The Supreme Court’s Role in Lawmaking Essay

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Improvement and constant updating of legislation, capable of reflecting the dynamics of social relations, is a fundamental direction in the development of statehood. One of the legislative bodies that regulates policymaking in the country and oversees the activities of other regulatory institutions is the Supreme Court. Having sufficient powers, this board is the guarantor of the right and legality of any decisions concerning the legal sphere, the criminal administrative branch, and other sectors. The vital role of the Supreme Court in the lawmaking process is explained by its high status, the ability to make hearings public, and the functions entrusted to it.

Participation in the State System of Legislation

Even though the President is the highest executive instance, any decisions of the Supreme Court must be considered in a public context and taken into account comprehensively. According to Collins and Eshbaugh-Soha, Congress, as the legislative board, also must listen to the opinions expressed by members of the Supreme Court in passing relevant bills and adjudicating public interest cases (213). From the perspective of significance in the system of legislation, the body in question has significant powers. Any controversial legal cases and appeals are considered in the Supreme Court, which is justly regarded as the highest link in this chain. As a result, when speaking about the role in the legislative process, the opinion of the members of this body is one of the determining ones, even though it represents a different branch of power.

Judicial Practice as the Basis of Lawmaking

Sustainable judicial practice is the key to productive lawmaking in the state. The Supreme Court generalizes the experience of courts’ activities on specific categories of cases in its rule-making acts. They are valuable materials for later perception and are enshrined in the texts of normative acts. Experienced and intellectual components incorporated by judicial practice in such provisions are checked and supplemented by the Supreme Court. This makes it possible to make the content of the decisions verified and accurate and helps exclude the fallacy or inconsistency of views on controversial issues. Therefore, the possibility of legislative errors is minimized, as well as the adoption of an excessive number of legislative acts.

As an example of the role of the Supreme Court in state lawmaking, one may look at this work about environmental issues. Mandatory emission reduction provisions, the imposition of liability for non-compliance with the principles of green production, and other forms of strict control are determined by this body (Affolder 206). Hearings are made public, and the relevant verdicts become the subject of discussion at the highest level. Relevant judicial precedents, in turn, form the legislative framework. Thus, acting as a judicial body, the Supreme Court, nevertheless, participates in legislative processes and has sufficient powers to regulate specific norms and principles of work in different areas.


Due to its high status, the evaluation of the most notorious cases, and numerous functions entrusted to it, the Supreme Court plays a critical role in the state lawmaking process. Although this body does not belong to the legislative branch, its decisions are taken into account at all levels. By making decisions at public hearings, members of the Supreme Court create precedents, which, in turn, are taken into account by policymakers and turn into full-fledged laws.

Works Cited

Affolder, Natasha. “Contagious Environmental Lawmaking.” Journal of Environmental Law, vol. 31, no. 2, 2019, pp. 187-212.

Collins, Paul M., and Matthew Eshbaugh-Soha. “The Supreme Court, the President, and Congress: Lawmaking in a Separation-of-Powers System.” Journal of Law and Courts, vol. 10, no. 2, 2022, pp. 213-237.

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IvyPanda. (2024, May 7). The Supreme Court’s Role in Lawmaking.

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"The Supreme Court’s Role in Lawmaking." IvyPanda, 7 May 2024,


IvyPanda. (2024) 'The Supreme Court’s Role in Lawmaking'. 7 May.


IvyPanda. 2024. "The Supreme Court’s Role in Lawmaking." May 7, 2024.

1. IvyPanda. "The Supreme Court’s Role in Lawmaking." May 7, 2024.


IvyPanda. "The Supreme Court’s Role in Lawmaking." May 7, 2024.

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