107 Abraham Lincoln Essay Topics & Examples

Whether you’re trying to analyze the 16th US president through the historical lens or explore the history of the Civil War, this page is for you. Our IvyPanda team has gathered essay topics and research questions about Abraham Lincoln and his assassination below.

🏆 Best Abraham Lincoln Essay Topics & Examples

  1. George Washington and Abraham Lincoln: Similarities and Differences
    George Washington and Abraham Lincoln appear to be the most prominent personalities in the entire history of the United States. Considering the fact that George Washington and Abraham Lincoln lived in different historical periods, it […]
  2. Abraham Lincoln’s Speech “The Gettysburg Address”
    The brief analyses has shown major characteristics of the speech and it is easy to understand what it means for me and why.
  3. Leadership Styles: Abraham Lincoln and Adolf Hitler
    The human qualities of a leader are in many ways more revealing regarding his or her success, the respect of the people, and the appreciation of descendants than education and professionalism.
  4. The Life of Abraham Lincoln
    It can be stated that he earned his degrees from the University of Nature, his name being associated with the emancipation of a great majority of people and the salvation of the American Republic.
  5. Lincoln’s Assassination as the Turning Point in American History
    It is unfortunate to know what the fate of the United States would have been if the president had stayed for the rest of his term, as he was the first president to be assassinated.
  6. Obama vs. Lincoln: Presidents’ Comparison
    The people of the nation are the first line to be affected with how the president handles the state that is why they are very keen in evaluating the current president.
  7. The Letter From Birmingham Jail and Abraham Lincoln’s Second Inauguration Address
    Owing to the historic social implications these works had in America, reflecting on the connectors, disparities, and the most outstanding aspects of Lincoln’s and King’s works is imperative to understanding their unique quests for social […]
  8. Walt Whitman About Abraham Lincoln
    Though throughout the poem the name of the president is not mentioned it can be easily understood that it is mourning for a public figure as a lot of people “with a thousand voices rising […]
  9. The Character Who Influenced Me: Abraham Lincoln
    I have come to the conclusion that Lincoln as a complete person with all his strengths and weaknesses has been the most influential person in my life.
  10. Lincoln’s Speech Against the American-Mexican War
    He earned this recognition as he successfully navigated one of the darkest events in the country’s history, the American Civil war, and was responsible for the abolishment of slavery.
  11. Abraham Lincoln: The 16th U.S. President
    Having been born in a poor background and the difficulties in life he faced, it is hard to believe that Abraham Lincoln could make it to be one of the most talked-about public figures in […]
  12. Summary of “Abraham Lincoln” and “The Second American Revolution” by James M. McPherson
    According to McPherson, the war, that is, the Civil War, was aimed at bringing about liberty and ensuring the extension of protection to the citizenry which he had a clue of the fact that the […]
  13. Inaugural Speech of Abraham Lincoln
    He also said in the thirtieth paragraph of his first inaugural address that the power that the Chief Magistrate possessed came from the people5.
  14. Abraham Lincoln: His Life and Views
    He hoped to share his fame and reach the mind of the general public in this way. As a result of the debates, Lincoln’s name and his position became known to the wide population even […]
  15. The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
