113 Emotional Intelligence Research Topics & Essay Examples

Emotional intelligence essays are an essential part of education for many professions that involve working with people, such as managers and teachers.

The concept is somewhat new, having been first introduced half a century ago and popularized at the end of the last century. As such, you have to approach the topic carefully and rely on the latest available evidence to avoid citing outdated ideas.

Furthermore, as with any psychology-related topic, you should exhibit general caution and avoid the numerous pitfalls associated with the study of the human mind. This article will help you understand what you should or should not do to write an excellent paper.

👍 Writing Tips for Projects on Emotional Intelligence

Remember that the purpose of psychology is to help people improve themselves, not to stratify society based on vague ideas. Emotional intelligence is not inherent and can be learned by most people, a concept your writing should reflect.

Be sure to discuss the difference between a fixed and a growth mindset, promoting the idea that anyone can adopt the latter and improve himself or herself. Discuss parts of the concept of emotional intelligence, such as patience, in-depth to make the idea easier to understand.

There is a variety of topics and emotional intelligence essay ideas you can utilize to create an engaging work and make your essay excellent and unique among the offerings of your peers.

As emotional intelligence is a skill set anyone may learn, you should avoid language that implies that it is an inherent trait, a quality that is often associated with its non-emotional counterpart.

Whenever you discuss the difference between people with developed communication skills and those whose abilities are somewhat lower, remember to do so in a positive context.

Someone is not inferior because his or her emotional intelligence is lower than another person’s.

However, he or she can benefit from undergoing appropriate training, especially if these skills are important in his or her work. As such, respect people’s individual approaches and offer suggestions instead of treating the theory as universal facts.

Here are some further tips for your work:

  • Psychology relies on scenarios where a person’s behavior can be as free of outside factors as possible. Toddler observation and scholarly experiments with carefully selected conditions are excellent examples of such situations, and you should use them to ground your descriptions in reality.
  • Be sure to adhere to academic guidelines, avoiding the use of first person, calls to action, and other additions that do not match the format. This approach is useful in general, as it applies to most essays and will be beneficial for future reports and similar submissions.
  • Write an emotional intelligence essay introduction and conclusion at the end of your paper. They make your work easier to read by giving it structure and direction. The introduction should contain a description of the topic and a thesis statement, and the conclusion should sum up the main points.
  • Try to set a central theme and address it in your essay instead of providing a general overview of the topic. There are many emotional intelligence essay questions that can be answered in considerable detail. As such, you should concentrate on one of them without getting distracted and sidetracked.

Come to IvyPanda for an emotional intelligence essay summary and sample sets as well as various titles that will help you begin your writing process!

