Caspian Construction PLC: Security Management Essay

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Twenty-Four Hour Security Management

Site security is one of the fundamental aspects, which must be given first priority in the event that a construction expects to undertake any assigned project work in a timely, as well as less costly manner. In every construction site, the term security has a wide range of meanings. It may refer to the safety of the workers who are on the site in terms of enjoying an accident free environment.

Security can also refer to the undertaking of loss control through the prevention of equipment theft. In most of the Venezuelan construction sites, contractors incur big losses as a result of equipment theft. Even though insurance firms offset some of the financial costs, the contractor settles most of the uninsured costs. The runway construction will entail a wide range of equipment along with a diverse workforce and thus it will be of great essence to put in place vibrant security measures (Fay, 2011).

Contractors with insufficient security management remain to be theft targets. The security personnel should address all issues leading to both tool, as well as, equipment theft. In most of the scenarios, the profitability of a construction company highly relies on the ability to prevent theft losses effectively.

An effective construction-site security requires good planning along with programming. Runway construction involves the use of construction material along with equipment of high value and thus it is vital to prevent them from being stolen. Secure equipment automatically leads to secure business.

Equipment theft is associated with various potential sources. However, the two principal sources are the workers on the site along with the general public who visit the site as the construction work continues. Caspian Construction PLC has to implement various measures to succeed in maintaining a twenty-four hour security operation within the Venezuelan site.

In the first place, it will be of great essence to establish methods of getting early warning signs while undertaking construction site monitoring. It is highly unlikely that thieves or vandals will forewarn anyone about their intention to carry out theft on a certain place.

Nevertheless, it is important to note that there are various techniques that could be used by a security manager in order to acquire information concerning a planned theft (Sennewald, 2011). This could be through early warning messages. For instance, using Google alerts, one can get aware of the string of thefts taking place within the neighborhood and thus tighten vigilance within the site.

The other measure, which will be put into consideration, is ensuring that the security lighting within the construction site is at acceptable standards. Lighting brings down construction site theft because it discourages prowlers. In addition, adequate lighting assists those assigned the duty of monitoring the site in identifying the suspicious activities. It has been established that intruders will tend to target the poorly lit areas.

Therefore, before the construction materials along with equipment are brought to the site, security lights should be positioned in various points within the site. It is always recommended to make use of white light because it is considerably bright. White light is also helpful in making a clear color differentiation, thereby facilitating the identification and reading of license plates.

Even though the white lights are expense to maintain lit; they are worth the price. In accordance to the basic thumb rule, the white light can assist the security personnel to identify a certain face, which is approximately thirty feet away.

It is also essential to make it certain that the power sources within the site are protected. Thieves always attempt to interfere with the power source prior to carrying out their agenda. It is therefore advisable to have a well-secured private power source for the purposes of the security lighting.

Daytime security should no be taken for granted. In most of the construction sites, the security managers tend to overlook daytime security issues. In this regard, it is essential to formulate security questions, which will be applied within the field. Moreover, it might be essential to request all the site workers to remain dressed in a set standard uniform while undertaking their daily duties (Fay, 2011).

This might seem insignificant but it makes the identification of unauthorized “visitors” easier. In respect to the security questions, the on-site staff should be trained on formulating strong lined questions, which might assist them in identifying unauthorized persons within the site.

For instance, instead of asking an individual whether he or she works within the site, the crew should inquire from the individual whomever he or she works for within the site. This is due to the fact that a construction of this magnitude will entail a number of sub-contractors and some invaders may hide their identity behind the sub-contractors’ names.

The other step will be the development of a pre-job checklist. A checklist will turn out as vital in making better the site security. Within the list, various personnel will be assigned certain security duties. The assignment should be allocated to those who have the required expertise, as well as, experience.

Since some of them will have served in the same capacity in the previous projects, they will be requested to dedicate themselves more within this project by promising them various incentives. The checklist will also consist of items such as inventory management system, mandatory sign-in register along other documents, which may assist in reducing theft.

Consideration will also be made to award gifts to individuals thought to have made the most helpful security tip within a certain time, for instance, per month. The gathering of essential contacts such as police contacts, fir department’s contacts, as well as, neighbors’ contacts will not be overlooked (Sennewald, 2011).

Through the use of internet, substantial information about the local contacts of all the individuals mentioned previously will be obtained. The local police will assist in making specifications about the distinct security precautions, which should be made.

The aforementioned security measures may not achieve much success in the absence of a strong security fence. Within every site security program, more focus should be directed towards the establishment of the perimeter fence as it acts as the site’s defense line. Security fences are fundamental for the protection of tools along with materials.

