Security and Counterintelligence Operations Essay

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Counter-intelligence (CI) in most cases refers to the overall efforts that are made by intelligence based organizations. These efforts are normally made in prevention of adversary based organizations from any successful collection of intelligence. This intelligence in most cases can be gathered against the local intelligence organization. Research reveals that governments form counter-intelligence agencies to assist them in carrying out these operations.

These agencies are normally distinct and separate in relation to the services collected in intelligence for special purposes only. Research reveals that nations all over the world have their counter-intelligence operations quite widespread. This is done all over various organizations that are found in the nation. In United States, one of the major organizations that give counter-intelligence service is the FBI. In most cases military organizations own various counter-intelligence forces. 1

All these are normally capable of carrying out protective operations within the nation. In United States, there is both military and civilian counter –intelligence operations. This paper illustrates three United States counter-intelligence operations. It further discusses and also analyzes the lessons that are learned from these operations. There is a clear elaboration of the successes and the failures of these operations.

Defensive counter-intelligence operations

Issues of counter-intelligence in United States are taken with much seriousness. One of the major operations in United States deals with defensive counter-intelligence. In United States, this operation deals with checking for various places within organizations therein that have the loopholes of exploitation by other foreign organizations. In this case the defensive counter-intelligence operations check out for other nations that can take advantage of the organization(s).

This is not only carried out against foreign nations, but also other internal organizations that can thwart the operations of the company. Defensive counter-intelligence operations in United States are carried out against criminal organizations that are transnational based and also terrorist groups. Examples of criminal organizations that are transnational based include; money laundering and drug trade. 2


Looking at United States defensive counter-intelligence operations, there are lessons that can be learned from its successes and failures. Research reveals that defensive counter-intelligence operations have been successful in preventing local organizations from exploitation from both foreign and local organizations. Very many local organizations in United States are thriving in business because of this.

One of the major lessons learned from this is that defensive counter-intelligence operations in a nation are very essential. They play a big role towards the overall improvement in United States economy. Despite the fact that defensive counter-intelligence operations have had successes, they have also exhibited failures in some aspects. There are instances whereby these operations have taken drastic measures against foreign nations and organizations without adequate evidence. In this case, we learn a lesson that in as much as the defensive counter-intelligence is put min place, adequate research has to be carried out.

This is before the measures are carried out. Many researchers have to be employed in relation to effective defensive counter-intelligence. This will ensure that no nation or organization is victimized unjustly.

Research reveals that in the past, defensive counter-intelligence has been carried out in a ‘harsh’ manner and therefore hampering relations between United States and other nations. This has led to poor relations which are still essential in development of U.S. We learn a lesson that in as much as defensive counter-intelligence has to be carried out; it should be done diplomatically to maintain these relations between organizations and nations. 3

Offensive counter-intelligence operations

This is one of the operations that are carried out by United States counter-intelligence department. In the offensive counter-intelligence operations, measures are normally taken to detect the surveillance of enemies. In the case of offensive counter-intelligence operations, they are more than reactive. In most cases the United States defensive counter-intelligence operations try to sabotage any other intelligence services that are hostile in nature. This is done through various ways. One of them is to deny them or take away the resources that they use. The offensive counter-intelligence operations also discredit any personnel in the intelligence service. In most cases it even goes to the extent of imprisonment.


Looking at offensive counter-intelligence operations, there are very many lessons that can be learnt. One of them is very clear from the successes of these ventures. It is very clear that the offensive counter-intelligence operations have helped prevent foreign nations from taking advantage of United States and the organizations therein. The failure of the offensive counter-intelligence operations is that sometimes they result in death sentence. This greatly undermines human life.

Counter-intelligence force protection source operations

These in most cases are operations that have the nature of clandestine. They are sometimes referred to as operations of human source. Their mission is to fill the gap available in the coverage at the national level. Research reveals that terrorist attacks against any diplomatic or military facilities are quite a threat. In U.S measures of force protection are taken against facilities< family members and even military personnel


Critical analysis of United States counter-intelligence force protection operations reveal both failures and successes therein. One of the failures is lack of preventive action in relation to protection source operations. In this relation, very many nations have suffered a great deal. These nations include Tanzania, Kenya and Saudi Arabia. However, after these occurrences United States has pulled up its’ socks and more protection implemented. 4


Counter-intelligence is the overall efforts that are normally made in nations by organizations that are intelligence based. These efforts normally aim at preventing adversary organizations from succeeding with intelligence operations. There are various counter-intelligence operations in United States. They include defensive and offensive counter-intelligence operations. All these have had their successes and their failures. The success includes preventing foreign organizations from taking advantage of United States based organizations. Many lessons are learnt including –counter-intelligence operations play a big role in the overall growth of U.S economy.


Gleghorn, T. (2003): Exposing the Seams; the Impetus for Reforming US Counterintelligence; New York; Macmillan Press.

Matschulat, B. (1996): Coordination and Cooperation in Counter-intelligence; New York; Free Press.

Van, C. (2007): Counter-intelligence and National Strategy; New York; prentice Press.


  1. Gleghorn, T. (2003): Exposing the Seams; the Impetus for Reforming US Counterintelligence; New York; Macmillan Press.
  2. Matschulat, B. (1996): Coordination and Cooperation in Counter-intelligence; New York; Free Press.
  3. Van, C. (2007): Counter-intelligence and National Strategy; New York; prentice Press.
  4. Gleghorn, T. (2003): Exposing the Seams; the Impetus for Reforming US Counterintelligence; New York; Macmillan Press.
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IvyPanda. (2021, August 26). Security and Counterintelligence Operations.

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"Security and Counterintelligence Operations." IvyPanda, 26 Aug. 2021,


IvyPanda. (2021) 'Security and Counterintelligence Operations'. 26 August.


IvyPanda. 2021. "Security and Counterintelligence Operations." August 26, 2021.

1. IvyPanda. "Security and Counterintelligence Operations." August 26, 2021.


IvyPanda. "Security and Counterintelligence Operations." August 26, 2021.

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