🏆 Best Topics on Emotional Intelligence & Essay Examples

  1. Emotional Intelligence
    To this end, Goleman states that EI is the combination of “emotional centers of the brain and the cognitive centers “.
  2. Emotional Intelligence in the Organizational Behavior Context
    Low EI might cause the leader to be insensitive to the mood of the followers and this will lead to frustration and lower the output of the team.
  3. Concept of Emotional Intelligence: Arguments
    Emotional intelligence is the “subset of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one’s own and other’s feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one’s thinking and […]
  4. Cognitive Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence in Organisational Behavior
    The distinction between emotional intelligence and cognitive intelligence is evidenced in the psychometric tests of assessing cognitive ability and psychometric tests of intelligence.
  5. Emotional Intelligence and Its Impact on Success
    As for me, I would define emotional intelligence as the ability to react to the situation in a proper way, to find the appropriate way out of a situation, and to make a decision successful […]
  6. Emotional Intelligence and Effective Leadership
    In terms of the assessment of my personality, it portrays that a have to pay critical attention to the emotions and feelings of other individuals, as disregarding them will question my leadership and abilities to […]
  7. Leadership Behavior: Ratan Tata and Emotional Intelligence
    This shows that Ratan Tata, as a leader, was not eager to compete but rather searched for options to expand the market through acquiring businesses.
  8. Emotional Intelligence in Working Environment
    Emotional intelligence is a type of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor own and others’ emotions in order to discriminate among them and to use the information to guide one’s thinking and actions.
  9. The Concept of Emotional Intelligence: A Critical Analysis
    Organisational behaviour and the behaviour of individuals can be understood through the adoption and practice of emotional intelligence in organisations. Emotional intelligence has to resonate from the management of organisation and entail the training of […]
  10. The Effect of Students Emotional Intelligence on Academic Performance
    The findings of the study will be used to assist students to see the importance of controlling their emotions and teachers to realize the need of integrating the components of EI into the curriculum and […]
  11. The “Emotional Intelligence” Book by Goleman
    In his book, Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More Than IQ, Daniel Goleman explains this concept and the value of this feature.
  12. Emotional Intelligence for Human Resource Management
    How can managers utilize and propagate the concept of EI to promote responsiveness and deliver their projects on time? Quality articles will be identified through the use of these keywords: emotional intelligence, resource management, and […]
  13. Emotional Intelligence: Research and Rationale
    The authors study the effect that altruistic behavior has on the relationship between emotional intelligence and subjective well-being, which is usually explored in an isolated context.
  14. Emotional Intelligence and Leadership in the UAE
    In this case, 45 middle and top managers of companies in the United Arab Emirates were asked to participate in the research to understand their level of emotional intelligence and its influence on the overall […]
  15. How Emotional Intelligence Influences Leadership
    In order to be an effective leader, a broad understanding of emotions and their impacts on others is imperative for leaders.
  16. Emotional Intelligence among University Hospital Nurses
    Even though it is challenging to overestimate the importance of self-management and its competencies, University Hospital nurses state that this domain brings a few inefficiencies in the medical organization.
  17. Emotional Intelligence: Self-Awareness Importance
    Leaders with high self-awareness are more likely to understand their own strengths and weaknesses, as well as their impact on others, which helps them make better decisions, manage stress and conflict effectively, and lead with […]
  18. Emotional Intelligence: Bluevine Case Analysis
    These are crucial for the leadership, the staff, and the company as a whole as it strives to enhance its productivity.
  19. Fostering Effective Communication and Emotional Intelligence in Conflict Resolution
    The capacity to recognize, comprehend, and react to the sentiments of others is just as important as the capacity to articulate and control one’s own emotions.
  20. Measuring Emotional Intelligence in Job Selection
    As a result, managers must be aware of the peculiarities of different generations in the company, as demonstrated by Margie to Rebecca, and behave appropriately.
  21. Change Leadership and Emotional Intelligence
    By providing essential information about the arrangement of the theater production, as well as coordinating numerous communication processes within it and leading a diverse team of experts, “Theater 1310” has expanded the range of my […]
  22. Areas of Emotional Intelligence
    Self-awareness is the initial step that forms emotional intelligence and allows other areas of the concept to participate in the process.
  23. Emotional Intelligence and Emotional Management
    Viewpoints on emotional intelligence as a trait and an ability have some conceptual differences, but both perspectives suppose that it is an essential element of business decision-making, as illustrated by the successful career of Warren […]
  24. Emotional Intelligence in Leadership Development
    I found the examples given very convincing and the logic behind the arguments solid and straightforward to follow. At the same time, I disagree that overvaluing one’s skills is connected to experience.
  25. Daniel Goleman Introduces Emotional Intelligence
    Self-awareness is important in order for a person to be knowledgeable about his or her inner feelings and emotions by being aware of their presence and impact on the individual psyche.
  26. Emotional Intelligence Coaching
    Emotional Intelligence Coaching does not focus of giving a person advice about the issues in their private life.
  27. Why Emotional Intelligence (EI) Training Will Help Your Organization to Prosper
    Emotional Intelligence comes from two words. Emotions refer to personal feelings arising from the state of the mind of a person.
  28. Clinical Experience: Emotional Intelligence
    The lack of clarity in the provided information may affect the accuracy of the diagnosis to a considerable extent. A fungal infection was suspected as the possible cause of the disease due to the rise […]
  29. Nurses’ Emotional Intelligence and Patient Satisfaction
    There is little available literature that offers evidence of the impact of the emotional intelligence of nurses on the relationship between patients and nurses, as well as patient satisfaction.
  30. Emotional Intelligence and Conflict-Handling Styles in Nurses
    This is a research critique that explores the research problem, the context of the study problem within the existing knowledge, the relevancy of the study to nursing, and the purpose of the research “The relationship […]