    The assassination of Abraham Lincoln is one of the most significant events in the history of the United States. C, and was one of the most shocking events of the era, resulting in a long […]
  16. Abraham Lincoln’s Cultural and Political Legacy on Central America
    3 However, the eruption of the American Civil War resulted to the consecutive banning of slavery in all the States in U.S.
  17. Abraham Lincoln’s “House Divided” Speech
    The speaker explains why the issue of slavery continues to separate the nation. He offers the best promises to deal with slavery.
  18. Abraham Lincoln’s First Inaugural Address
    Thus, the author of the document has a direct relation to the event of his inauguration and further execution of the responsibilities of the President of the United States, which are addressed in the speech.
  19. The Impacts of President Lincoln’s Death
    The impact of the assassination of President Lincoln on Reconstruction is one of the most debated topics in American history. On the other hand, Lincoln’s policy and the fight against slavery became the leading cause […]
  20. Lincoln by Steven Spielberg: A Movie Review
    In the film, Lincoln, the final four months of President Abraham Lincoln’s life are depicted, along with the end of the Civil War and the abolishment of slavery.
  21. Abraham Lincoln: The End of Slavery
    Lincoln actively challenged the expansion of slavery because he believed the United States would stay true to the Declaration of Independence. It is worth considering the fact that Lincoln was not the only advocate for […]
  22. Speech of President Abraham Lincoln on Gettysburg Field
    The Battle of Gettysburg is one of the most significant and well-known not only during the Civil War but also in the entire history of the United States.
  23. Lincoln’s “Gettysburg Address” Speech Analysis
    The nouns and adjectives used in this oration had a special meaning applicable to the battlefield. Lincoln certainly could deliver a longer speech that the audience would listen to and remember.
  24. The Lincoln-Douglas Debates and Their Effect
    His standpoint on slavery was underpinned by moral principles and the idea that this phenomenon was an impediment to the agricultural economy of the South.
  25. Lincoln’s Views on Ending the Civil War
    The Emancipation Proclamation brought about by the Civil War led to important milestones in ending slavery in the US. He decided to transform from the extension of slavery to the eradication of the Peculiar Institution.
  26. Evolution: Debunking Darwin’s and Lincoln’s Contributions
    Although this statement is intended to demonstrate how life has generally evolved owing to the immense contributions of Darwin in the sciences and Lincoln in politics and democracy, it lacks merit as there were other […]
  27. John Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and Abraham Lincoln: Principles of Leadership
    In this regard, John Kennedy stated in general that, “We have the power to make this the best generation of mankind in the history of the world or make it the last”.
  28. Abraham Lincoln “The Gettysburg Address” Review
    It was delivered during the American civil war, at the consecration of the Soldiers National Cemetery; it was four and a half months later that the union armies defeated those of confederacy during the battle […]
  29. The Secrets of the Lincoln Electric Company
    In regards to the case of Lincoln Electric Company’s popularity in the world market during the last years, the following question arises, what are the main secrets of the strength of the company?
  30. Voices of Freedom: Lincoln, M. L. King, Kirkaldy
    He was named after his grandfather Abraham Lincoln, the one man that was popular for owning wide tracks of land and a great farmer of the time.

