173 Asthma Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 Best Asthma Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. SOAP Note for an Asthmatic Patient
    Today, asthma is known as one of the most common respiratory diseases in the United States, as well as in the whole world.
  2. Child Asthma Emergency Department Visits: Plan for the Reduction
    The population of Central Harlem will be the target of this intervention that aims to decrease the rate of children’s asthma-related ED visits.
  3. How Emotions Spark Asthma Attack
    Although stress and emotions are known to start in a patient’s mind, asthma in itself is a physical disease that affects the patient’s lungs, and stress can create strong physiological reactions which may lead to […]
  4. Asthma Risks from Parental Occupational Exposures
    This sought to determine regional and national differences in the incidence of asthma attacks and allergies in youthful individuals across Europe and the rest of the globe.
  5. Asthma: Diagnostics and Management
    The notion of atopy and the continuous airway is crucial in understanding the pathopathology of asthma. The mechanism of the party is responsible for the production of IgE antibodies that the human organism uses to […]
  6. Nursing Foundations: Asthma Treatment and Care Plan
    The ultimate aim of the plan is to promote wellness and help the client return to normal life. On its part, the health component guided in examining the extent of the client’s wellness and access […]
  7. Asthma and Pneumonia in a 9-Year-Old Patient
    The history of R.has two main factors that need to be considered in the context of a pharmacological analysis. Due to the absence of interactions with other medications and the ability to constantly keep the […]
  8. The Asthma and Allergies Relationship
    It is possible to explain the emerging asthma epidemic as the increasing number of allergens and pollutants in the air, which harms the human immune system.
  9. Asthma Management: Asthmatic Adult Patient
    The patient is advised to avoid triggers that exacerbate her asthma symptoms and to regularly monitor her asthma control using a peak flow meter.
  10. Asthma Exacerbation in Pregnancy
    The patient has a history of childhood asthma diagnosis, and she is presently exhibiting typical asthma symptoms like wheezing and a nonproductive cough.
  11. Asthma Treatment Algorithm for Patients
    Complete the blanks in the following table to create an algorithm for asthma care using your textbook as well as GINA guidelines.
  12. Asthma Diagnosis in Pregnant Women
    It may be essential to modify the type and dose of medication to compensate for the alterations in the female’s metabolism and the severity of her health condition.
  13. Healthy Lifestyle Interventions in Comorbid Asthma and Diabetes
    In most research, the weight loss in cases of comorbid asthma and obesity is reached through a combination of dietary interventions and physical exercise programs.
  14. Clinical Case of Asthma in African American Boy
    By combining the use of corticosteroids and exercises into the treatment plan, as well as educating the patient and his parents about the prevention and management of asthma attacks, a healthcare practitioner will be able […]
  15. Asthma: Pathophysiology, Symptoms, and Manifestations
    The primary organ affected by asthma is the lungs, as the disease is caused by airway narrowing and the inability to breathe.
  16. Asthma: Description, Diagnosis and Treatment
    First of all, before discussing measures to prevent an increase in the case of the disease, it is necessary to understand the nature of the disease.
  17. The Use of Tezspire: The Management of Asthma
    The brochure describes the use of Tezspire, which is a drug used for the management of asthma. The brochure’s target audience is patients with a long history of asthma and their family and caregivers.
  18. Physical Assessment Report for an 18-Years-Old Asthma Patient
    The boy and his family suspect that he is suffering frequent asthma attacks due to allergies to cold and dust, however none of his members of the family suffer from asthma.
  19. Asthma: Pathophysiology, Etiology, Diagnosis, and Complications
    The pathobiology of asthma remains greatly indeterminate, and its pathophysiology involves abnormalities of the respiratory system organs, including the lungs and the bronchial tree.
  20. Use of Scientific Method in Asthma and Allergic Reactions Study
    As in the case of asthma and allergic reactions investigations, descriptive studies can be used to describe the nature of the relationship between asthma and asthma attack, therefore explaining the cause and effect.
  21. Living with a Chronic Disease: Diabetes and Asthma
    This paper will look at the main effects of chronic diseases in the lifestyle of the individuals and analyze the causes and the preventive measures of diabetes as a chronic disease.
  22. Asthma Among Children of Color in New York City
    On the other hand, the conditioning of the matter to a particular scope hinders the determination of a rational scientific solution to the core issue.
  23. Occupational Asthma: Case Discussion
    The primary diagnosis is occupational asthma; the causative agents of the indicated type of the disease are located directly at the person’s workplace.
  24. The Relationship Between Vitamin D Deficiency and Asthma Disease in Children
    The reaction of the host on the respiratory infections is closely correlated with the deficiency of the vitamin D [1]. This is because of the suggestion that providing vitamin D supplements to patients with low […]
  25. Asthma: Culture and Disease Analysis
    The cause of this condition is thought to be the narrowing of the person’s airways. This, as the experts explain, is a result of the inflammation of the airways in the lungs.
  26. Helping African American Children Self-Manage Asthma
    The purpose of this critique is to analyze the weaknesses of the study. The title of the report Helping African American Children Self-Manage Asthma: The Importance of Self-Efficacy adequately identified the population of interest, namely […]
  27. Asthma Prevalence: Sampling and Confidence Intervals
    In the study which was carried out in United States in 2009 amongst the children and adults to show the prevalence of Asthma, a sample of 38,815 and confidence interval of 95% was used.
  28. 5-Year-Old With Asthma: Developmental Milestones & Care
    According to his mother, he also regularly grinds his teeth at night.G.J.was delivered normally and the mother had no complications. He could listen to instructions and get whatever he is being asked by his mother.
  29. Asthma Respiratory Disorder Treatment
    Asthma etiology is the classification of various risk factors responsible for causing asthma in children and adults. Asthma etiology is the scientific classification of risk factors that cause Asthma in children and adult.
  30. Biological Basis of Asthma and Allergic Disease
    The immunological response in asthmatic people fails in the regulation of the production of the Th2 cells and the anti-inflammatory cells.