📝 Simple & Easy Research Topics on Emotional Intelligence

  1. Emotional Intelligence in Nursing Study by Winship
    The researchers identified their source of stories from a recently published book with inspirational stories about nursing and written by nurses.
  2. Emotional Intelligence and Effective Leadership in the Healthcare Environment
    It is also the ability to distinguish the impact of emotions in the life of the individual. He pointed out that EQ enables the individual to adapt to the challenges of the social environment.
  3. Stress, Emotional Intelligence, and Job Performance Correlation in Nursing
    Complexity science is important to this study because it enables a person to understand the causes of stress within a system.
  4. Emotional Intelligence’s Support for Teamwork and Teambuilding in Nursing
    In instances where a nurse lacks the luxury to pick a team with which to work, understanding others allows the individual to conduct amicable relations for the sake of proper execution of tasks, the health […]
  5. Emotional Intelligence and Ethical Climates in Places of Work
    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the importance of having an ethical climate and employees exhibiting high emotional intelligence within a place of work.
  6. Emotional Intelligence and Social Life
    The subjects of the study will be selected randomly from several population groups based on the social status of the subjects and their living conditions.
  7. Leadership and Emotional Intelligence
    Empathy is ability of a person to feel for another individual, to put oneself emotionally in the shoes of others and relate with their feeling. To be successful in leadership, it is important for a […]
  8. Psychology: Emotional Intelligence and Leadership
    Emotional intelligence pertains to the ability to realize your own emotions and those of others, the inspiration of yourself and the management of emotions within and outside relationships.
  9. Emotional Intelligence: Term Definition
    He also urges society to rethink about the pattern of education that today’s children are going through and to make them alive to emotional intelligence by way of brainstorming in the daily grind so that […]
  10. Emotional and Traditional Intelligence: Emotional Intelligence Quotient
    Emotional intelligence is often described as a capacity and ability, skill to assess and perceive and certain ability to manage personal emotions and emotions of others and group emotions.
  11. Emotional Intelligence and Solution Formation
    As a rule, EI is understood as the subject’s ability to effectively understand the emotional sphere of human life: to understand emotions and the psychological background of relationships and to use their emotions to solve […]
  12. Personal Emotional Intelligence Analysis
    The completion of the survey is a valuable experience as I used to think I could manage my emotions and understand my own and other people’s feelings.
  13. Emotional Intelligence Training and Organizational Prosperity
    One of the fundamental assumptions made in the process of preparing this presentation is that emotional communication is universal regardless of the culture.
  14. Emotional Intelligence Assessment
    This is attributable to the fact that they are aware of our weaknesses and are in a better position to correct us accordingly.
  15. Inspiring Leadership: Social and Emotional Intelligence
    Finally, it’s prudent to note that the way one handles himself leads to outstanding individual performance and eventually success of an organization.
  16. Inspiring Leadership and Emotional Intelligence
    Sinek asserts that such leaders start with the ‘why’ and not the ‘what’ of business communication. Goleman believes that other people are the best assessors of one’s social intelligence.
  17. Public Health Leadership: Emotional Intelligence
    For example, the research by Ramchunder and Martins reveals that there is a significant positive correlation between EI and self-efficacy on the development of effective leadership, which can be applied to the public health sphere.
  18. Emotional Intelligence in Midwives’ Communication
    Communication is crucial because it helps the midwives to decide when it is appropriate to consult/ transfer the care of a pregnant woman to a relevant medical practitioner.
  19. Strengths and Emotional Intelligence in Management
    Emotional intelligence is more focused on different types of awareness and management that come with analysis and understanding of the actions of a person and their surroundings.
  20. Radiography Stereotypes and Emotional Intelligence
    The article explored the concept of EI as the means of improving communication and reducing the effects of sociocultural stereotypes on the quality of radiography.
  21. Emotional Intelligence and Substance Use: Correlations and Implications
    One of the articles deals with the association between drug and alcohol use and EI. The other article deals with the relationship between emotional intelligence and cocaine use.
  22. Emotional Intelligence Criticism by Steve Tobak
    The main idea of the article consists in the fact that the modern tendency of promoting EI is the result of the profit it generates, which is why its promoters tend to provide insufficient information […]
  23. Experiential Hospitality and Emotional Intelligence
    Such an image is even worse for an institution that is operating in the hospitality industry, where the capacity to anticipate and attend to the specific needs of clientele is the generalized hallmark of the […]
  24. Emotional Intelligence Strong and Weak Competencies
    However, it is agreeable that I have been unable to use the competence to coach and mentor others. The coach indicated that it was hard for me to act and lead others in accordance with […]
  25. Social and Emotional Intelligence in Education
    My education philosophy is based on the ideas of pragmatism that had given birth to the learning theory of progressivism and the concepts of social and emotional intelligence.
  26. Emotional Intelligence in Social Workers
    As Poulin explains, listening is one of the basic tools for building a link between the patient and the social worker and, therefore, contributing to the development of emotional intelligence in the former.
  27. Emotional Intelligence’ Elements at the Workplace
    The vast majority of men and women in business who are very successful demonstrate a level of honesty and trust that is above average.
  28. Relevance of Emotional Intelligence in Modern Organisations
    One should control those emotions, and respond to other people’s emotions in the right way; all the latter processes make the ability model. Such a trait allows one to know how people’s emotions change in […]
  29. Leadership and Emotional Intelligence Concept
    The goal is to show how I applied various leadership styles to help them in achieving their full potential. To accomplish my tasks, the staff members coached us on various leadership styles that would help […]
  30. Emotional Intelligence – Psychology
    Emotional intelligence is defined as the processes that are involved in the recognition, the use, and management of ones own emotional state and also the emotional state of others to solve emotion-laden problems and to […]

