🏆 Best Economic Crisis Topic Ideas & Essay Examples
- Nigeria’s Economic CrisisCauses of Nigeria’s Economic Crisis Consumers, producers, and efficiency of the market The decline in Nigeria’s economic growth can be attributed to market shortages of its petroleum products especially Kerosene and diesel.
- The Global Economic CrisisMy view is that the great depression of the 1930s could be excused because the globe was just coming to form the repercussions of the First World War, and again the Second World War was […]
- Ford Motor Company During the Great Depression and Today’s Economic CrisisThe paper will further compare and contrast the events and the processes of the company during the two bad economic times.
- The Economic Crisis in Dubai 2008In response to the economic crisis, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Dubai World struggled consistently to alleviate the impact of global financial crisis, which affected many of its robust sectors of the economy.
- Economic Crisis and Its Social and Psychological ConstraintThe failure of large businesses, decrease in consumers’ wealth and demand, and a considerable decline of economic activities also led to the social, cultural, and moral crisis due to the rise of unemployment.
- The Impacts of the US & Global Economic Crisis on the UAE BusinessesThe market in the UAE was in boom due to the easy and cheap accessibility of capital that resulted in high degree of lending and borrowing and high level of investment and consumption.
- The Lehman Brothers and the Current Economic Crisis in the U.S.Although many financial analysts trace the current financial meltdown to the housing bubble that was witnessed earlier in the decade, it remains less clear as to how things got out of hand to reach such […]
- Effects of Current Problems of the Euro ZoneThe current problems affecting euro zone are not only affecting the European states but are also affecting other countries worldwide. This paper will look at the effects of the euro zone problems on Greece and the United States.
- The New Deal: The Great Economic Crisis in the United StatesIn the absence in the U.S.of a state system of social protection for victims of economic disasters, the crisis exacerbated social class contradictions and led to widespread labor unrest.
- Economic Crisis: Debate on SocialismTherefore, blaming socialism alone is not sufficient to explain the crisis in Venezuela and the risks to the United States. Thomas Sowell states that promising wealth tax is a politician’s means of capitalizing on the […]
- Customer Loyalty in Fast Food Industry Under Current Economic CrisisThe objective of this research is to evaluate different customer loyalty programs offered by companies operating in the UK Fast Food Industry to induce more sales and assess their effectiveness amid of the current economic […]
- South East Asian Economic CrisisThis research paper attempts to review what caused the economic crisis in South East Asian nations in 1997 and 1999 and the role of IMF in addressing the crisis and how IMF was criticised for […]
- Crisis Economics: A Crash Course in the Future of FinanceThe second part of the book talks about the current situation as the world experiences the economic meltdown. The most remarkable strength of this book is the fact that it is about a current situation […]
- The U.S. Economic Crisis: Root Causes and the Road to RecoveryThe subject of investigation is the research of possible causes which led to the economic collapse and the most appropriate ways to stimulate the national economy for future development. The article describes the root causes […]
- Economic Crisis: Social & Psychological ImpactThe choice to write on the topic Economic Crisis, is justified by the need to understand and handle the effects of economic crises on society generally, and focally on the individual.
- Dubai’s Debt Crisis & Global Economic ShockThe crisis has to do with how Dubai has asked for a “standstill” on the money owed by Dubai World which is a state-owned conglomerate of the Dubai Inc.group of companies.
- Analyzing Economic Recovery Outlook: Review of ‘From Bear to Bull’The main idea presented in the article is about the recovery of the economy that according to the author would be speedier than expected.
- Industrial Relations and the Economic CrisisAs the industrial dispute is a phenomenon that affects economic and social sector, it should be approached with the help of the pluralist perspective to the industrial relations.
- My Renewed Thinking After the Global Economic CrisisAt the onset of the global economic crisis and the fall of several financial institutions, my perception of the accuracy of the data that they provide has begun being influenced in the negative.
- Economic Crisis and Theories of Its CausesAs a result of this, Marx developed different and generally contradicting theories economic crisis namely; underconsumptionist approach, the theory of capital over accumulation and approach of tendentially falling profit rate.
- Oil Dependency and Economic Crisis in VenezuelaWith the end of the last cycle of high oil prices in 2014, it became clear that the Venezuelan government has not made adequate steps to prepare the country’s economy to function in the new […]
👍 Good Essay Topics on Economic Crisis
- How Saudi Arabia Can Overcome Economic Water Crisis?In Saudi Arabia, the water sector has undergone significant transformation as the government tries to mitigate water crisis. The problem of the economic water crisis in Saudi Arabia cannot be attributed only to natural causes.
- 2008 Crisis Aftermath: Economic Recovery ChallengesThe modern world still suffers from the aftermath of 2008 financial crisis that triggered recession of the economy and conditioned the appearance of a number of problems in the sphere of finances.
- Great Depression 1930s: Economic Crisis and Global ImpactThe primary purpose of the paper is to examine the problem of the Great Depression of the 1930s, the Stagflation of the 1970s and 1980s, and provide the Keynesian and monetarist solution.
- US Economic Crisis & Foreign CompetitionAs such, the future of USA economically is in the hands of the Chinese if the government and the business owners will not provide a solution to the bombes launched against the country.
- Economic Crisis in GreeceThis paper is aimed to evaluate the position of Greece in the euro zone, and it also focuses on the effects which Greece may suffer if it decides to leave the euro zone.
- The Financial and European Economic Crisis 2008 – 2012Such events as decline of the trade in the international market along with the extreme tightening of the credit led to the quite predictable consequences, one of them is the lowering of the level of […]
- Economic Crisis of EuropeThe European Union has embraced tougher measures to ensure economic reforms in the nations that are most affected by the debt.