💡 Interesting Topics to Write about Asthma

  1. Exercise-Related Asthma in the 21st Century
    The study has also reported that almost 48 % of parents recognize the fact that children suffering from asthma have higher probability of the emergence of the typical symptoms of IEB.
  2. The Nature and Control of Non-Communicable Disease – Asthma
    Asthma is caused due to the inflammation of the airways which in turn induces cough, wheezing, breathlessness and a feeling of tightness in the chest.
  3. Application: Asthma
    The features of the air passage include the bronchi, alveoli and the bronchioles. The pathophysiology of chronic and acute asthma exacerbation describes the process and stages that lead to airway obstruction.
  4. Asthma in the African American Community
    The paper will also highlight the effects that the treatment options used by African Americans have on the prevalence of the disease.
  5. Asthma in School Children in Saudi Arabia
    The purpose of this paper is to review the current literature on asthmatic disease in Saudi Arabia to accurately determine the epidemiology nature of the condition through community assessment for purposes of compiling a health […]
  6. Usefulness of Acupuncture in Asthma Treatment
    The case for the effectiveness of acupuncture in the treatment of asthma is to be further supported by more research studies, since current and past research has been affected by a number of limitations or […]
  7. Asthma: Causes and Treatment
    Effects of asthma are more pronounced mostly at night and early in the morning and this results in lack of sleep.
  8. Asthma: Leading Chronic Illness Among Children in the US
    Ample communication was to be provided to the family, Head Start personnel and the Child’s physician in relation to the asthma. A great reduction was seen in the asthma symptoms and emergency.
  9. Dealing With Asthma: Controversial Methods
    Because of the enormous speed of the illness spread, dealing with asthma is becoming a burning issue of the modern medicine. This is due to the fact that the muscles of the broche lack the […]
  10. Social Determinants of Health: Asthma Among Old People in Ballarat
    On the other hand, Melbourne is the capital city of the State of Victoria with a population of 4 million people, making it the second most populated city in Australia. This is a great challenge […]
  11. Asthma Investigation: Symptoms and Treatment
    In patients with asthma, the condition causes the inflammation of air passages that is followed by the significant narrowing of airways.
  12. Asthma in Pediatric and Occupational Therapy Treatment
    The flow peak is more than 80% of the child’s personal best, and less than 30% variability in the day-to-day flow of the peak measurements.
  13. Public & Community Health: Asthma in Staten Island
    There is borough of Bronx, which is considered to be the poorest, and the case with it has been stated here that asthma is the fate of the residents.
  14. Health, Culture, and Identity as Asthma Treatment Factors
    She is the guardian of Lanesha and, despite raising another grandson and caring for her elderly mother, she is responsible for the health of the girl.
  15. Asthma Pathophysiology and Genetic Predisposition
    The pathophysiology of this disorder involves one’s response to an antigen and a subsequent reaction of the body in the form of inflammation, bronchospasm, and airway obstruction.
  16. Asthma: Pathopharmacological Foundations for Advanced Nursing Practice
    Because of the high prevalence of asthma in the USA, mortality and morbidity rates in the country are also excessive. Asthma is one of the most common diseases in the USA, with high prevalence and […]
  17. Asthma as Community Health Issue in the Bronx
    The rate of people, especially children, with asthma in this area is among the highest ones in the city. The issue of asthma in New York and the Bronx, in particular, is connected to multiple […]
  18. Environmental Factors of Asthma in Abu Dhabi City
    A countrywide evaluation of the demises related to environmental pollution that takes a significant role in the rising cases of asthma shows UAE as the most affected nations since the discovery of oil in 1958 […]
  19. Occupational Asthma: Michelle’s Case