💡 Most Interesting Emotional Intelligence Topics to Write about

  1. Emotional Intelligence as a Factor of Professional Success
    American business companies noticed this and started to pay greater attention to the emotional competence of their workers, hire special consultants and advisors to help the employees deal with the emotional intelligence issues, conduct training […]
  2. Emotional Development and Emotional Intelligence
    This is based on the fact that emotional intelligence mostly comes from our environment and how we master the nature of occurrences in it.
  3. Emotional Intelligence, Burnout, and Job Insecurity
    In order to measure the place of EI as assessed by the 33-item self-report scale in the context of the big-five structure, scores on the 33-item scale were associated with the big-five personality aspects. In […]
  4. Emotional Intelligence’s Impact in the Workplace
    The aim of this reflection is to provide a solution on how Emotional Intelligence can be utilised to improve the workplace.
  5. Emotional Intelligence in Groups
    In their article, “Building the Emotional Intelligence of Groups”, Druskat and Wolff set out to discuss the concept of emotional intelligence and the role it plays in today’s organizational settings.
  6. Emotional Intelligence in HR
    The high scores recorded in the rise of IQ are because of the changing trend in evaluation taking a turn from strictly intellectual testing to testing of competence in the light of psychological statuses gauging […]
  7. Characteristics of Emotional Intelligence in Different Areas
    The researchers claim that EI is “the ability to feel, understand, articulate, manage, and apply the power of emotions to interactions across lines of difference”.
  8. Emotional Intelligence in Teamwork and Mutual Cooperation
    From this argument it is right to claim that the virtues of emotional intelligence contribute greatly to the aspects of personality and other individualistic provisions.
  9. Emotional Intelligence and Servant Leadership
    This is why it can be said that a leader can achieve much if he is able to understand the importance of inner-maturity and awareness such as the need to become a servant leader.
  10. Emotional Intelligence and Gender in Leadership
    Many authors have done a lot of research on the subject, and have found that gender and emotional intelligence determine the leadership style in an organisation. This will precede a criticism of the model and […]
  11. The Need to Improve One’s Self-Awareness
    Personal improvement is needed in this area because of the frequent loss of confidence and self-esteem in the process of acting on my emotions.
  12. Cultivating Emotional Intelligence in the Work Place
    For a longer period of time, it has been believed that the success of a person at the place of work depends on the level of intelligence of that person known as intelligence quotient.
  13. The Development of Emotional Intelligence and Its Application
    According to them, EI is “the subset of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one’s own and others’ feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one’s […]
  14. Emotional Intelligence and Employee Performance Correlation
    The first dimension in the survey was the satisfaction of the organisation with employee performance while the second dimension used was the level of employee performance in the organisation.
  15. Emotional Intelligence Impact on Organization’s Performance
    The theoretical framework of such review adds to the knowledge within the field of relational view and firm’s competitive advantage[3]. This in turn increases the level of social communication and collaboration.
  16. The Concept of Emotional Intelligence and Its Models
    Contemporary developments in neuroscience have led to issues of locating and measuring intelligence in the brain. In addition, people have various ways of demonstrating competencies in the core components of emotional intelligence.
  17. Understanding Leader Emotional Intelligence and Performance
    On the other hand, behavioral leadership focuses on the behavioral traits of a leader to stimulate certain behavioral responses by people who are led by the leader to develop quality, dedication to duty, and talent […]
  18. Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace
    Emotional intelligence is a significant requirement for team work; there is a coherent link between successes attained in team work to the level of emotional intelligence held by the members of the team.
  19. The Concept of Emotional Intelligence
    We have learned what emotional intelligence is; it is the way that we deal with our emotions and relate to others.

