The Dishwasher Advantages Essay

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The dishwasher has come as a savior to many American people; it solves many domestic chores related to dish washing in a manner that helps people a lot. It has a lot of advantages.

Many people now rely on the dishwasher, and the traditional method of manually cleaning the utensils has become a thing of the past.


Since time immemorial, people have continued to come up with kitchen equipments that surpass time. These equipments have proven to be very helpful. People use these equipments to fulfill daily chores in the kitchen.

The dishwasher is one of the most common equipments in the kitchen of American women. It has simplified work for many people in the family level.

The dishwasher has also simplified work in places like hotels, restaurants. It has continued to solve the problems of dishwashing in the kitchen of american families. This equipment has continued to grow in popularity.

Advantages of the machine

The dishwasher has a lot of advantages; these advantages have seen it as one of the most used gadgets in the American kitchen (Michael 167). First, the dishwasher is an automatic machine, for this reason, the machine does not need a person to keep monitoring its progress.

A person just needs to feed a few commands to the dishwasher, and it will do the rest. It will clean the dishes and then turn itself off. Therefore, it saves time and as the utensils are being cleaned, a person will be free to accomplish other chores.

This has helped people continue with their work at home without worrying about dirty utensils. The convenience of this machine has encouraged many people to acquire it. People who have used this machine always praise it for its good work.

Before the dish washing machine was invented, people used to hand-clean the utensils and wipe them dry. This machine cleans the dishes and then dries them using electronic heat.

This machine can clean utensils for hours without being switched off. It is quite convenient and the device cannot be compared with other kitchen gadgets.

People with skins that react to certain chemicals found in soaps and detergents consider this machine to be very helpful. A person using this machine will never have to touch these detergents; this is due to the fact that the dish washer has a mechanism of auto-releasing these detergents to clean the utensils.

A person just puts the utensils in the dishwasher, and it does the rest (Jordan 153). These people do not need other caretakers to do the dishes for them; thanks to the development of the dishwasher. People who hand-wash the utensils are prone to cuts and bruises.

These bruises may take time to heal. This puts the health of these people in danger as the wounds may lead to germs. The dishwasher has reduced the occurrence of such incidences.

People just remove the utensils from the machine after the cleaning is done; this means there is minimal to no chance of accidents occurring.

The dishwasher is also a safe gadget as it has stacks where different utensils can be placed. This is an important aspect since it reduces the chances of mixing sharp utensils with others while washing.

When a person manually cleans the utensils, some sharp objects may be submerged in water and may end up bruising the person.

This is because a lot of foam is formed in the washing basins or sinks making the sharp items invisible. These sharp objects could cause bruises; the dishwasher has eliminated the chances of this.

The dishwasher can be regulated depending on the utensils being cleaned. For instance, a person will set low temperatures for washing fragile utensils. This will ensure that each utensil is cleaned as per its specifications.

A person should not mix metallic cups with plastic mugs when washing since high temperature will damage the plastic cups. Similarly, a person should not mix breakable utensils with utensils that cannot be easily broken.

This is because the utensils that cannot be broken easily will collide with those that can; and this will cause a lot of breakages. The temperatures of the dishwasher can also be adjusted depending on the stains on the utensils. For instance, utensils that have fatty residues of foods will require hot water.

Contrary, utensils that do not have fatty residues do not require hot water to remove the stains. The cleaning speed of the dishwasher can also be set depending on the volume of utensils to be cleaned. These machines have sensors that are controlled by microprocessors.

These sensors can also detect the volume of utensils fed to the washer (Freeman 21). These sensors give commands to the machine about the time needed for the machine to clean the utensils. Therefore, a person should not worry about the poor cleaning of some utensils.

The dishwasher also has numerous pros in terms of its economical nature. This machine is very economical because it saves a lot of time and money. First, the machine only requires one person to operate. This person will do a lot of work using the machine (Jordan 156).

When used to clean dishes commercially in hotels, this machine saves a lot of money that can be used to pay for human labor. Before this machine was developed, hotels and restaurants used to engage a lot of personnel to do the washing. These businesses used to spend a lot of money on utensil cleaners.

The dishwashing machine has come to replace these people. This method of cleaning the dishes has proved to be efficient, cost effective, and easy. The machine is also economical since it saves a lot of time. People do not need to spend all their time washing dishes (Freeman 25).

Instead, family members can use this precious time to develop family bonds. People who hand-clean their utensils use a lot of soaps and detergents, but the dishwasher regulates the amount of soaps and detergents needed. This helps save a lot of soaps since the dishwasher will only use the amount necessary to make an item clean.

Dishwasher banner.


Indubitably, the dishwasher is an indispensable gadget in the modern kitchen (Jankowski 50). Many people have purchased this gadget, and they have testified that the gadget has helped them a lot.

Since people are becoming busier with time, this gadget has helped save some time for other activities. The machine is efficient and convenient. It meets the challenges of cleaning dishes and thus making life easier.

It is a very effective gadget that has transformed the modern kitchen to attain great levels of neatness.

Works Cited

Freeman, June. The Making of the Modern Kitchen: A Cultural History. London: Berg, 2004. Print.

Jankowski, Wanda. Modern Kitchen Workbook: A Design Guide for Planning a Modern Kitchen. Beverly: Rockport Publishers, 2001. Print.

Jordan, Pete. Dishwasher: One Man’s Quest to Wash Dishes in All Fifty States New York: HarperCollins, 2007. Print.

Michael, Joyce. Residential Construction Academy: Plumbing. New York: Cengage Learning, 2004. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2019, April 12). The Dishwasher Advantages.

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"The Dishwasher Advantages." IvyPanda, 12 Apr. 2019,


IvyPanda. (2019) 'The Dishwasher Advantages'. 12 April.


IvyPanda. 2019. "The Dishwasher Advantages." April 12, 2019.

1. IvyPanda. "The Dishwasher Advantages." April 12, 2019.


IvyPanda. "The Dishwasher Advantages." April 12, 2019.

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