    The first test is not prohibitively expensive, and the patient should be able to afford it if she can pay for the medications.
  20. Asthma Patient’s Examination and Care Plan
    HPI: Being discharged from the facility ten weeks ago, the patient reports having shortness of breath, severe wheezing, and coughing. To control symptoms, the patient takes HTCZ and Enalapril.
  21. Chronic Asthma and Acute Asthma Exacerbation
    The consequences of the smooth muscles’ tightening can be aggravated by the thickening of the bronchial wall due to acute edema, cellular infiltration, and remodeling of the airways chronic hyperplasia of smooth muscles, vessels, and […]
  22. Asthma and Stepwise Management
    The stepwise approach to asthma treatment and management is a six-step approach, according to which the number and the dose of medications and frequency of management are increased as necessary when symptoms persist and then […]
  23. Asthma, Its Diagnostics, Treatment and Prevention
    Hippocrates was the one who labeled the disease as asthma, a Greek word that was used to denote the idea of “wind or to blow”, perhaps an attempt to describe the wheezing sound produced by […]
  24. Asthma: Evidence-Based Pharmacological Treatment
    For instance, in children under 6, the development of the disease is typically preceded by the asthma-like symptoms that manifest themselves roughly at the age of three.
  25. The Evaluation of Evidence Linking Asthma With Occupation
    Overall, the results of this study supported the initial argument of the authors in regard to the need for frequent updates and modifications of JEMs in order for them to reflect the most relevant and […]
  26. Pregnant Woman’s Asthma Case
    The case mentions the decreased effectiveness of the fluticasone MDI that she uses which can also be a clue to her condition. Her patterns of MDI use in the last two months and the bronchospasm […]
  27. Asthma: Causes and Mechanisms
    The enlargement of the dense oesinophilic line near the bronchus/airways causes the individual to wheeze and gasp for air. The drugs are mainly used in the rapid opening of the bronchus to enable airflow into […]
  28. Intubation and Mechanical Ventilation of the Asthmatic Patient in Respiratory
    The title of the article gives a clear idea of the research question to be investigated. The authors have detailed the processes of intubation and mechanical ventilation in patients with acute asthma.
  29. Asthma’s Diagnosis and Treatment
    The complete occlusion of the airway can lead to growth of a distal at the atelectasis in the lung parenchyma. The level of AHR is connected to the signs of asthma and the urgency of […]

📑 Good Research Topics about Asthma

📌 Simple & Easy Asthma Essay Titles

  1. The Effects Of Asthma On Pregnant African Americans
  2. Urban Children and Asthma Care Barriers
  3. Asthma: Asthma and Nocturnal Asthma
  4. The Health Problem of Asthma in the United States of America
  5. Asthma: Chronic Inflamatory Obstructive Lung Disease
  6. Asthma and Food-Allergy Reactions
  7. Asthma And Exercise Asthmatic Asthmatics Breathing
  8. Automobile Emissions, Co And Asthma
  9. Asthma Control and Treatment in Racial and Ethnic Minorities
  10. Asthma Is The Most Common Chronic Disease Of The Airways
  11. Inflammatory Mediators Of Asthma And Histamines Biology
  12. The Impact of Asthma on the Respiratory System, Its Causes, and Treatment
  13. How Asthma Affects The Airway And Lungs
  14. Diet and Nutrition for Asthma in a Child
  15. Urban Asthma And The Neighborhood Environment
  16. Asthma And Its Pathophysiological Structure
  17. The Effects of Medication on the Increased Performance of Asthma Patients
  18. What Parents Need To Know About Asthma
  19. Employment Behaviors of Mothers Who have a Child with Asthma
  20. The Genetic and Environmental Components of Asthma
  21. The Influence of Asthma on the Lives of Students
  22. Children’s Elevated Risk of Asthma in Unmarried Families: Underlying Structural and Behavioral Mechanisms
  23. The Effects Of Environmental Tobacco Smoke Among Children With Asthma
  24. The Effects Of Air Pollution On Children ‘s Asthma Emergency
  25. Is Improper Use Of The Inhaler Related To Poor Asthma Control
  26. Asthma Symptoms, Diagnosis, Management & Treatment
  27. Limitations From Suffering Chronic Asthma

