A field trip is an expedition to an area that is far from the normal environment. It is usually done by a group of people. The trip’s objective is a reflection of education. It is aimed at providing students with an experience that will offer them an understanding and knowledge of daily activities. It usually provides observation opportunity for any subject in their natural state.
During a field trip, various activities take place. We went for a field trip to a ropes course, during which we were divided into teams and were able to do various team-building activities. Towards the afternoon, we did challenge activities such as rock wall climbing, walking on a wooden log that was about 20 feet high, and climb cargo net. The activities that surrounded me were of substantial experience and included rock wall climbing which was a fascinating challenge. This activity involved an individual to climb an artificial rock wall in all directions. The directions may be going upwards, downwards or sideways. The aim of this activity was to get to the top of the wall without falling. Since it was a competition, the goal was to complete climbing the rock wall in the shortest time possible. There was also an aim of reaching the topmost part depending on the difficulty of climbing. In the process of climbing, an individual was to maintain the use of hands in order to provide balance and support of his or her weight.
The challenging activities involved physically and mentally demanding sports. My set out goals when planning to participate in the event was to be courageous, and to be able to participate in all the activities. The reason for this was that, being afraid would be an obstacle for achieving the goal of completing the challenging activities at hand.
An individual’s state was challenged, and his or her attitude or emotional state could be shaken. The knowledge of participation in the event for an individual would challenge his or her attitude and emotional state before, during, and after the event. Before the event, I was a bit nervous. I was filled with anxiety and worry of getting involved in activities that I had little or no experience. During the event, I gained endurance and strength and was able to overcome all fears. Through participation in the event’s challenging activities, I was able to do many things that I never thought I could. This is mainly attributed to the support I received from my classmates. After the event, I was happy to be able to participate and overcome the challenging activities in the event.
The event was meant to be a mentally and physically demanding sport because it involved various elements of pain and work. This was experienced in the morning through the team building activities. As a result, the elements of pain and work influenced the experience to become more fun and enjoyable.
Through participation in this activity, I believe it will have a lasting effect on me. This is because the experience tested me both physically and mentally. It tested my balance, swiftness and durability with mental control. This affected me and made me gain more strength and endurance. Through participation in the event, I also gained educational benefits. The experience was an informative, learning and enlightening one. As an individual, I attained motivation and understood the importance of working together as a group. It also motivated me to make better decisions.