The “World Wide Web”, also (WWW), resulted from a defence project in the US that aimed at facilitating data sharing and sustaining communiqué in event of a nuclear attack.NSF “National Science Foundation” received mandate to oversee the project, named internet. The later oversaw the development of this project that evolved into internet that the public can utilize upon granting of permission (Grant & Meadows, 2006). No person is individually responsible for development of WWW; the idea to connect computers and disseminate information was natured over a lengthy period. The WWW offers different computers to share information. For data conveyance there is a protocol in place that enables the transfer of data without a snag. “Hyper text transfer protocol” (HTTP) is the foundation of data conveyance on web. The route defines the format used to put across data. Http belongs to no nation and is object oriented. WWW, also web, was initially utilised to link computers and share information using hypertext (Ceruzzi, 2003). Consequently, the web became internet’s most admired application. The internet served as a fort of information and in petite time, it completely modified the business world. Internet altered the traditional business norms, resulting in emergence of new commerce practises. The revolution linked to use of internet made most organization realise that it was worthwhile investing in technology. The rapid development of internet coupled with its acceptance has resulted in the utilisation of web applications known as “Web-Enabled Technology” WET.
“Electronic data interchange” (EDI)
EDI refers to the “exchange of information between computers given a specific format”. Transportation of configured data is through telecommunication means or a storage gadget. Electronic data swap is a distinct WET as data can only be receivable on a computer. Telegraphic communication was the pioneer in e-data transfer. The data format was very crucial as it enable sharing of data among incompatible telecommunication devices. By allowing computer to share data, EDI has transformed various business procedures. The most significant transformation due to EDI has been the simplification of the tedious and lengthy business procedures. This has not only simplified organization procedure but also reduced greatly the time required to execute a transaction. Overall, the greatest effects of EDI have occurred in the business world. Sales and purchase departments have witnessed far- reaching transformation as all the transactions became paperless. EDI implements three things; it facilitates the speedy accomplishment of a transaction efficiently. Second was formatting the data to the etiquette’s requirements. The final step encompasses conveying the information to a receiving computer. The above steps managed to transformed business transaction to “paperless trading”. EDI has resulted in expansion of businesses, it is therefore imperative that standards are set to ensure common ground exist for data communication. Information sent via net is open to hackers, sniffers and prying eyes that may hijack it (Schneider, 2008). To safeguard transaction’s confidentiality data encryption is crucial, making it almost impossible to decipher. For transmission of encrypted data, the sender and the recipient must have necessary key to decrypt the data relayed. It is important to assure that receiver is dealing with the right person and that information transmitted has no alterations. Guarantee veracity of data is tricky. Digital signatures have assisted in withholding transaction’s integrity by enabling authentication of receiver’s identity.
Electronic commerce
Electronic commerce also referred to as e-commerce, a diverse form of business that not only consisting of sale and acquire online but too comprises creating, selling, servicing, advertising and paying for purchases and services. Electronic commerce begun in the 1970s only permitting organizations to send business documents electronically as EDI was in existence. The 1980s saw e-commerce leap giant steps by emergence of ATM, credit cards and electronic banking. The inception of the “World Wide Web” enabled easy communication among millions sparring trade. Use of net is growing exponentially; consequently, e-commerce was too expanding extraordinarily. The volume of trade done electronically is enormous drawing a lot of innovation is necessary to facilitate it. The innovations have targeted protecting the clients money, authentication of information, effective online marketing. An electronic transaction uses the web at some point though it may involve other gadgets like cellular devices. With the growth, that e-commerce is experiencing it be tricky to separate “convectional and electronic” commerce in future. E-commerce that involves transactions amid two businesses is termed as “B2B” while that conducted amidst a business and a consumer is denoted by B2C. Other varieties of e-commerce include the purchase of products from popular sites like Amazon, with no intermediary (Schneider, 2008). The clients communicate online with seller and realize transaction online. Alternatively, sites like eBay involve an intermediary in the undertaking of the transaction. Although, e- business seems the easiest way to perform transaction it encounters multiple challenges. Most clients are afraid of over the net transfer of their finances, the problem’s solution lies in use of “electronic funds transfer”.