They also assist in bring under control the issue of trespassers. It is only at the presence of a security fence that one can launch a lawsuit on trespassing against any culprits. Therefore, the security fences should satisfy certain characteristics. The security fences should be high such that they cannot be climbed.

Moreover, high fences play the role of psychological deterrent. Trespassers along with “impulse” vandals get discouraged upon coming across high fences. It is also important to ensure that the number of gates within the security fence is brought to the minimum. In the event that the access gates are numerous, the more vulnerable is the security detail. The gates should also be narrow enough to allow the entry of emergency vehicles.

It will also be necessary to conduct an analysis of the security needs of that specific site. The analysis will entail of reviewing the crime rate within the area. This is due to the fact most of the site theft is always organized from within (Fay, 2011). In addition, while conducting the security analysis, safety zones will be identified within which the stores along with car park will be located.

There are other rules along with regulations, which will be passed to all the workers prior to the commencement of the project. The staff will also be informed about the reporting procedures to be followed in case they discover cases related to equipment theft. It is unethical to wait for a certain theft incident to take place to establish the reporting procedures. In the course of the working hours, all the equipment should remain locked, as well as, immobilized.

Anti-theft devices will be attached on various equipments such as steering-wheel locks, locked fuel caps along with some more others. Where possible, all the equipment within the site should remain securely locked once not in operation. It will also be essential to install an alarm system within the site.

Moreover, all the major equipments along with site vehicles should be protected by an alarm system (Sennewald, 2011). Alarm systems will always send warning signals to the security personnel in the event that thieves strike. In order to ensure that everything within the site is well monitored; surveillance cameras will also be installed within various areas along with main stores within the site.

Basically, it is only with commitment that it is possible to prevent theft effectively. In the event that not all the employees are enlightened about the essence of prioritizing theft prevention, all the formulated theft policies will be bound to fail.

All workers along with their supervisors will be held accountable in playing their assigned role within the theft-prevention program. Proper communication channels will be established to ensure that all the workers, as well as sub contractors have all the required information related to security matters.

Benefits and shortfalls of making use of local security personnel

It is always vital to make use of the local residents or security companies in the provision of security services. Given that the project is being carried out within an area whereby the company management is not conversant with the security situation, securing the services of a local security agency is well advised.

The local security firm will have an upper hand in offering efficient security services because it understands better the security needs of the area. Moreover, in relation to the social constructivism theory, cultural understanding is essential in the establishment of practical security system.

Even though security issues are currently approached with a global perspective, the local security aspects cannot be overlooked. Moreover, the local security firms will have already established good relationships with the local police such that they can offer them any kind of assistance they may require.

Making use of local security firms will also establish good public relations of the Caspian Construction PLC with local companies. It is essential that multi-national companies dish out some contracts in form of sub-contracts to the local firms within which they are carrying out a given project.

The locals will be even more ready to cooperate with the company because they are offering them employment. Moreover, in relation to the chaos theory, it is only the local security firm, which can comprehend well the prevailing security conditions. Even though much information can be obtained online regarding the security situation within Venezuela along with the crime rate within the earmarked site area, the information may not be adequate to formulate effective security policies.

In addition, the locals are well equipped with the local security laws and thus when they need to initiate lawsuits against other parties; they will take up the assignment with a lot of ease. The chaos theory is mostly based on the visual ‘butter fly effect’ whereby underestimated aspects can bring about unforeseeable effects.

While the idea of contracting local security agency may seem small, it can help much in mitigating various security issues. It is the local firm, which is well informed with the various forces, which can trigger security instability within the construction site.

Putting into consideration the contract involves runway construction within an airport; matters concerning security will be highly prioritized. Airports are sensitive areas and a slack in the security detail can put at stake the lives of numerous individuals (Fay, 2011). The contracted local security firm will be more dedicated in protecting its fellow citizens against any form of attack, which can be targeted to the airport as a result of the on-going construction work.

Moreover, the local security firm will also be well placed in communicating with the local stakeholders in regard to offering other types of support to the project. Given that they understand Venezuela better than the Caspian Construction PLC management, they will offer suitable advice on the local firms, which should be assigned various sub-contracting jobs. Sub-contracts should be offered to reputable firms.

In the event that the sub-contracts are assigned to unworthy companies, the security within the construction site may be at stake. Malicious sub contractors can even organize theft within the construction site. Information provided by various companies within their websites may not be the most appropriate for establishing their actual capacities (Sennewald, 2011). Some firms in the endeavour of expanding their client base post misleading information within their websites.

