The Technology Façade Checklist is an important concept that entails carrying out of a comprehensive assessment based on the instructional technology program in a certain school within which individual works or studies. The Technology Façade Checklist is made successful by field experiences conducted by the concerned individuals or individuals on the discussion. The rapid growth in technology is considered as fertile ground for the origin of the Technology Façade Checklist in many district schools in the world.
Multimedia, as an important tool in teaching and learning institutions, has led to the introduction of computer discipline in school curriculums. Educators and students have responded quickly in the use of computers for online studying, which has been considered vital due to advancements in technology in the world. Therefore, the Technology Façade Checklist is critical because it enables both the students and educators to construct a checklist that would guide them in their progress.
The checklist enables both educators and students to know the far they have gone with the syllabus by listing chapters covered. It is a critical tool in education because it focuses on what to be covered at a particular time. Following the rapid use of technology in schools, my school is planning to spend more on computers. The school has come to the realization that the use of computers in teaching improves the quality of education.
The Technology Façade Checklist in school was made to assess the use of technology. Below is an example of Technology Façade Checklist formed from field experiences conducted by students in a district school. The checklist comprises of 6 items that students should provide answers to them (Pour, 2006).
Pour, K. M. (2006). Emerging trends and challenges in information technology management. New York, NY: Idea Group Inc.