👍 Simple & Easy Abraham Lincoln Essay Topics

  1. Abraham Lincoln`s Role in the Abolishment of Slavery in America
    In this speech, Lincoln emphasized the need for the law governing slavery to prevail and pointed out the importance of the independence of individual states in administering laws that governed slavery without the interference of […]
  2. Lincoln and African Americans’ Role in the Abolition of Slavery
    This paper seeks to compare and contrast the role of Abraham Lincoln and the African Americans in bringing slavery to an end in the US.
  3. “Lincoln on Leadership” the Book by Donald T. Phillips
    The book is broken up into key lessons, each of which is a representation of a facet or a feature of President Abraham Lincoln’s style of leadership.
  4. The Legacy and Impact of Abraham Lincoln
    He spoke against the war and stated that God had forgotten to defend the weak and the innocent and permitted the strong band of murderers and demons from hell to kill men, women and children […]
  5. Abraham Lincoln’s Personal Connection in the Gettysburg Address
    This battle represented a turning point in the war in favor of the Union army as well as a turning point in the thinking of the President as revealed through his documents.
  6. Abraham Lincoln and Free Slavery
    Moreover, he made reference to the fact that the union was older than the constitution and referred to the spirit of the Articles of the Constitution 1774 and Articles of Confederation of 1788.
  7. Government Lessons From Spielberg’s “Lincoln” Film
    In the president’s view, the new law must be passed within the month to ensure the rights of the minorities and slaves are protected before the end of the war because chances of enslaving them […]
  8. Abraham Lincoln’s Leadership Lessons
    Whereas it is not the goal of this essay to investigate in great depth, the leadership of Abraham Lincoln from the perspective of a specific theory, it is clear that he could be understood to […]
  9. Abraham Lincoln’s Obituaries in 1865 and 2015
    Abraham Lincoln, the Sixteenth President of the United States, breathed his last at 7:22 a.m.in the house of a Mr. He was the first to ever raise his voice and map the path to the […]
  10. American Civil War in “Glory” and “Lincoln” Films
    The movie Glory is a biography drama film reflecting the events during the Civil War between 1861 and 1865, as well as the contribution of the Captain Robert Gould Shaw to the abolition of slavery […]
  11. The “Lincoln” Movie by Steven Spielberg
    One of the main focuses of the movie is the process of adoption of the 13th Amendment of the Constitution devoted to the abolishment of slavery.
  12. The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln and Its Consequences
    Abraham Lincoln is remembered as the 16th President of the United States of America and the first president of the country ever to be murdered.
  13. Abraham Lincoln’s Thoughts in American History
    As industries were established in America in the first half of the nineteenth century, there was a level of imbalance in the distribution leading to economic difference in different regions of America.
  14. Abraham Lincoln Against Slavery
    Due to this hindrance to abolish slavery in the union, Lincoln decided to do it from the southern states of America using his powers as the commander in chief of the United States.
  15. Abraham Lincoln’s Public Appearance
    Upon the election of Abraham Lincoln as the president, several states in the south voiced the intent to break up from the American union. The Gettysburg Address is among the famous speeches in the history […]
  16. Abraham Lincoln’s Historical Influence
    Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth President of the United States of America. However, Lincoln believed in the unity of the United States and that saving the union was an embodiment in the principles of democracy.
  17. Abraham Lincoln: A Legacy of Freedom
    He also implemented an act on National Banking, which led to the establishment of a common currency in the nation and allowed for the development of a union of all the banks in the nation.
  18. The Fiery Trial: Abraham Lincoln and American Slavery
    By digging deep into Lincoln’s history, times, speeches and writings, Foner has attempted to examine the President’s stance on slavery in the United States and his reaction to the issue that greatly affected the American […]
  19. Abraham Lincoln: The Vampire Hunter
    The plot focuses on the sinister plan of the vampire world to take of the control over the Untied States and, therefore, Lincoln decides to liberate Americans from the vampire’s dominance and eliminate their influence.
  20. John Wilkes Booth’s Life and His Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
    Booth was against the abolition of slavery and the right of the former slaves to vote that he wrote a letter criticizing the Union Government for wanting to abolish slavery.
  21. Reconstruction: Presidents Lincoln and Johnson
    The reconstruction took place in three phases namely the Presidential reconstruction of 1863-1866, Radical reconstruction of 1866-1873 and the redemption of 1873-1877.
  22. Christopher’s and James Lincoln Collier’s Decision in Philadelphia: The Constitutional Convention of 1787
    In their book Decision in Philadelphia: The Constitutional Convention of 1787, Christopher and James Lincoln Collier discuss the Constitutional Convention and the ratification of the Constitution. The book begins by describing the state of America […]
  23. Lincoln Douglas Debates
    Lincoln Douglas debates are those debates between Stephen Douglas, who held the position of a Senator as a Democratic Party candidate, and Abraham Lincoln, who was the Republican candidate for Senate in Illinois.
  24. Lincoln’s Speech and Did Reconstruction Happen in the Country?
    It was just before the end of the civil war and slavery that had existed for the past four years and hence the nation was filled with a feeling of sadness as they suffered from […]
  25. Charlotte’s Web and Lincoln: A Photobiography
    Charlotte’s Web, in telling the story of Wilbur, the pig, illustrates the theme of discrimination, as depicted in the life and activities of Wilbur.

