🏆 Best Augustus Topic Ideas & Essay Examples
- Marriage and Adultery Laws of Emperor AugustusThe laws were enacted to deal with marriage avoidance, the preference for childless unions, marriage of lower class women by the Roman elite, and adultery, all of which threatened the continuity of the Roman aristocracy.
- Works Commissioned by Augustus and Their Political InfluenceThe Aeneid was recognized as a legendary masterpiece and a testament to the dignity of the Roman Empire. The Christian art according to Constantine was to emphasize on the authority of Christ and His church […]
- The Augustus of Prima Porta vs. the Aulus MetellusIn addition, on the sculpture, there is also a cane in the left hand of Augustus as a symbol of power and strength.
- Roman History: Caesar AugustusDuring Augustus’s reign, the Roman Empire conquered Egypt, the land along the southern bank of the Danube, the northern part of the Iberian Peninsula, as well as the territory between the Rhine and the Elbe.
- The Statue of Augustus August From Prima PortaSimplicity and clearness of construction, the aspiration for generalization, the idealization of the appearance, and at the same time, the strict Roman individualism of the characters are the leading attributes of the portraits of the […]
- Description of Augustus Caesar Marble PortraitI have my goal to examine the way the portrait reveals the features communicating a message of the ruler’s glory and divine nature.
- Presentation of Augustus and Justinian ComparisonThe first and maybe the main point in this opposition of times and customs is the role of a ruler. There is a great contrast between the idealized picture of the young emperor and his […]
- Roman Archaeology and Architecture From Augustus to NeroAmong several architecture achievements, it is necessary to single out the construction of the Forum Augustum and the evolution of the citizens’ dwellings. The Temple of Mars Ultor reflected the martial character of the Roman […]
- Ancient Rome: Augustus CaesarThe main measures that he employed in the endeavor to restore religion include; regulation of private behavior, reconstruction of public monuments and public religion and creating awareness by the use of literature that discussed the […]
- Caesar Augustus – The First Roman EmperorIn 43 BC Augustus went for war together with consuls Hirtius and Pansa against Anthony, he managed to defeat Anthony army, however he lost both of the consuls leaving him in full command of the […]
- Augustus’s Individual Autocratic GovernmentThe scope of the Empire and the incapability of the Senate to ensure efficient management of power and the increasing importance of the army’s role were the major factors that provoked the thoughts in various […]
- Characteristics of Marcus Camillus and Augustus OctavianThe wisdom of the Roman Emperor consisted in his ability to favor expansion policy with no harm to the Roman population.
- Emperor’s Priorities: Marcus Camillus and Augustus OctavianIn Res Gestae Divi Augusti, the Roman Emperor Augustus talks about his remarkable achievements and journeys contributing to the welfare of the Romans.
- The Statue of Augustus and Republican Busts of the Previous GenerationThus, the sculpture of Augustus is symbol of a rupture with “the worst of times” and its traditions, and it is an important mean of propaganda.
🔎 Good Research Topics about Augustus
- Augustus Caesar: A Good Leader and Contributor to the Ancient Roman Empire
- The Very Different Ruling Styles of Augustus Caesar
- Comparative Analysis of Julius Caesar and Augustus
- A Comparison of the Political Power of Augustus and the Byzantine Emperor Justinian
- The Influence of Octavian Augustus on the Roman Empire
- Achievements of Roman Society During the Reign of Augustus
- The True Motivation Behind Deeds of Augustus
- A Circumstance Comparison Between Alexander the Great and Caesar Augustus
- The Similarities Between Augustus and Aeneas’ Cardinal Virtues of a Ruler
- Augustus Role in the Consolidation of the Roman Empire and the Ending of the Republic
- Did Augustus Restore the Republic?
- How Did Various Emperors From Augustus to Constantine Use Portraits to Project Their Images?
- In What Ways Did Augustus Try to Consolidate His Power?
- Gifted Statesman or Ruthless Ruler: Caesar Augustus
- Etruscan Customs That Survived Into the Roman Culture Before Caesar Augustus
- Exploring the Heroic Qualities Exhibited in Augustus
- Gaius Octavius Augustus: The First Emperor of the Roman Empire
- Military Successes of Augustus
- Octavius Augustus Ceasar’s Thirst for Power
- Similarities Between Juvenal and Augustus
- The History and Architectural Revolution of the Roman Empire During Augustus Caesar’s Era
- Analysis of Famous Figures of Ancient Times: Alexander the Great and Augustus
- The Political Strategies That Led to the Creation of Augustus’ Principles
- The Power of Images in the Age of Augustus
- Manipulation of the Triumphal Theme in the Political Program of Augustus
🖊️ Interesting Topics to Write about Augustus
- Biography and Life of the Roman Emperor Augustus Gaius Julius Caesar Octavian
- Chronology of the Political Life of Augustus Caesar
- An Analysis of the Motives of Augustus During the Reign of the Roman Empire
- Architecture Under the Emperors Augustus and Nero
- The Successes of Augustus as a Military Leader and Politician
- Augustus and His Success in Creating a Strong and Religious State
- Augustus and His Rise to Power
- The Use of Propaganda During the Reign of Augustus
- Depiction of Augustus in Art
- From Octavian to Augustus: The Death of the Republic and the Rise of the Principate
- The Divinization of Caesar and Augustus
- The Identification of Augustus With Romulus-Quirinus
- Poetry and Politics in the Age of Augustus
- Romanization in the Time of Augustus
- Tiberius and the Spirit of Augustus
- Actium and Augustus: The Politics and Emotions of Civil War
- Gender, Domesticity, and the Age of Augustus: Inventing Private Life
- The Roman Empire: From Augustus to the Fall of Rome
- Rome and the Greek East to the Death of Augustus
- Image and Authority in the Coinage of Augustus
- Augustus’ Legislation on Marriage and Children
- Between Republic and Empire: Interpretations of Augustus and His Principate
- Roman Propaganda in the Age of Augustus
- Consilium Principis: Imperial Councils and Counsellors From Augustus to Diocletian
- Augustus’ Political, Social, & Moral Reforms