Executive summary
- Information is power.
- Credible information on quality improvement is important to this organization.
- The organization to adopt ‘quality electronic production techniques’.
- Methodology used helped in data gathering.
- This organization to advance its competiveness based on the findings this presentation.
This presentation will discuss the importance of adopting and embracing quality provisions within your. It is important to adopt ‘quality electronic production techniques’ due to the sensitive nature of the electronic gadgets. This forms the proposed program that this organization should adopt. Information in this presentation emerged from secondary techniques helpful in data gathering. This ensured achievement of in-depth information applicable in facilitating the realization of factual findings (Lehman et al, 2010). Analytically, effective production of quality electronics will require this organization to set proper planning and use of non-defective materials. It is recommendable that this organization should advance its competiveness based on the findings of this presentation.
- Organizations endeavor to succeed despite the challenges.
- Quality improvement critical for this organization’s advancements (Kothari, 2005).
- Data was acquired through secondary resources.
- Results/findings helpful in advancing this organization.
- Recommendations will incorporate proposals (Dantzker & Hunter, 2012).
This presentation will address growth-oriented and credible performance issues established to steer the production of electronic facilities (with functional value) in this organization. The discussions will be based on the diverse sub-headings set to improve service delivery in this organization. Evidently, this organization should enact quality improvement provisions based their validity and relevancy in the current market. Analytical aspects used in this study provided credible information on quality provisions for this organization. It will be crucial for this organization to advance and eradicate possible defects that might compromise the quality of electronic items produced. It is imperative to agree that this organization endeavors to grasp considerable market share globally; nonetheless, this can be achieved fully through establishment, ratification, and embracement of quality production processes.
Statement of the Problem
- This organization experiences low performance and quality hitches.
- Items do not match functional specifications and durability required (Luo, 2001).
- Quality techniques to be adopted promptly.
The ratings of this organization indicate low performance rates. The company has registered low ratings on scientific, environmental, and social ratings despite credible advancements in technologies (GoodGuide, 2012). You are required to score 10 out of the possible 10 due to the sensitive nature of your business (Luo, 2001). This has been hindering your performance in various aspects. Consequently, it has called for the need to present a report on the imperativeness of adopting quality techniques of manufacturing excellent software(s). The information is set to streamline operations at this institution by facilitating the adoption of probable manufacturing procedures and integration of superior processes of electronic assembling.
Methodology Used
- Execution of extensive study for this organization.
- Methodology identified (Lehman et al., 2010).
- Secondary technique of information gathering applied to help in the acquisition of reliable data.
- Credible investigative technique adopted and purposive information gathering method applied.
- Analysis and recommendations made for this organization.
This presentation report is provided after the execution of an extensive study through application of clear guidelines and procedures from the initial stages to completion. Secondly, the recipients of the report were identified where the board members, administrators, employees, and consumers of this organization are the probable beneficiaries. The information will enhance your knowledge of the effective electronic production techniques worth adoption. Secondary technique of information gathering was applicable to help in the acquisition of reliable data (Kothari, 2005). A credible investigative technique was adopted where purposive information gathering method was applied. The technique helped in the realization of realistic, relevant, and accurate data that addresses the purpose of the study sufficiently. This enables identification of data collection techniques (DCT) that purposely provide relevant information required by this organization (Dantzker & Hunter, 2012).
Results and Analysis
- Implementation of quality production techniques requires absolute dedication and determination.
- Quality provision critical.
- This organization to initiate proper supervisory measures
- Hire qualified Quality Assurance personnel (Chitale & Gupta, 2007).
- Implement quality electronic manufacturing techniques.
- Processing of excellent electronic items important (Evans & Evans, 2008).
Implementing quality production of electronics in this organization requires absolute dedication and determination of various stakeholders. Evans & Evans (2008) states that realization of highly functional electronic products that fosters individual’s performance and communication requires eradication of inconsistent manufacturing practices that might compromise quality. Quality is a critical provision in an organizational environment (Chitale & Gupta, 2007). This institution should also initiate proper supervisory measures and hire qualified Quality Assurance personnel to manage assembling of electronic parts. As noted, it is significant to implement quality electronic manufacturing techniques. Quality must be nurtured through systematic approaches. The approaches must be informed scientifically and technologically to avert possible complications. This organization should adopt favorable machine maintenance mechanisms and limit the use of obsolete materials in assembling various equipments.
- Quality to be observed for enhanced customer satisfaction and organizational progress.