- Euro Zone Economic Crisis and Its ImpactThis led to the introduction of rules that were to be followed the EU members so as to be allowed to use the euro.
- Global Economic Crisis and US SecurityThis situation is almost similar to a terrorism attack, meaning the security of the United States has been affected greatly by the global economic crisis.
- Greece Economic Crisis Effect on the Rest of the WorldThe cause of the economic crisis is due to the continuous extensive spending by the government resulting to rise of the nation’s debt.
- Eurozone Economic Crisis and Global BusinessFurthermore, the report posits that the adverse effects of the crisis in the Eurozone will reverberate to other parts of the world.
- Reckless Lending as a Cause of the Current Economic CrisisThis is supported by the fact that the reckless lending of the huge amount of finances in the subprime markets led to financial shocks in the European markets.
- Consumerism and Economic CrisisThe world has barely recovered from the effects of the global financial crisis of 2008 and yet Europe is slowly gliding to a similar economic downturn.
- Greece’s Economical CrisisThroughout the discussion, the paper will highlight the main economical problems faced by Greece, the major causes of economical crisis, how the current economical crisis is affecting other European countries, and the measures that Greek’s […]
- The Return of Depression Economics and the Crisis of 2008As a matter of fact, the global financial crisis is still playing out and that is why this has been explained in an easy to understand language that can not present a problem to anybody.
- Economic Policies Matters of the Crisis of 1970sThe economic downturn of the 1970s added to momentous changes in the institutional structures of the U.S.economic system. One of the major developments in economic theory during the economic crisis in 1970s was the emergence […]
- State Power and Economic CrisisThe power of the state as reflected in the political system is related to the economic development of most countries. The government can provide subsidies to lower the costs of production in order to reduce […]
- The Current Economic Crisis and Lessons for Economic TheoryStiglitz presents a systematic analysis of the global economic crisis in which he reveals the cause, the reality and the aftermath of the economic crisis. The historical perspective of the global recession informs the failures […]
- The Role of Federal Reserve in the Economic Crisis in 2007In general, the Federal Reserve maintains the stability of the financial system and oversees the achievement of price within the financial sector. Moreover, the significance of the oversight of the Congress in the functioning of […]
- The European Economic CrisisThe first mistake is the adoption of a single currency, a move that was taken in the recent times, with no economic policy infrastructure in place that is vital for offering it protection.”Without arguing the […]
- Economic Crisis in DubaiThe paper starts with the distinction between Dubai and Dubai world, and then proceeds to describe the nature of the liability crisis in Dubai.
🎓 Most Economic Crisis Topics to Write about
- Economic Crisis in Operations Management
- Marketing and the Economic Crisis in Terms of Pareto Analysis
- The Economic Crisis and Its Impact on Stocks and Bonds
- Assess the Short Term Impact of the Economic Crisis on the League of Nations
- Bank Relationships and the Depth of the Current Economic Crisis
- Analyzing the Main Changes in New Consumer Buying Behavior During Economic Crisis
- Economic Crisis and the Real Estate Market
- Policy Responses to the Economic Crisis: Investing in Innovation for Long-Term Growth
- Corporate Social Responsibility and the Economic Crisis
- Active Labour Market Policy in Bulgaria in an Economic Crisis Context
- Impact of the Global Economic Crisis on Women, Girls and Gender Equality
- Accounting and Audit Versus Global Economic Crisis
- Air Passengers During the Economic Crisis: The Spanish Case
- Center for Public Relations and Clients in the Economic Crisis Mode
- Banking System, Financial Wealth, and Economic Crisis
- Africa and the Global Economic Crisis: Impacts, Policy Responses, and Political Economy
- Aspects Regarding the Current Economic Crisis and Its Influence on the Financial Sector
- Economic Crisis in Europe: Causes, Consequences and Responses
- Analysis of the Micro Perspective of Economic Crisis
- The Economic Crisis in Terms of Managerial Assessment
- Asian Economic Crisis and the Role of Japan
- History and Overview of the Economic Crisis
- America’s Economic Crisis and the Federal Reserve System
- Application of Corporate Governance in the Context of the Economic Crisis
- Applied Social Theory in the Context of the Economic Crisis and Ethical Problems
📌 Simple & Easy Economic Crisis Titles
- Current European Economic Crisis
- Competition Policy Under Economic Crisis
- Can Legalizing Marijuana Pull a State Out of Economic Crisis?
- Economic Crisis: Financial Federalism in Italy
- Caribbean Governance the Impact of the Global Economic Crisis
- Competitive Market for Multiple Firms and Economic Crisis
- Between Berlusconi and Monti: Trade Unions and Economic Crisis in Italy
- Catastrophic Job Destruction During the Portuguese Economic Crisis
- Globalization and the Effect on the Economic Crisis
- Challenges for Light Industry During the Economic
- Global Economic Crisis and Poverty in Pakistan
- China’s Latent Economic Crisis and Potential Risks
- Impact of Global Economic Crisis on International Businesses
- Bringing Domestic Institutions Back Into Understanding Ireland’s Economic Crisis
- Convfinancial Distress and Happiness of Employees in Times of Economic Crisis
- Gender Perspectives and Gender Impacts on the Global Economic Crisis
- Financial and Economic Crisis in Eastern Europe
- Gender Wage Gaps and Economic Crisis in Greece
- Global Economy Under the Current Economic Crisis Effects
- Financial and World Economic Crisis: What Did Economists Contribute?
- Convergence in the Eurozone Countries Due to the Economic Crisis
- The Global Economic Crisis: Impact on India and Policy
- Economic Crisis: Income Inequality in Korea
- Central Bank Liquidity During the Financial Market and Economic Crisis
- Did Economic Inequality Cause the Economic Crisis?