Qualitative studies are an important part of scholarly research because their analysis explores particular topics in depth. An article “Study of the Relationship Between Black Men, Culture and Prostate Cancer Beliefs” written by Machirori, Patch, and Metcalfe (2018) and published in Cogent Medicine explores the ideas that Black men have about prostate cancer. The authors’ choice of research having a qualitative design is not accidental.
This approach allows them to assess the current notions that men have towards a particular subject without the need to quantify or hypothesize about a certain issue. In their article, Machirori et al. employ different elements of a qualitative study, by gathering the participants’ personals statements and interview answers and using a scoping review to outline main themes.
The purpose of qualitative research is to provide insight into a particular problem. Such an approach is utilized to explore a topic and reveal whether any underlying causes, reasons, or beliefs exist. The principal methodologies employed in qualitative studies involve conversations with people. For example, unstructured or semi-structured interviews often lie at the foundation of qualitative research. Nonetheless, the information for the articles can also be obtained from other qualitative studies in order to find overlapping themes and delve into the subject even deeper.
The research by Machirori et al. (2018) has these characteristics – it investigates the possible connection between Black men’s view of prostate cancer and their culture, and it collects information that was previously obtained through interviews with Black men. The outcome of the study is represented in the form of multiple themes being developed from text analysis. The authors explore the potential causes of the men’s behavior, attempting to find links between them and the issue.
The discussed study is not based on the collection of people’s opinions through discussions or questionnaires. Instead, the authors use research databases such as CINAHL, BNI, King’s Fund Library, and others to find relevant articles. Then, they indicate such inclusion criteria as the research’s focus on men, prostate cancer, and Black ethnicity. Moreover, Machirori et al. (2018) choose to exclude articles that pay increased attention only to mental health and screening behaviors or only to concerns related to surgery and treatment. After applying these selection criteria, the scholars read the chosen works in order to narrow their data sources further. As a result, they find 25 articles that fully correspond with their topic. The information from these researches is what constitutes the basis of this qualitative study.
The authors outline three major themes that explain Black men’s view of prostate cancer, including its screening and treatment. These are structural, social, and personal factors, and the latter two are closely interconnected. Machirori et al. (2018) find that Black men’s perception of prostate cancer relies on their idea of masculinity. For example, the scholars note that Black men often do not pay enough attention to screening procedures because medical assistance is viewed as threatening to their image of a healthy and strong man (Machirori et al., 2018).
Here, the social and personal aspects are intertwined as men share some notions about masculinity, but they also have their own ideas about it. Language is another social factor that interferes with Black men’s ability to talk about the problem. It is also argued that Black men who view prostate cancer as a serious disease that can disrupt their family and personal life overcome these concerns and access treatment.
Overall, the discussed study is an example of qualitative research that uses previously gathered information to present connecting notions and beliefs related to the topic. The authors obtain the necessary data from other articles and analyze it to reveal overarching cultural themes that define some behaviors of Black men. The three factors, structural, social, and personal, are strongly tied to Black men’s identity and beliefs about their culture and masculinity.
Machirori, M., Patch, C., & Metcalfe, A. (2018). Study of the relationship between Black men, culture and prostate cancer beliefs. Cogent Medicine, 5(1442636), 1-13.