The Influence of Confucianism on Youth Communication in China Essay

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Confucian values are widespread in East Asia, acquiring significant influence in China. Confucius is one of the most influential philosophers in Chinese history, having compiled a set of recommendations for correct behavior. In modern China, Confucianism is often used as a discipline to guide young people. Confucianism is emphasized in all aspects of life, including social organization and interpersonal communication. Obeying Confucian norms, young people show respect for elders, subject to strict discipline and tend to study and work hard. In the field of education in China, the inculcation of Confucian values is given great importance, ensuring the inculcation of the principles of humanity, decency and righteousness (Wang, 2022). Despite the rapidly changing world, Confucianism remains a significant cultural and traditional phenomenon. In this paper, it will be proved that the norms dictated by Confucianism, such as strict discipline, respect for elders, and modesty, influence the way Chinese youth build interpersonal communication.

Confucian Values

The requirements dictated by Confucianism are obligatory for the whole society. Confucian teaching focuses on how people should treat each other. One of the most important details of the doctrine is the need for a system of clear subordination in society based on status and seniority (Munro, 2021). In line with this principle, Chinese society is divided according to five relationships: emperor and subject, father and son, elder brother and younger brother, husband and wife, and two friends (Carleo & Huang, 2021). In a society built in a strictly hierarchical order, the basis is the respect that the younger must show in relation to the elders. Sons of devotion and respect form the centuries-old basis of Chinese society, imposing prohibitions and building norms in communication at all levels.

Confucian Values

Since Confucianism is a doctrine that dictates the social structure, one of the basic rules for any person is a humane attitude towards others. People should be endowed with the ability to understand wicked behavior and violation of the principle of love for one’s neighbor, condemning such actions. Confucianism appreciates the desire for knowledge, the highest value is wisdom, which can only be obtained by adhering to moral standards. Building interpersonal communication, people should always be honest and sincere, one cannot break their word. Since Confucianism in its base is a philosophical and not a religious doctrine, among the obligations imposed on a person in terms of rituals, one can single out only self-reflection. Turning to oneself for the purpose of self-improvement can be achieved through meditation. The adoption of age-old traditions, passed down from generation to generation, affects how communication is organized in modern society.

Perception of Confucianism in the Modern Age

The teachings of Confucius in modern China remain relevant and influence the principles that guide the Chinese in organizing public and private life. A distinctive feature of Confucianism is its perception, it has moved from the category of religious doctrine into a philosophical and moral teaching. Modern Chinese perceive the norms of Confucianism as a symbol of traditional culture, which is highly valued in Eastern society. Therefore, the moral principles, cultivated over the centuries, are still practiced as an opportunity to maintain a connection with the origins of national values.

Perception of Confucianism in the Modern Age

Sincerity, striving for wisdom, respect for elders and modesty, which are valued by Confucianism, require moral perfection from a person. When the whole society adheres to moral and ethical principles in communicating with each other, people strive for harmony, which is very important in the Chinese picture of the world (Zhang et al., 2021). Since the majority of Chinese people value and respect Confucian values, the society was based on a model according to which the younger generation should respect the elders, and the older generation should guide the youth on the path to achieve wisdom. Due to the significant cultural significance and traditionality of Chinese society, Confucian values continue to be instilled in the younger generation.

The Influence of Confucianism on Interpersonal Communication Among Youth

By adhering to traditional Confucian norms, such as discipline and respect for one’s neighbor, Chinese communication became filled with symbols and conventions. One of the distinguishing characteristics of Chinese communication is its deep contextual side, which can often be incomprehensible to foreigners (Moreau et al., 2014). The context of communication, postures, gestures and other conventions can create difficulties for the perception of information by a person who did not grow up in this society and did not accept the traditional values passed down from generation to generation.

The Influence of Confucianism on Interpersonal Communication Among Youth

Confucian principles dictate how a child will learn to communicate, depending on the social hierarchy. Chinese communication is predominantly listening-oriented: children are taught the skill of listening from an early age, engaging in conversation with adults is considered inappropriate, since Confucianism teaches respect for elders (Hayashi, 2022). Listening to the communication of adults, according to Confucian morality, can help the child receive valuable advice and embark on the path of gaining wisdom, which is very important for every person. While emphasizing the importance of entering into a conversation by seniority, the Chinese again emphasize the need for a strict social hierarchy in order to achieve harmony. Chinese communication is focused on caring for one’s own and others’ dignity, which is expressed in the Confucian principle of the need to respect others. Traditionally, this includes controlling feelings, showing modesty, and avoiding open disagreement.

The values of Confucianism take root in the modern youth environment. Young people believe that traditional teachings can provide the wisdom to create and maintain morality (Wang et al., 2022). Among the consequences of the adaptation of Confucian values in modern times for the communication of young Chinese, effective communication, harmony in interpersonal relationships, and trust are characteristic. Effective communication means the desired information is delivered to the recipient with completeness and clarity. Since Confucianism teaches to always be honest, people in society have more trust in each other, and communication becomes effective. The moral and ethical code of Confucianism, according to which harmonious and respectful relationships are most valued, improves the quality of communication, making interlocutors more disposed to each other. Young people who have adapted traditional principles value interaction and communication with others. The desire for moral perfection, dictated by Confucianism, makes a person strive for improvement in all spheres of public life.

The Influence of Confucianism on Interpersonal Communication Among Youth

Despite the strict traditional character of Chinese society, the process of globalization affects cultural and social norms. In today’s world, Chinese youth are pushing the boundaries of communication through social media and dating apps (Chan, 2020). Still guided by moral and ethical principles in communication, young Chinese integrate new international norms into their communication. The modern communication model must combine the requirements of the times and reflect cultural values in order to be effective. In the context of the rapid process of globalization, communication will further expand its standards as a qualitative symbiosis of tradition and innovation.


Modern Chinese youth continue to be guided by centuries-old principles dictated by Confucianism in organizing interpersonal relationships and communication. Honesty, politeness and respect dictated by Confucianism form the basis of modern communication. The universal adherence to these principles is manifested in restraint, efficiency and high context of communication. Adherence to these principles increases the trust between those who communicate, making communication even more effective. The process of globalization is affecting traditional Chinese culture, and today’s youth tend to combine cultural and international principles of communication.


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Munro, D. J. (2021). The imperial style of inquiry in twentieth-century China: The emergence of new approaches. United States: University of Michigan Press.

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IvyPanda. (2024, June 20). The Influence of Confucianism on Youth Communication in China.

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"The Influence of Confucianism on Youth Communication in China." IvyPanda, 20 June 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'The Influence of Confucianism on Youth Communication in China'. 20 June.


IvyPanda. 2024. "The Influence of Confucianism on Youth Communication in China." June 20, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "The Influence of Confucianism on Youth Communication in China." June 20, 2024.


IvyPanda. "The Influence of Confucianism on Youth Communication in China." June 20, 2024.

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