🎩 Good Research Questions about Abraham Lincoln

  1. Abraham Lincoln: A Moral Unifier?
  2. Critical Analysis of a Book on the Assassination of Abraham Lincoln, an American President
  3. Abraham Lincoln and FDR on War and Social Upheaval
  4. Comparison of John F. Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln
  5. Abraham Lincoln and His effect on the Civil War
  6. Abraham Lincoln And His Influence On American Culture
  7. Dream a Reality in the New Millennium?
  8. Abraham Lincoln And Martin Luther King Jr
  9. Abraham Lincoln And John F. Kennedy
  10. Comparison of Barack Obama and Abraham Lincoln
  11. Abraham Lincoln And The Fourth Estate: The White House And The Press During The American Civil War
  12. Abraham Lincoln and the Struggle for Union and Emancipation
  13. Comparison of James Buchanan’s, Thomas Jefferson’s, and Abraham Lincoln’s Interpretations of the Constitution and Their Impacts
  14. Abraham Lincoln as the Most Influential World Figure Since the Year 1815
  15. Abraham Lincoln: From An Innocent Child To The Chief Of A Bloody War
  16. Comparison of the Historical Accuracy of the Book Abraham Lincoln and the Second American Revolution by James McPherson and the Movie Lincoln
  17. Abraham Lincoln – Hero or Racist?
  18. Effects of Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation on the Economy of the South
  19. Abraham Lincoln’s The Gettysburg Address and Winston Churchill’s Iron Curtain
  20. Abraham Lincoln’s War Aims Compared to William Sherman and Walt Whitman
  21. Analysis Of Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address
  22. Comparing the Differences Between the Ideas of Abraham Lincoln and James Hammond on the Issue of Slavery
  23. How Should African Americans view Abraham Lincoln and his actions?
  24. Leadership Evaluations Of Abraham Lincoln And Jefferson Davis
  25. Rhetorical Analysis Of Abraham Lincoln’s’ Gettysburg
  26. Two Sides Of The Civil War: Viewpoints Of Robert E. Lee And Abraham Lincoln
  27. What if President Abraham Lincoln had lived?
  28. Was Abraham Lincoln a Successful President?
  29. When Referring To Abraham Lincoln During His Presidency?
  30. Why Abraham Lincoln Won the Election?
  31. Why Is Abraham Lincoln’s and Socrates Speech Is Worth Studying?

⭐ Interesting Lincoln Assassination Essay Topics

  1. Biography of Abraham Lincoln, One of the Greatest Presidents in American History
  2. Abraham Lincoln, a Celebrated Figure in American History
  3. Abraham Lincoln – Address on the Repeal of the Missouri Compromise
  4. Abraham Lincoln: America’s First Commander In Chief
  5. Opinion and Action on Slavery
  6. Abraham Lincoln And National Identity
  7. Analysis of Success in The Black Codes by Abraham Lincoln
  8. Abraham Lincoln And The Second American Revolution
  9. Abraham Lincoln And The Use Of African American Troops
  10. Abraham Lincoln As A Man Of Courage, Strength, And Perseverance
  11. Lincoln: A Visionary And Ethical Leader
  12. Abraham Lincoln Drafted And Issued The Emancipation Proclamation
  13. Abraham Lincoln: Organizational Culture and Leadership
  14. Abraham Lincoln Reaffirmed the Values of Our Founding Fathers
  15. Comparison of Julius Caesar and Abraham Lincoln
  16. Abraham Lincoln’s Mastery of the Spoken Word and Use of the Biblical Construction
  17. Abraham Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address

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"107 Abraham Lincoln Essay Topics & Examples." IvyPanda, 20 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/abraham-lincoln-essay-topics/.


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IvyPanda. 2024. "107 Abraham Lincoln Essay Topics & Examples." February 20, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/abraham-lincoln-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "107 Abraham Lincoln Essay Topics & Examples." February 20, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/abraham-lincoln-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "107 Abraham Lincoln Essay Topics & Examples." February 20, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/abraham-lincoln-essay-topics/.