👍 Good Essay Topics on Asthma

  1. Causes And Effect Of Allergies And Asthma
  2. Describe The Main Limitations Suffered By Those With Chronic Asthma
  3. The Symptoms, Causes and Diagnosis of Asthma
  4. Negligent: Asthma and Nursing Interventions
  5. The Signs, Causes and What Triggers Asthma
  6. The Routine Care for Patients with Coronary Heart Disease, Asthma, Stroke, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Urinary Tract Infections, Diabetes, and Cervical Cancer
  7. The Role Of Nurse Management Asthma And School Health Program
  8. The Scope of Asthma in the General Population and on the Health Care System
  9. The Most Effective Treatment for an Asthma Exacerbation
  10. Pathophysiology Of Chronic Asthma And Acute Asthma
  11. The Use Of Vitamin D Asthmatic Children Effectiveness Of Vitamin Supplements In Childhood Asthma
  12. The Ways in Which the Symptoms of Asthma Can Be Reduced
  13. Measures to Minimize Environmental Causes of Asthma
  14. Inner City Adult Asthma Patients and Risk Factors
  15. Raising Awareness to Prevent the Rise of Asthma
  16. Planning and Intervention in the Disease Process of Childhood Asthma
  17. The Anatomy And Physiology Of Respiratory System And The Diagnosis Of Asthma
  18. The Causes and Effects of Asthma Sufferers
  19. The Application of Corticosteroids in the Management of Bronchial Asthma
  20. Salbutamol: History of Development in Asthma Drug Compounds
  21. Sensitization To Plant Food Allergens In Patients With Asthma
  22. The Diagnosis and Treatment of Otitis Media and Asthma
  23. The Discrepancy between Asthma Cases in Minority and White Communities
  24. The Chronic Illness in Children Known as Asthma

❓ Research Questions About Asthma

  1. Does Childhood Asthma Improve With Age?
  2. What Are the First Warning Signs of Asthma?
  3. Which Child Is at Greatest Risk for Asthma?
  4. What Is the Genetic Predisposition of Asthma?
  5. Can Occupational Therapy Help With Asthma?
  6. How to Ventilate Obstructive and Asthmatic Patients?
  7. What Is a Risk Factor Associated With Childhood Asthma?
  8. What Type of Approach Is Used in Asthma Management?
  9. What Is the Difference Between Asthma and Acute Asthma?
  10. What Are the Pharmacological Treatment of Asthma?
  11. How Is Asthma Diagnosed?
  12. Can Asthma During Pregnancy Affect Baby?
  13. What Are the Three Mechanisms Involved in Asthma?
  14. How Does Genetics and Environment Affect Asthma?
  15. How Long Does It Take To Recover From Asthma Exacerbation?
  16. What Factors Influence the Development of Asthma?
  17. What Is the Physiological Cause of Asthma?
  18. What Are the Statistics on Asthma in Australia?
  19. What Is the Most Serious Type of Asthma?
  20. What Ethnic Group Is Especially Likely to Have Childhood Asthma?
  21. What Is a Nursing Care Plan of an Asthmatic Patient?
  22. Does Asthma Cause Smooth Muscle Hypertrophy?
  23. Should People With Asthma Use a Humidifier?
  24. What Is Mechanical Ventilation Asthma?
  25. What Is the Most Common Allergen to Trigger Asthma?
  26. What Is the Main Physiological Cause of Asthma?
  27. What Percent of Asthma Is Caused by Smoking?
  28. How Long Does the Average Person With Asthma Live?
  29. Which Drug Is Safe for Asthma in Pregnancy?
  30. How Many People With Asthma Still Smoke?

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"173 Asthma Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 2 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/asthma-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. (2024) '173 Asthma Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 2 March. (Accessed: 21 March 2025).


IvyPanda. 2024. "173 Asthma Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/asthma-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "173 Asthma Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/asthma-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "173 Asthma Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/asthma-essay-topics/.