- Adoption of quality electronic production techniques crucial (Lehman, DuFrene & Jaffe, 2010).
- This organization to streamline its processing procedures.
- Quality production depends on policies, production strategies, assembling procedures, and personnel literacy levels (Gad, 2008).
- Products produced should attain timely supply and professional handling.
- Managers to design performance policies (Locker & Kaczmarek, 2007).
Quality should be observed for enhanced customer satisfaction and organizational progress (Gad, 2008). Adoption of quality electronic production techniques is crucial in advancing people’s lifestyles. Electronic assembling should follow due procedures to ensure that quality items with functional orientation are produced for usage (Lehman, DuFrene & Jaffe, 2010) . As noted, the realization of quality production of electronic items is dependent on various factors that range from policies, production strategies, assembling procedures, and personnel literacy levels. The products also require timely supply and professional handling to facilitate their usage in good time. Based on the findings, the managers of the company have a responsibility of designing performance policies to promote effective coordination of electronic assembling (Locker & Kaczmarek, 2007).
- Recommendations set to enhance policy formulation in this organization.
- Eliminate the usage of obsolete raw materials and processes due to their adverse effects (Chang, 2008).
- Use recommended materials that are user-friendly.
- Execute proper planning and resource allocation.
- Strike a clear balance on resources allocation.
There are several recommendations proposed for this organization based on the findings and the results attained. This company to enhance its policy formulation and ensure that relevant measures are undertaken by the company’s administration to streamline its production of electronic gadgets. In particular, you should eliminate the usage of obsolete raw materials and processes due to their adverse effects. You also need to use recommended materials that are user-friendly. Proper planning and resource allocation is also essential in ensuring timely and quality processing of the products (Chang, 2008). Resource allocation facilitates acquisition of relevant processing equipment and various incentives that are crucial in the realization of quality output.
Managers should strike a clear balance on resources allocation to ensure that there are adequate funds to facilitate the acquisition of the needed raw materials, hiring of competent personnel, and purchase of relevant equipment. standards by everyone participating in the processing sequence. This would facilitate production of electronic gadgets with limited defects.
- Quality observation is important to this organization.
- Adoption of viable manufacturing procedures and integration of quality processes will be helpful.
- Company’s officials to craft more conventional processing policies.
- This organization to facilitate the development of viable performance strategies that are technologically informed and consumer oriented.
Quality observation is important to this organization’s growth. The ratings of this company indicate low performance rates on scientific, environmental, and social ratings despite credible advancements in technologies. On the methodology, a credible investigative technique and a purposive information gathering method was used. Based on the findings, the adoption of quality electronic production techniques is vital in advancing this company’s progression. The company has a responsibility of designing performance policies to promote effective coordination of electronic assembling. Analytically, this company should implement quality electronic manufacturing techniques.
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Chitale, A. & Gupta, R. (2007). Product design and manufacturing. New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India.
Dantzker, M. & Hunter, R. (2012). Research methods for criminology and criminal justice. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Evans, J. & Evans, J. (2008). Quality and performance excellence: Management, organization, and strategy. Mason, OH: Thomson Business and Economics
Gad, S. (2008). Regulations and quality. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley.
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Locker, K. O., & Kaczmarek, S. K. (2007). Business communication: Building critical skills. Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill.
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Chang, S. (2008). Sony vs. Samsung: The inside story of the electronics giants’ battle for global supremacy. Singapore: Wiley.
Chitale, A. & Gupta, R. (2007). Product design and manufacturing. New Delhi: Prentice-Hall of India.
Dantzker, M. & Hunter, R. (2012). Research methods for criminology and criminal justice. Sudbury, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Evans, J. & Evans, J. (2008). Quality and performance excellence: Management, organization, and strategy. Mason, OH: Thomson Business and Economics
Gad, S. (2008). Regulations and quality. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley
GoodGuide. (2012). Related Company Ratings. Web.
Kothari, C. (2005). Research methodology: Methods & techniques. New Delhi: New Age International (P) Ltd
Lehman, C., DuFrene, D. & Jaffe, C. (2010). Professional communications: 2010 custom edition (2nd ed.) Mason, OH: Cengage Learning.
Locker, K. O., & Kaczmarek, S. K. (2007). Business communication: Building critical skills. Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill.
Luo, Y. (2001). Strategy, structure, and performance of MNCs in China. Westport, CT: Quorum Books.