In the recent past, men were the only individuals who were permitted to have a career. It wasn’t a surprise to see women kissing goodbye to their careers immediately after they got married. However, nowadays, since civilization came into effect, both men and women go to work. All of them have fully concentrated on their careers.
As a matter of fact, this is not done by fathers and mothers in all homes. Most of the people still believe in their own theories that duties for instance taking care of a child, can be performed well by women. There are however, other strong theories that blow this notion out of the water. The reality is that fathers can also nurture the way mothers do. This article will try to attest that the decision to be a stay at home dad should not be considered as any kind of primitivism.
Has the bond between women and their children always been talked about? The answer is automatically yes. We ought to be fed up with this kind of talk. Women aren’t the only ones responsible for the love of their sons and daughters. I think the bond between fathers and their kids is also vital.
Kids need to recognize and frequently be near their dads in order to identify with them (Gill, 2001). This cannot happen if fathers continue staying far away from homes. A dad is very significant to the entire family. The bonds from a dad and a mum are needed by the child to build him/her not only emotionally but also socially.
To begin with, a child does not only depend on his/her mother’s advice. When kids go through any difficulties in the learning process, it is believed that mothers provide all the necessary encouragement needed by the child. This does not satisfy the kid. The babies need their dads to provide some encouragement to them on how to control those circumstances.
According to the diverse studies that have been carried out concerning the stay at home dads, fathers have a greater responsibility to the growth of their babies. It has been discovered that guidance from a father can execute superior emotional stability, a greater echelon of inquisitiveness as well as the strongest sense of self confidence. This is important to all kids. Through the dad’s guidance, a kid may be eager to learn and discover more things in life and also have hope in the future.
The responsibility of a father is very influential and also powerful to a child. This is more than the role that a mother has towards the life of a kid. A father has a greater responsibility to a child especially during the first five years of a child’s growth and development.
As a matter of fact, bonds between mothers and their kids can be built and developed irrespective of her career. This means that the bond between a mother and her child will develop even if she is far away from the child. On the other hand, this will never happen to a father. It is therefore necessary for a father to be close to the kid.
It is high time that theories try to explain the greater strength of maternal love over paternal love. The truth is that love from both parents is equally strong and essential. In a child’s growth and development, both maternal and paternal manipulations turn out to be uniformly strong (Smith, 2009).
Stay at home dads are not only advantageous to the kids but also to their wives. Every human being gets tired after performing any given task. It is therefore very important to be relieved off some duties. Women are no exception. They also need to be relieved of certain duties such as nurturing. Whenever husbands take the responsibility of taking care of youngsters, the mothers are in a certain way relieved from being worried about them.
Sometimes family matters can cause a lot of problems to a couple. Family matters go to an extent of breaking marriages. Nobody between the couple may take the responsibility to be answerable to this kind of issue. They keep on blaming each other for this problem. In many countries, women are blamed the most for family breakages. In some way, women are responsible because they spend most of their time taking good care of their babies.
If women are relieved from taking care of their babies by men, family values will never be contaminated. The pollution of family values is the cause of a lot of problems to a couple. In the “The Stay-at-Home Dad Handbook” the book attests that in families where there is a stay at home dad, fewer family related issues are likely to emerge. This is because most of them are tackled as soon as they come out.
In many families, most fathers struggle by forcing their relationship with their children. This is because the youngsters do not recognize them in one way or another. They tend to spend most of their time away from their children. With stay at home dads, it is very simple; they do not have to thrash about forcing their relationship with their youngsters to be supplementary beneficial (Toonkel & Baylies, 2004).
Most fathers tend to prefer their monetary achievements to their children. In real sense, a child is of greater importance than anything else. With stay at home dads, they value their relations with their kids more than anything else.
In conclusion, I urge all individuals from all walks of life to join hands in social support of this conception of stay at home dads. As we may all see, this concept of stay at home dads has more benefits than risks. All of us will want to choose a direction with more benefit and try to conquer the few risks with the many benefits. On the other hand, the couple should be left with the responsibility of deciding on who amongst them should stay at home.
Reference List
Gill, L. (2001). Stay-At-Home Dads: The Essential Guide to Creating the New Family. Hudson street, NY: Plume.
Smith, J. A. (2009). The Daddy Shift: How Stay-at-Home Dads, Breadwinning Moms, and Shared Parenting Are Transforming the American Family. Boston, Massachusetts: Beacon Press.
Toonkel, J. & Baylies, P. (2004). The Stay-at-Home Dad Handbook. North Franklin Street, NY: Chicago Review Press.