Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, or Gamblers Anonymous meetings are a means to help people resist and fight addictions. Some people volunteer to attend such gatherings to find support and mentoring; however, some people are forced to attend a 12-step meeting by court order. I participated in a meeting of Alcoholics Anonymous and determined that 12-step programs play a significant role in treatment of a substance-related or addictive disorder.
I attended an open 12-step meeting with Alcoholics Anonymous to understand its impact on participants. It was difficult for me to determine all the members’ demographic characteristics, since I could only observe, but I have identified some of them from the discussion. First, the number of women and men was nearly equal, but there were slightly more White than Non-White people. Most of the participants looked over 40 years old, although there were a couple of young people in their 20s and 30s.
From the members’ stories and their wedding rings, I can guess that approximately 20% of them are divorced, and 40% are in a couple. In addition, some participants are unemployed, but in general, most of them have average or below-average income. Some of these details were confirmed to me by the organizer of the meeting, without disclosing details.
I find the meeting’s content and organization pleasant, friendly, and helpful despite the topics discussed by the participants. Many of the members knew each other, and they began with an informal greeting and communication. The mentor and organizer started the meeting with a short introduction, greeting and thanking the participants for their persistence to inspire the conversation that followed. After this speech, each participant talked about their successes, failures, and feelings, and the mentor provided comments or encouraged the narrator.
All participants had to introduce themselves and say the period that they abstain from alcohol before starting the story. At the same time, everyone present had to say at least a few words, even if they did not show interest or desire to participate. This small formality seems appropriate to me, since new members can be immediately involved in the process.
In addition, the members could express their opinions and approval politely. At the end of the meeting, the mentor gave instructions and recommendations for the program’s next step and also answered questions. In this way, all participants were given the opportunity to speak, get advice, or new information.
I experienced various emotions during the meeting, but I left it with a sense of hope and sadness. I felt pity and sorrow when participants talked about their failures, struggles, and the pain that their addictions caused. However, I also felt joy when I saw that the narrator felt relief and support. Many times I laughed at the jokes of the participants and wondered at their strength of will. In some cases, I felt sympathy and anger simultaneously for people who did not want to participate in the discussion.
I also respect the mentor who skillfully guides and encourages the participants and helps them in their struggle. At the same time, my main thought throughout the meeting was that most people faced difficult circumstances that made them abuse alcohol. For this reason, I left the meeting with sadness out of sympathy for people suffering from addiction, but I felt hope that the sessions would help them get rid of it.
After attending the Alcoholics Anonymous meeting, I saw that this type of treatment plays a significant role for the participants. Galanter (2016) notes that the question of the meetings’ effectiveness is controversial as studies give different results due to the difficulty of obtaining data from anonymous participants.
For this reason, many scientists question whether meetings play a role in addiction treatment. However, my experience shows that they are essential for many people who need support, compassion, and guidance in their struggle. I have seen that many participants find their strength and motivation to resist addiction in other people.
These meetings can be ineffective for those people whose beliefs do not align with the group. For example, some participants found support in God; however, some people can deny such beliefs. Consequently, if a new member does not find similarities with the group, he or she may not complete the program and continue to abuse. However, this meeting showed me that this type of treatment plays a significant role in overcoming addiction for many people, even if it is not central.
In conclusion, the experience of attending the Alcoholics Anonymous meeting has had a significant impact on my understanding of addiction treatment methods. I cannot claim that this method is 100% effective for all participants, but I can be sure that it helps many people. The central component of these meetings is the support and members’ ability to share their experiences and feelings. In addition, skillful mentoring is a crucial element for the success of such kind of treatment, since it allows members to get experienced advice. Consequently, Alcoholics Anonymous meetings play a significant role in treating alcohol abuse and should be used along with rehab and medications.
Galanter, M. (2016). What is Alcoholics Anonymous? A path from addiction to recovery. Oxford University Press.