A Cancer registry is an organized library containing the histories of all patients diagnosed with cancer within a particular time. The information inputted include the sex of the patient, age, residence, method of diagnosis and the patient’s medical condition. All the patients’ medical information is recorded and stored by the cancer registrars (Pennsylvania Department of Health, par 1).
This data is essential in that, doctors or clinical experts are able to identify the form of treatment to be provided to each cancer patient, to follow up on the patients’ progress, give any necessary reports, assess the disease outcome among patients and to take the necessary precautions in cancer treatment and in the reduction of the risks associated with the disease. A cancer registrar is a clinical expert in control of the cancer registry. He is in charge of collecting and maintaining patients’ information as well as in providing the required information to authorized personnel.
The Pennsylvania cancer registry (PCR) is an organized system in which all information related to patients diagnosed with cancer is stored. This information helps in reducing the risks of cancer cases and provides the means through which patients receive quality treatment to improve their health and status. All the data collected plays a huge role in determining the treatments to be offered to the patients, and the measures to be taken to improve their status (Pennsylvania Department of Health, par 3).
To eradicate cancer, medical experts need more knowledge and skills on the treatment, care and prevention of cancer, and health facilities need to be improved in order to meet the needs of patients diagnosed with the disease. More so, clinical experts need to educate the public on the various ways through which they can reduce the risks of getting cancer, and especially through the consumption of a healthy diet.
In order to become a Certified Tumor Registrar (CTR), one has to receive proper and quality training in the field. The process involves taking an examination, whereby, candidates are assessed on their eligibility and in case they qualify, they are credited as professionals fit for actual practice.
Being a cancer registrar requires motivated and hardworking individuals who are willing to make it under all circumstances, and who are also passionate about their role in eradicating cancer. There are numerous career opportunities for Certified Tumor Registrars, especially with the increase in the development of many healthcare companies, organizations and firms that provide a ready market for those individuals possessing the various skills and abilities.
Case finding involves gathering all relevant information related to patients diagnosed with cancer, and recording it to enhance proper treatment. It is a requirement for all health facilities to always ensure that reported cases are submitted to the cancer registry, and that they adhere to the reporting requirements. Case finding ensures that all information or data reported is worked on comprehensively.
Cancer registrars use multiple and histology coding rules to promote standardization and consistence in the number of patients. The hematopoietic database and manual provides current data or information reported on the primaries, and provides an input which impacts on their operations. The hematopoietic database is used in determining and examining all reported cases and how they will solved. The Collaborative Stage Data Collection System (CS) acts as the store ware for collection system valuables such as teaching and guidance assets, coding orders and the cancer registrar software. It helps in providing a detailed history of the patients and in improving data standards.
To ensure appropriate and quality care, clinicians must follow the guidelines that allow for the usage of the accepted medical products, actions, or tests when attending to patients. Abstract data software, as a data collection tool, provides the best historical record of all the patients diagnosed with cancer, as it summarizes all the records into an electronic report.
Works Cited
Pennsylvania Department of Health. Pennsylvania Cancer Registry. Web.