Portland Police Community Officer Core Obligations Essay

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The core obligation of a Portland Police community officer in partnership with the citizens is to nature peace, enforce law, maintain order, and ensure a secure society. However in the line of duty it is anticipated that an officer should initiate solutions to critical tasks and challenging duties and act within the framework of the law. The main duties of a police officer are to protect life and property of the people. The legal structure in this scenario is the support for an officer. The law of the Country assists an officer to execute duties in a systematic manner without exploiting the rights of any citizens while maintaining balance in the social environment. With all these values attached to the responsibilities of a Portland police community officer, I would be able to perform the duties of a police officer.

Patrol routine is also a basic duty of a Portland Police Officer. A police officer is expected to monitor violations of the law and regulations in the respective area of jurisdiction. Patrol is a fundamental obligation, presence of the law enforcing agents gives the citizen an assurance of peace and security while keeping violators of law and order at bay. A police officer is also expected to respond to alerts on security and emergency issues while in patrol. It is expected that they respond and answer to complains related to criminal matters. The main functional power of a police officer is enforce the law to the people within his/her area of jurisdiction. An officer is also expected to carry out routine assignment. Routine assignment usually includes orders delegated by the senior officers that are in accordance with the law and the prescribed duties of a Portland police officer. These duties may include conducting investigations and interrogations, carrying out searches, and presentation of court orders. An officer may also be required to make arrests to offenders of the law and presumed suspects as prescribed by the law. Police officers are usually amongst the first people in most the crime scenes. Since I have interest in carrying out investigations, I would be able to carry out investigations as stated in the duties of a Portland community police officer.

Handling the scene of crime is another important responsibility of a police officer. In this case, activities may entail collecting evidence for example written statement and establishment of first hand witnesses. In cases of casualties for example in an accident scene a police officer is expected to perform First Aid to the victims. It is also expected that he maintains custody of evidence and essential records accrued from criminal and accident scene. Offenders of the law may also be reprimanded by the police. This may entail administering penalty by citations. In such an incident the scene of the crime is investigated. Some crimes like traffic violations, the police may impose fines on the spot, help in the cases of vehicle breakdown and respond to medical emergencies. It is important for police for example to have skills on cardiopulmonary resuscitation in order to respond to such kind of emergencies. In big meetings like congregations and public rallies, police officers are used as guards to maintain order. They also provide security for VIP (Very Important Persons) in life risking situations.

The police are also expected to conduct regular crime analysis. This should entail keeping proper records on crime occurrences, aspects such as nature of the crime, location of the crime, time of the crime and nature of the victims are some of the important aspects of this process. This would help in identifying and analyzing crime patterns and trends. This information should be disseminated to appropriate organs and agencies for appropriate policies and clear guideline handling of crime. All in all a police officer is obligated with the mandate to keep the bad elements in the social environment at bay in order to establish peace and harmony. This responsibility calls for discipline, courage and dedication. From my first hand experiences with police officers doing all this investigations, I have developed a lot of interest in the work of a police officer; therefore, I can manage to work as a Portland police community officer.

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IvyPanda. (2022, March 15). Portland Police Community Officer Core Obligations. https://ivypanda.com/essays/portland-police-community-officer-core-obligations/

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"Portland Police Community Officer Core Obligations." IvyPanda, 15 Mar. 2022, ivypanda.com/essays/portland-police-community-officer-core-obligations/.


IvyPanda. (2022) 'Portland Police Community Officer Core Obligations'. 15 March.


IvyPanda. 2022. "Portland Police Community Officer Core Obligations." March 15, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/portland-police-community-officer-core-obligations/.

1. IvyPanda. "Portland Police Community Officer Core Obligations." March 15, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/portland-police-community-officer-core-obligations/.


IvyPanda. "Portland Police Community Officer Core Obligations." March 15, 2022. https://ivypanda.com/essays/portland-police-community-officer-core-obligations/.

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