Teleconferencing is a may of communication that make use of screens and the individual communicating from a different location emerges on the screen allowing conversation with his audience on real time basis. This WET allows individual to conduct meetings and discuss while in geographically different positions. American telecommunication giant firm A T& T pioneered this concept when by introducing the picture-phone in the 1960s.While this new phone had brought a new dimension to communication it never became popular due to the quality of picture. The failure of the picture phone opened up new opportunity for AT& T, as they were able to concentrate on teleconferencing development. During this era, teleconferencing equipments were unaffordable for most business. The emergence of computer resulted in a re-birth of the teleconferencing industry, as conveyance was much faster. The effectiveness of teleconferencing is unquestionable; presently discussions and presentation conducted then relayed effectively at real time. The progress in teleconferencing is not wholly attributable to development in the computer world. Teleconferencing is a very advantageous mode of communication that experiences no delays, it also save the communicating parties finances, as they do not have to travel (Grant & Meadows, 2006). Furthermore, seminars make use of teleconferencing during seminar training. This WET has very diverse use namely facilitating distance learning, supporting corporate meetings and assisting in forensic studies. Medicine is a discipline that has seemed resistant to technological advancement but teleconferencing has brought some transformation in this field. While most people perceive that a doctor needs to be physically present to carry out a diagnosis, teleconferencing has reversed this, allowing a doctor to treat a patient while physically absent. Teleconferencing though a little expensive, facilitates sharing of resources regardless of the distance. For effective communication using this means, there must be a quick and efficient way of relaying data, which includes satellite or fibre optic (Philips, Burke, Shechter, et al., 1997).
Organizational Intranets / Extranets
Presently, the speed and ability to share information in entity is crucial as it enabling it to compete effectively. Corporations have invested heavily in network to ensure that data moves swiftly amongst various workers and departments. Intranet is a form of networking normally owned by a specific organization. It utilizes internet protocol to facilitate rapid movement of data. An intranet also regarded as company’s website supports the entity’s active information technology. Intranets emerged in mid 1990s in various institutions like banks universities, and large corporations. Intranets have ensured that resource sharing is effectual; employees have a reference point of the organization’s practises and aiding knowhow interchange. Extranets forms part of the corporate website but its access is limited to certain people. Most corporations that have extranet only permit access to the clients and suppliers. It is notable that several specialists in networking termed extranet as intranet that is availed to outsiders. Extranet have boosted e-commerce by ensuring communication between the sellers and customers. The major difference between extranet and intranet is that the later is exclusive to the company employees only while the earlier is open to outsiders. Extranet serves as avenues to market products. Moreover, it eases data swap amid entities. Despite its evident benefits, extranet are expensive to maintain due to the arising security concerns.It is paramount that an organization guards its information; therefore requiring expensive software and deployment of personnel to maintain the network (Stambro & Svartbo, 2000). Most intranets evolve into extranet, because an entity needs to create an avenue to interact with outsiders like its clientele and suppliers.
“Online analytical process” (OLAP)
“Online analytical processing” is an application that assists in manipulation of stored data. This software is able to alter data to the client’s requirements. OLAP has the ability to reveal previously unknown relationship between the stored data. In businesses, OLAP takes the title “Business intelligence system” (BIS), which is crucial in decision-making. By availing the commerce personnel with the right information, it facilitates objective decision-making. The unique trait for this application is enabling the user to tailor information to his/he requirements. In addition, the capability to establish trends, make in-depth evaluations, classify data into either historical or current further anchors the distinguishing feature. OLAP also serves as control tool in management by assisting in evaluation of achievement of corporate objectives. OLAP emergence completely transformed decision making in trade by equipping various decision maker with necessary information. Provision of decision-making information has enabled systematic evaluation (Thierauf, 1997).Traditionally decision-making in association had minimal supporting information. Introduction of OLAP to management resulted in transformation of businesses because due to its dynamic nature in simplification of managerial issues. It further asserted the need to collect and store data that was pivotal in decision-making. Developers of OLAP regard stored data as a crucial resource to entity given importance in decision-making. The ability to offer decision-makers with multi dimensionally analysed of data has been its major input to business. Modern “management information systems” have borrowed this capability and inculcated (Thierauf, 1997).Overall, OLAP concepts revolve around multi- dimensional analysis of data and using it in management.
Network management
Network management “refers to the ability to configure, control, operate and diagnose equipments”. Due to many technologies, network management becomes a disheartening chore, which requires expertise in the Software engineering. Several software products exist and assist in running of networks management (Morris, 2003).
