.

IVT “supports two way interactive audio and video instructions’” (Wilson, & Hash, 2003, p.34) making training through e-learning effective. This two training methods could be applied in training of employees in the hospitality industry as the trainee could train at their convenient time and interact freely with the trainer.

They could also enjoy the ability to display demonstration features that could be applicable in hospitality industry.

Effective way of training

New technology method is used by many companies because it saves money and time (Strother, 2002). This makes e-learning the most effective way of training new and old employees in the hospitality industry. E-learning offers flexibility and ease accessibility as the employees can choose the time to train within seven days a week (Roy & Raymond, 2008).

This can ensure that an employee completes the required module and not necessarily the whole course. For example, the Hilton Hotels has rolled out e-learning training program for its 65000 staff with the aim of increasing their competence and effectiveness (Ashford, 2008).

Another reason that makes e-learning more effective method of training is the concept of where multiple employees like in Hilton Hotels can train at their own speed which increases its dependability and its adaptability (Roy & Raymond, 2008).

It also allows interactive feedback as the trainee can interact with the trainee through emails, video, or the web. This increases its effectiveness as no cost is required for transport, books and other learning materials. Other costs that could be reduced through the use of e-learning method of training are meals costs, lodging, and course fees (Roy & Raymond, 2008).

Depending on the participants needs, e-learning gives the chance of customization. A hotel or restaurant management can distribute the learning materials and be in a position of evaluating the progress of each employee at their speed of learning.

Advantages and disadvantages of new technology training

New technology training is the most recent mode of training in the hospitality industry. The reason why it is on demand in hospitality industry is its capability to reduce operational costs. The trainees are trained on their convenient time reducing transport cost and time that could have been used by the employees.

For example, employees being trained through en-learning training can access the learning materials any time and at anyplace in their convenience.

Others costs associated with the deliverance of the training are reduced. For example, employees in hospitality industry who are usually busy can access training at their free time. Costs that could otherwise have been incurred in the hiring of an experienced trainer are also reduced.

New technology method creates a conducive and effective environment for learning. For example, the trainees in the hospitality industry are given the same learning platform where each employee can learn at their convenient time and pace.

The environment is also not associated with competition between the trainees as the employees can train at their speed and even learn different modules (Poulos, Tenut, & Lowry, 2009). This allows the employees to remain focused on both training and working in hotels or restaurants.

The goals and the objectives of an organization can easily be achieved through the use of new technology training. The hospitality industry aims at satisfying its customers and creating a brand that would remain competitive in the long run (Guzzo, 2010).

This can be achieved through new technology training since it offers the chance for improving the capabilities of the employees and that of the organizations. This is replicated in the industry in the form of productivity and effectiveness. Capabilities form the competence of an organization which could be achieved through new technology training because of its diversified nature.

For example, work and training could be run concurrently without compromising either because of the flexibility associated with new modern technology. New hires in the hospitality industry like restaurants can attain high levels of competency through faster and efficient means (Poulos, Tenut, & Lowry, 2009).

This has the capacity of increasing revenues as less cost is used in training the employees. For example, e-learning offers the chance of reducing turnover and increasing the overall revenue.

New technology training increases organizational productivity. The trained employees skills and knowledge are increased making it possible to offer satisfactory services to the customers.

For example the contemporary hotel industry and restaurants require employees who are up to the current changing trends in the industry. Customer demands and expectation have increased and with the current recession, companies have to adopt new methods of training their employees (King, 2003).

To achieve this, hoteliers and other fields in the hospitality industry have opted to use new technology training for their ability to cut costs, increase revenues, reduce turnover, and increase employees competency and efficiency.

There some disadvantages associated with new technology training that may make it ineffective or not applicable. For example, new technology training may be expensive to initiate as it requires the installation and the implementation of the required components and computer equipments. It may be faced with anxiety and fear of embracing the new training method.

This may have negative influence on the time taken in training the employees. Although the new training methods have been regarded as effective and competent, it is a slow method of learning as the trainees learn at their pace. This may have a negative effective on the hospitality industry as the expected skills and knowledge could not be achieved in the required time frame.

This can affect the business as customer satisfaction could not be achieved as required by the business operative. Modern training methods cannot be applicable in training some of the required content in hospitality industry.

For example, some content may require extra explanation and clarification from trainers to trainees for easy understanding. This may affect the employees’ capabilities as inadequate training may result to losses and loss of loyal consumers.

Challenges and opportunities of new technology training

The new technology training has been faced by many challenges. For instance, the hospitality industry has been lagging behind because of the implementation cost required for e-learning. This hinders the capacity and the degree in which the methods could be adopted.

The infrastructure development requires cost that some restaurants and hotels could not afford (Poulos, Tenut, & Lowry, 2009). According to recent studies, on e-learning there has been a challenge associated with perception of people who may not like the experience of learning online (Behnke & Greenan, 2011).

Computer literacy has also been a challenge facing the adoption of the new technology training. This has been a barrier as it may take a long period of time to get the employees acquainted with the new technology training methods. Lack of the appropriate skills may have a negative motivation resulting to trainees getting dissatisfied or under forming (Behnke & Greenan, 2011).

Loss of morale and support from trainers has been a challenge as some employees only perform under supervision. Some employees may be resistant to the new training technique making it obsolete. This can result to the wastage of finances by training employees.

The new training methods has offered the Hilton hotels the best opportunities of increasing productivity and efficiency in their operations. With the adoption of new skills and knowledge the Hilton hotels employees have replicated these to high levels of productivity and effectiveness.

It also offers the chances of developing competent employees in the hospitality industry. This opportunity acts as a capability that improves the service delivery among the employees to the esteemed and the loyal customers.

Walt Disney has adopted the new technology training which has been part of its competitive advantage making it the best in providing its services as well as facing the competition in a more appropriate way.

Human Resource function as applied to/in the hospitality industry

The human resource department is responsible for the management of the resources used in a hotel or restaurant. For example, it is responsible for the selection, recruitment, and the hire of employees (Nicolaides, 2010), which is reflected in the Hilton human resources. It also trains the employees on the current market trends and the skills required in running a competitive field in the hospitality industry.

A correlation between training employees has been developed as it improves the performance of the employees (Afaq et al., 2011).The human resource department in the hospitality like the Hilton hotels ensures that the employees can train using the most convenient, cost effective, and adaptable new technology training method (Hilton Management services, 2011).

This allows the employees to balance work and training programs. The achieved training improves customer care effectiveness which relies more on quality service offered (Afaq, et al, 2011).

The human resource management ensures that service skills, customer satisfaction, supervising skills, oral and written communication skills are gained by different employees in hospitality industry like hotel management (Whitelaw, et al. 2009).

This is reflected in the Walt Disney human resource that ensures that the skills of its employees are improved. Other roles played include motivation and creating a conducive working environment for its employees.

Lastly, plays roles of human resource management include staffing, designing of reward systems, compliance and benefits for its employees through appraisal and performance management (Bernadin, 2007)

Case Study: Hospitality industry field

One of the best fields in the hospitality industry that requires new training technology is the hotel industry. Hotel management requires employees who are trained to gain skills and knowledge that is essential in sustaining and satisfying its employees.

This has been the reason why the Hilton hotels, Marriott, and Walt Disney have been successful. These specific examples have adopted modern training for their employees where employees have been gained skills and knowledge. For example employees in a case study in Hilton, reported that their skills were improved upon e-learning and appreciated for having been given the chance to train (Baldwin-Evans, 2006).

Reference List

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