Employee Performance
The benefits that SAS offers its staff are quite promising; especially, the assistance to the members’ families that the organization provides (Employee and retiree services, 2016) leaves a profound impact. As an employee, I would look forward to working for the company that values the parts of their employees’ lives that truly matter to them.
The innovation promoted by SAS may solve one of the greatest business issues of the 21st century, i.e., the imbalance between family and work. For instance, it may suggest a compromise that will satisfy both the company and the employee. However, it needs further improvement so that the family members could be convinced to make an effort.
Employee Layoffs
Employee layoffs have a variety of adverse effects on the staff. Particularly, the sense of insecurity concerning their jobs deserves to be mentioned. In addition, the remaining employees may become unmotivated seeing the lack of justice in the company. Finally, the increased rivalry rates spurred by layoffs and the fear of being dismissed may affect the process of information sharing and, therefore, bring the performance rates down.
Moreover, the inconsistencies in the information management process can affect the company’s revenues significantly. In addition, the increased rivalry will create the environment, in which the staff may find it hard to evolve; as a result, the firm will collapse.
Although I am likely to feel rather awkward when laying off an employee, I will try to make sure that the staff member to be dismissed accepts my arguments and at the same time does not feel discouraged. Therefore, I will make it evident that the company appreciates their efforts but is in a tough economy and needs to make hard choices. Moreover, I will display compassion and understanding. Thus, it is likely that no major conflict will erupt.
Performance Appraisals
The reasons for the companies setting goals, assessing performance, and providing feedback to the staff to succeed concern the rapid increase in employees’ motivation that the specified changes trigger. For instance, active use of feedback analysis is what makes Apple so efficient (Alexander, 2016). Moreover, my personal experience of working as a manager’s assistant shows that the success of a project often hinges on the clarity of the goals and the manager’s encouragement.
According to Alan Chapman, the founder of BusiessBalls.com, performance appraisals are priceless because of the rapid increase in staff’s motivation rates that they permit (Chapman, 2016). |The specified form of feedback, in its turn, is only possible after a careful review of the progress made by the staff. Therefore, performance measurement plays the key part in delivering performance appraisals. The feedback that managers give the company members, in its turn, sets the stage for providing a performance appraisal.
Performance Measurement
First and most obvious, I will make sure that the freezer is locked hermetically so that the pace of the melting process could be slowed down. Afterward, I will put up a sign saying that the store is temporarily closed, contact the local electricity service immediately to learn about the cause of the accident and the amount of time that it can be addressed in, and wait for the issue to be resolved.
Two or more performance measurement tools permit an all-embracive assessment of every aspect of the company’s functioning, which is obviously a benefit. However, the introduction of two different assessments may become far too time-consuming and trigger a slowdown in the firm’s operation. For example, the analysis of the staff’s reports and the assessment carried out by supervisors is likely to take an impressive amount of time and financial resources.
Training Assessment
There is no secret that time pressure is one of the key factors causing stress among new staff members. Thus, it is imperative that the issue concerning the time pressure and the tools that it can be addressed with is the most important topic to be covered. In addition, the issues of professional responsibility and the company’s quality standards need to be brought up to make sure that the new staff will follow the firm’s quality standards.
To locate the vendor for the staff training, one will have to consider the characteristics thereof such as the compliance with the letter of the law, the understanding of the need to promote the concept of lifelong learning to the staff, and the compatibility of the firm’s standards with the ones of the vendor.
Training Effectiveness
The significance of collaboration, training, and IT skills, which the Southwest Airlines view as the focus of their training program (Southwest Airlines: Employee education takes flight, 2003), can be considered a rather reasonable way of motivating the employees to attain success in the course of training. It can also be recommended that the concept of information management as an essential part of the IT-related processes should be incorporated into the training program.
Presentations as training methods may take little time, yet they do not provide essential details. Case studies, in their turn, allow seeing the processes from the inside yet cannot be applied to every problem of the kind. Unlike case studies, simulations provide the staff with an opportunity to make their choices when facing a specific problem. Discussions, in their turn, do not provide actual experience but help clarify a range of misunderstandings before an actual issue emerges. It is suggested that a combination of simulations and discussions should be used in a company to provide the staff with the necessary experience and give them a chance to talk about the aspects that they have troubles understanding.
Alexander, A. (2016). Apple’s mission statement. Web.
Chapman, A. (2016). Performance appraisals. Web.
Employee and retiree services. (2016). Web.
Southwest Airlines: Employee education takes flight. (2003). Web.