Network operators have the basic responsibility of ensuring that data is flowing normally. It aims to ensure that the network’s customer receive due service. Operation of network entails continuous surveillance of the network. Network operators ensure that no failure occurs and have a proactive role of detecting any hitch that may arise (Morris, 2003).
It entails maintaining a network’s resources, which include both “hardware and software” components. While other technicians may attend to clients’ problems, administrators focus on integrity, connectivity, development and countering any attacks. Administration requires knowledge in relevant fields as administrators have a duty to solve a variety of problems in networks (Hunt, 2002).
Replacement of malfunctioning or worn-out gadgets is vital for the network to function effectively. Software needs patching up to facilitate smooth running. This function main purpose is to institute corrective measures and take proactive steps to bar any possible networks failure (Hunt, 2002).
Network management is a very diverse discipline that involves other functionalities that aim at ensuring that the network runs smoothly. Various software products assist in execution of the different tasks under network management. Due to advancement in technology, it has become fundamental that the performance of various equipments is analysed due do the requirement on the organizations that utilise the data.
“Adverse effect of web enabled technology”
Despite revolutionizing the business world and completely transforming communication, “web enabled technologies” have also had their adverse effects on the society.
Data security
Ensuring data security has become challenging as many internet users have diverse computer knowledge and can thus gain unsanctioned entrance to your data but measures are in place to counter this trend. Encryption has helped to protect data from hackers and sniffers. Encryption has ensured that data relayed is in a form that is impossible to decipher. This gives only the sender and the receiver, who have special keys, the ability to read the data (Marzili, 2005).
Incompatibility of systems
Development of various systems and computers by dissimilar individuals in different countries has hindered connectivity.The major challenge is incompatibility that has hindered flow of information. Protocol and standards have set certain formats in which data ought to conform to allow transmission (Marzili, 2005).
Cyber loafing
Cyber loafing is a topic that is of major concern to most employers. This behaviour reduces productivity among employees because they spend a lot of time online. The internet gives an individual unlimited access to information and some of the information corrupts peoples’ minds therefore contributing to moral degradation (Khosrow –pour, 2006).
WETs such as e-commerce require that money be send electronically, this has spurred cyber crime as hacker try to divert such funds. Identity theft has enabled unscrupulous people to benefit from transaction of their victims. Electronic signature that is required during authentication has prevented people with bad motives from gaining access to transactions, which they are not party (Marzili, 2005).
Web-permitted expertise initially facilitated sharing of resources. The net that was accessible through WWW provided pooled source of information. The developments in computers enabled electronic broadcast of data. EDI has facilitated e-commerce by allowing over the web transfer of funds. Teleconferencing has diversified communication by relaying sound, picture and allowing real-time interaction. Corporations are utilising “Intranets and extranets” networks to make data sharing among the stakeholders in business more rapid. OLAP, an application, has facilitated efficient decision-making. Network management has enabled customers to receive data without disruption. WET has opened up many opportunities to people. Technology comes with responsibility and users ought to be careful and cautious as they use the internet. The extraordinary growth in use of WET is attributable to development in computers and utilisation of the internet by people.
Ceruzzi, P. (2003). A history of modern computing. Massachusetts, MA: MIT press.
Grant, A. & Meadows, J. (2006). Communication technology update. Massachusetts, MA: Focal Press.
Hunt, C. (2002). TCP/IP network administration. California, CA: O’Reilly Media, Inc.
Khosrow-pour, M. (2006). Emerging trends and challenges in information technologmanagement. London: Idea group INC.
Marzili, A. (2005). Policing the internet. New York, NY: Infobase Publishing.
Morris, S. (2003). Network management, MIBs and MPLS. New Jersey, NJ: Prentice Hall Professional.
Philips, C., Burke, W., Shechter, A., Stone, D., Balch, D. & Gustke, S. (1997). Reliability of dermatology tele-consultations with the use of teleconferencing technology. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology.Vol.37, Is.33: 398-402.
Schneider, G. (2003). Electronic commerce. Massachusetts, MA: Cengage Learning.
Stambro, R. & Svartbo, E. (2000).Extranet use in supply chain. Web.
Thierauf, R. (1997). On-line analytical processing systems for business. Connecticut, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group.