❓ Research Questions About Emotional Intelligence

  1. Does Emotional Intelligence Buffer the Effects of Acute Stress?
  2. On the Other Hand, Does Emotional Intelligence Have a “Dark Side”?
  3. Does Emotional Intelligence Help in Developing Consumer-Based Brand Equity Research Paper Samples?
  4. Does Emotional Intelligence Influence Employees, Customers, and Operational Efficiency?
  5. Does Emotional Intelligence Influence Job Satisfaction?
  6. Does Emotional Intelligence Mediate the Relation Between Mindfulness and Anxiety and Depression in Adolescents?
  7. Does Emotional Intelligence Moderate the Relationship Between Mental Health and Job Performance?
  8. Does Only Emotional Intelligence Matter?
  9. Does Perceived Emotional Intelligence and Optimism or Pessimism Predict Psychological Well-Being?
  10. Does Student Leadership Participation Enhance the Development of Emotional Intelligence?
  11. Do Managers Need Emotional Intelligence to Manage Successfully in the Workplace?
  12. How Can You Measure Your Current Emotional Intelligence?
  13. How Does Emotional Intelligence Help Children?
  14. How Can Emotional Intelligence Be an Effective Tool for Leaders?
  15. How Does Emotional Intelligence Contribute to Leadership?
  16. How Does Emotional Intelligence Help Build Effective Interpersonal Relationships?
  17. How Does Emotional Intelligence Influence Interpersonal Communication?
  18. How Can Managers Use Emotional Intelligence?
  19. How Might Action Learning Be Used to Develop the Emotional Intelligence of Public Administrators?
  20. What Are Social and Emotional Intelligence?
  21. What Is Some Emotional Intelligence?
  22. What Are the Implications of Emotional Intelligence for Leaders?
  23. Does Emotional Intelligence Play a Buffering Role in Adolescence?
  24. What Are the Relationships Between Traits of Emotional Intelligence and Personality?
  25. What Are the Links Between Self-Report Emotional Intelligence and Suicide Risk?
  26. What Are the Five Characteristics of Emotional Intelligence?
  27. What Are the Four Types of Emotional Intelligence?
  28. What Is an Excellent Example of Emotional Intelligence?
  29. What Makes a Person Emotionally Intelligent?
  30. Which Personality Type Is the Most Emotionally Intelligent?

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IvyPanda. (2024, February 27). 113 Emotional Intelligence Research Topics & Essay Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/emotional-intelligence-essay-examples/

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"113 Emotional Intelligence Research Topics & Essay Examples." IvyPanda, 27 Feb. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/emotional-intelligence-essay-examples/.


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IvyPanda. 2024. "113 Emotional Intelligence Research Topics & Essay Examples." February 27, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/emotional-intelligence-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda. "113 Emotional Intelligence Research Topics & Essay Examples." February 27, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/emotional-intelligence-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda. "113 Emotional Intelligence Research Topics & Essay Examples." February 27, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/emotional-intelligence-essay-examples/.