The state of the education system has moved to greater heights as compared to that in the past centuries. The 21st Century has presented to us an education system that is technology driven in which ideas and innovations have outperformed both machine and muscle. That is to say, there is a lot that we can now achieve with technology that we could not even dream about in the past. To address the low level of literacy, economic matters and other workforce needs, technology has helped a great deal ensuring that no child is left behind. This research paper will highlight those areas in education that technological advancement has help boost, more particularly it will zero in on the concept of computing and the internet.
Role of Technology in Education
Computer and internet technology has completely brought a new trend in the global education that makes it possible for people to learn from the comfort of their homes, thanks to the online professional development courses. The internet has led to an unprecedented degree of educational content to a wide audience of students and tutors alike. And as they leave colleges into the workforce, students do so with a better understanding of how they can apply technology in their respective jobs in addition to what they covered in the usual curriculum (James L. Morrison, 1998, 2-4).
It is therefore an open secret that technology has enabled tutors as well as students to explore, develop and expand their technical skills through interacting with others in the field all over the globe. Online coordination has broken all the education barriers that used to hinder learning, the students are now enjoying a wide range of ideas and contextual varieties. With he employment of the new technology, teachers have been able to get good tools that that can help them design and deliver lessons that give a reflection of the 21st Century to motivate students and inspire their creativity. Every step to integrate technology applications in the education system has proved worthwhile in defining a new dimension of education reforms. To be precise, Computing has contributed greatly to peoples enrichment and enhancement, thus transforming their lives for the better. This does not only occur in the education field, but also in the areas of entertainment, business and communication…in a few years time we will be in what can be dubbed “the digital decade” [for luck of a better word]. The major challenge in using technology in education is on how to customize it in such a way that it would be effective in helping everyone realize their full potential, from a preschooler to a life long learner.
James L. Morrison. (1998). “The Role of Technology in Education Today and Tomorrow”: The Horizon. 2-4.
Lewis, L., Alexander, D., and Farris, E. (1997)“Distance Education in Higher Education Institutions”. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Education. 12-22.