It will also be less expensive to make use of local security firms. These firms will be well informed about the various costs which they have to pay for various security equipments such as surveillance cameras. The local companies may attempt to fleece Caspian Construction PLC in the event that they attempt to purchase such equipment by themselves.

Caspian being an international company, majority of the local firms may be more concerned with taking advantage of the firm. However, making use of local security firms will be quite helpful in resolving such contracting obstacles. Moreover, the contract to undertake the runway construction was most likely awarded by the Venezuelan government.

The government will therefore be highly impressed to have local companies involved in the project because that will be a form of supporting local Venezuela business. Besides, it will be a good gesture by the company, as it will show commitment in investing in the country’s local economy.

Awarding the security provision contract to a local company will also assist Caspian Construction PLC in reducing the administration workload. This is due to the fact that the company management will not be involved in the recruitment, as well as, supervision of security personnel.

It will be the duty of the contracted local firm to carry out all the duties concerning the provision of security within the site. In addition, outsourcing security services increases the reliability of the security team (Fay, 2011). Given that the contracted firm is strictly involved with the provision of security services, its personnel will obviously be well trained and in possession of the desired experience.

Moreover, in case the need to replace the security personnel emerges, the local firm will be in a position to undertake that duty immediately without major constraints. On the contrary, in the event that Caspian Construction PLC decides to manage its security workforce, it may face staffing problems given that they are operating in a foreign land.

In case emergency cases emerge which require extra security staff, the local firm will be capable of meeting that requirement. The security needs within the site will not remain constant through out the construction period, as time progresses, there may be the need to trim down the security personnel.

The local security firm will accomplish that without making the personnel redundant because they will be posted to other stations. Besides, Caspian Construction PLC may not be in a position to retain the security personnel after the completion of the project.

Nevertheless, in the course of contracting the local firm, it is advisable to evaluate the company’s reputation along with efficiency. Even though there are numerous advantages associated with the contracting of local firms for the provision of security services, there are also several disadvantages linked to such a step.

The procedures of the security firm may not be suitable for the Caspian Construction PLC. The local firm may indulge in certain work ethics which may not be acceptable within the Caspian Construction PLC. The local firm may take security issues with much unnecessary concern.

The local security firm may also end up being sued for using unnecessary force in scenarios which did not require such forces. In the event that the firm is charged within the local courts for causing unnecessary harm on suspected vandals, disagreements may emerge on the firm which is supposed to take responsibility. In other cases, the costs of sub-contacting a local security firm may be considerably high than employing such personnel directly. The sub-contracted firms will cite various management issues to justify their exorbitant costs.

The other disadvantage is that the contracted security firm may have poorly trained security personnel. This will lead to making the construction firm even more vulnerable to incidents of theft. As mentioned earlier, most of the on-site thefts are masterminded by the workforce present in the site (Sennewald, 2011).

The contracted security firm personnel may not integrate well with the Caspian Construction PLC employees. Due to the poor relations between the security personnel with the other workforce on the site, it will be easier to plan equipment or even material theft. The loyalty of the local firm’s employees may also be questionable. Given that any equipment loss will not affect them directly, they may even abet in organizing equipment theft with willing parties.

Moreover, unfaithful security personnel can also take part in offering security information which is supposed to remain confidential to outsiders. Seeking the services of another firm to deal with security issue may impact negatively on the relationship of the construction firm employees with their management.

The employees may get the false impression that the company management does not trust them. In the effort to prove that such a measure was not worthwhile, these employees may organize equipment, as well as, material theft so that the sub-contracted firm may turn out as ineffective.

In the event that equipment loss takes place, the sub-contracted security firm may object taking up responsibility. This may lead to unnecessary costs as the Caspian Construction PLC may be forced to launch lawsuits against the firm. Besides, the insurance companies can also deny compensating for the lost equipment on the excuse that the company had passed the responsibility of taking care of its assets to another firm.

To overcome all these shortcomings, prior to warding the contract to a certain firm, it will be necessary to evaluate the company’s policies. Construction equipments are highly expensive and thus the hired security should have a good history in the security field. Besides, the company should be in a good financial position such that it can meet the costs of establishing vibrant security systems, which in most cases prove to be costly.

Reference List

Fay, J., 2011. Contemporary security management. Burlington, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann.

Sennewald, C. A., 2011. Effective security management. Burlington, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann.

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IvyPanda. 2019. "Caspian Construction PLC: Security Management." March 29, 2019.

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