The OSHA system was set up to address the safety conditions for the rising number of injuries and death at places of work in the construction industry. In order to create a friendly working atmosphere, OSHA decided to set this mission after having gained experience working in the field both as an employer and an employee. As a result, it was difficult for him to realize whether safety received special attention at the workplace.
However, in 1970, the OSHA Act was enacted. Thereafter, case study was conducted and discovered that over 14,000 workers from America had lost their lives due to poor working conditions, 2.5 million workers became disabled and 300,000 new cases of injuries the work place were reported every year (Randall, 2003). Hence, this mission was mainly meant to reduce hazards at workplace by initiating a uniform law.
The safety man feels that since he started working as a manager in the safety industry, his initiative has been ignored at work places because some foremen do not perform their duties accordingly.
In 2001, some consultations were made and after visiting 27,000 small scale employers, they offered training in safety and health to over 260,000 workers and employers. For instance, workers should be trained how to concentrate on their work.
A new beginning for the company
As a result of new ownership of the company in the year 2000, there were a number of changes that took place in order to give special attention to safety measures at places of work. This was not merely focused on reducing risks. It was also meant to reduce the company’s expenses.
The manager therefore felt that it was important to have a reliable person in charge of the company, who would be attributed to the welfare of workers and ready to advocate for change (Randall, 2003).
First of all, the manager had to become conversant with the field by dedicating himself to learn more about OSHA and its measures. He also had to develop a positive attitude among workers and convince them that the success of the company was for the common good to all. Failure to observe the rules of OSHA would make them pay large fines which would leave the company bankrupt with workers jobless (Neelankavil & Rai, 2009).
In addition, the company’s mode of keeping records was improved, general viewing of the company’s activities reviewed, some equipment were purchased in the company to ensure the safety of workers. New policies were also communicated to the workers. Among the equipments bought included those that offered skills to both the employer and employees in order to improve the level of production.
The impact of the ‘Safety Man’ became the centre of concentration because there have been major improvements in the roofing industry. For instance, in the year 2001, there were few cases of injuries; between 10 to 50 percent less than those that occurred in the previous year.
Safety man has played a major role in the roofing industry as the impact is seen through workers who frequently seek regular checks in their companies. Safety man has also enabled companies develop a culture that is centered towards the safety and health of the workers (Neelankavil & Rai, 2009).
In conclusion, both Mundy and the Safety Man have played a major role towards ensuring safe working conditions at places of work in the construction industry. This makes it clear to the reader that he is the pioneer of the safety working conditions in this industry
Randall, M. D. (2003). The Safety Man Cometh. Professional Safety. 48(12), 44-46.
Neelankavil, J. P., & Rai, A. (2009).Basics of international business. Armonk, N.Y: M.E. Sharpe.