From the readings, the following ideas and lessons can be derived. First, the mother’s house labor permits the provider, the husband, to labor, letting the woman undertake domestic duties such as food preparation, utensil washing, courtyard and home maintenance, and child care (Mosca et al., 2021). Thus, the societal predisposition and notion that women are lesser in the community should be abandoned, and greater emphasis should be placed on the critical functions they perform in the household. Additionally, notwithstanding the uncertainties, parents and guardians may transition from dread to meaning by intending to function as committed stakeholders in their children’s education.
Second, while partnerships can be characterized in various ways depending on who is connected, all healthy partnerships share important components: effective dialogue, appropriate limits, mutual understanding, and supportiveness. Adolescents learn to develop secure and healthful connections with their peers, families, guardians, instructors, and love companions during their adolescence. Teenagers frequently experiment with various identities and behavior, and each of these interactions contributes to their identity construction. Continued use of contraceptive methods can help avoid pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections. Hormonal contraceptives such as pills and barrier measures such as condoms can significantly prevent the likelihood of pregnancy and minimize the danger of sexually transmitted infections.
Third, to label a same-sex spouse as gay, characterize their connection as gay, or refer to their affection as gay intercourse is extremely insulting and should be disregarded. Anti-gay radicals regularly utilize these formulations to disparage LGBT persons, partnerships, and engagements. Lastly, The Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor advocates American principles, such as the legal system and individual freedoms, to foster robust, peaceful, successful, and autonomous governments. They contribute to American sovereignty in the fight against dictatorship and terrorism by defending religious, linguistic, and media freedom and the rights of citizens to peaceably protest and seek the government for grievance remedy.
The image below advocates for an inclusive society that supports and accepts every individual regardless of their sexuality.
Being a member of the LGBTQ community does not imply a proclivity for rape, molestation, sexual assault, sadomasochism, or incest. These assertions, equivocations, and correlations frequently suggest that LGBT individuals are a danger to the community, households, and especially children. Therefore, society should provide a varied, comprehensive, embracing, friendly, and supportive environment for all.
Mosca, I., O’Sullivan, V., & Wright, R. E. (2021). The educational attainment of the children of stay-at-home mothers: Evidence from the Irish marriage bar. Oxford Economic Papers, 73(2), 534-560.