136 IKEA Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 Best IKEA Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. IKEA Human Resources
    The approaches used by IKEA helps the management in studying the requirements of employees and customers to ensure that they possess the capabilities and resources necessitated for performance.
  2. IKEA Globalization Strategy Benefits and Limits Case Study
    This paper will cover the benefits of globalization that IKEA experienced, the importance of cross-cultural understanding, and the limits of the global market.
  3. IKEA’s Structure and Control System Analysis
    Therefore, to ensure that its operations are effective and efficient, the company has always been formulating strategic plans to ensure that its operations in the short run and in the long run are effective and […]
  4. IKEA Company Total Quality Management
    Given the price of IKEA products, customers appear to be satisfied with their quality; apart from that the consumers seem to value the wide variety of products and enjoy the showrooms that provide ideas for […]
  5. The Uppsala Model Example: IKEA in Brazil, Serbia, and India
    In the Uppsala model, a firm starts to invest in a few nearby countries, which in the case of IKEA, are countries in Europe.
  6. IKEA in Saudi Arabia: Catalog Scandal
    It seems that the scandal happened because IKEA wanted to strengthen its image of the company that respected the local traditions of the target market.
  7. IKEA Company Analysis
    It is one of the major retailers of furniture and house wares in the world. The company blends the four components of the marketing mix in order to identify the target market to penetrate.
  8. IKEA’s PESTLE Analysis
    At the moment, IKEA holds leading positions in the world as the major furniture retailer, and the tendency preserves in the UK because of the popularity and recognizable image of the organization.
  9. IKEA: Its’ Success in the Internationalisation Process
    Globalization is generally understood today as the easy international movement of goods, services and information facilitated by the advances in information and communication technologies and transportation.
  10. IKEA: The Blue Ocean Strategy Analysis
    Successful strategy execution is only possible when there are no challenges – that is, the right resources are vital in the strategy.
  11. Home Depot Failure and IKEA Success in China
    Some people regard a “do-it-yourself” character of products to be the main reason for the low popularity of The Home Depot in China.
  12. IKEA Company: Implementing Strategy
    That being the case, the decision to change the structure can significantly affect IKEA’s performance in the European and American markets.
  13. SWOT Analysis: Air Arabia Company and IKEA
    The main objective of SWOT analysis is that it helps in identifying the internal and external factors that are core to the performance of the company.
  14. IKEA’s Planning and Objectives
    Moreover, the Planning and Controlling function is responsible for creating and implementing strategies that are designed to help IKEA meet its goals. IKEA uses a combination of strategic planning and MBO to ensure that the […]
  15. McDonald’s, IKEA and Coca Cola Brands Advertising Analysis
    The paper analyses the advertisement of McDonald’s from China, the advertisement of IKEA from Italy, and the advertisement of Coca Cola from India.
  16. IKEA Company: Customer Lifetime Value
    IKEA was founded in 1943, and today the company operates all over the world while having the stores in 42 countries and opening a number of new stores in different countries annually.
  17. IKEA: Business Responsibility and Sustainability
    The concept of corporate social responsibility rapidly gains popularity, implying the voluntary participation of companies in the formation and development of the social sector.
  18. IKEA UAE: Operation Management
    Operation managers at IKEA UAE follow the company’s vision in transformation processes. Competitive advantage achieved through high quality furniture at low costs.
  19. Ingvar Kamprad, a Charismatic Leader of IKEA
    Laissez-faire leadership style is a particular style where the managers are responsible for the decisions and they are subordinate to the top manager.
  20. IKEA’s and Home Depot’s Cross-Cultural Management
    The CEO of IKEA Jesper Brodin attributes the company’s success to the unity of its team, so IKEA’s management strategy emphasizes the importance of employee satisfaction and a comfortable working environment.
  21. IKEA: Expanding Through Franchising to the South American Markets
    The main aim of the company is to expand globally and provide the lowest cost product to its customer. So the main aim of the company is to create a universal brand and provide that […]
  22. IKEA Company’s Organizational Culture
    Thus, every worker is a carrier of the propagated IKEA culture, which in turn forms the basis for the success of the organization as a whole.
  23. Corruption in Russia: IKEA’s Expansion to the East
    The first problem is associated with the improperly designed ad campaign that was perceived as immoral due to the fact that despite the dissolution of the Soviet Union, the local population preserved its mentality related […]
  24. The Strategic Management of IKEA for Furniture Company in UAE or Gulf Corporate Countries
    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the current business and operations of IKEA, external and internal analysis, the competitiveness of IKEA, as well as the strategies and challenges faced by IKEA.
  25. The Effects of Diverse Culture of IKEA in UAE to Impact of Cultural Diversity on IKEA
    IKEA is the only distributor in its field to have victoriously made itself in whole of the Europe including Eastern and Southern Europe and more noticeably in USA and in whole of the North America.
  26. IKEA’s Challenges With Suppliers in India
    The number of suppliers who did not have a child-labor component in the production of their rugs was high enough for the company to continue its cooperation with the country.
  27. IKEA Company’s Product Design and Pricing
    Thus, the main competitive priorities of the company are the price and quality of the product, the convenience of delivery and the services provided, and the flexibility in presenting a variety of products that meet […]
  28. Deloitte and IKEA Companies Environmental Scanning
    In the current business environment, competition is a normal phenomenon in the day-to-day running of the business. Third, environmental scanning provides the company with the vital inputs in the process of development and implementation of […]
  29. Business Strategy of IKEA, Dell, 7-11 Companies
    Sustainability of businesses depends upon the ability of the firm to supply the right quantity of goods with high quality to the right customer base at the right time.
  30. The IKEA Company’s History and Performance
    This has not been the case with other competitors, such as Amazon, whose products are specific to one culture, not appealing to other cultures in the market.

👍 Good Essay Topics on IKEA

  1. Operation Management at IKEA in UAE
    Therefore, “the management of the processes involved in the production of goods and services should be run skillfully for the realization of the organization’s goals”.
  2. IKEA Supply Chain Network’s Issues
    However, upon gaining entry into the American market, IKEA’s management soon realized that the traditional advertising strategies could not bring positive outcomes in the American market due to a competitive retail market and diversity of […]
  3. IKEA’s Competitive Priorities, Product Development, and Site Selection
    As the design is adopted by the company, it is important to consider the storage of the product to maximize the utility of space.
  4. Analysis of IKEA’s Strategic Management
    The respective organizations can create long-term goals with the aid of practical ideas with the assistance of the affiliates to persuade the authorities to bring about significant improvements in the lives of the kids that […]
  5. IKEA: Company Analysis
    The organization and management practices that are practices at IKEA are highly influenced by the founder of the company, Ingvar Kamprad.
  6. The Incorporation of Sustainable Strategies in the Supply Chain of Walmart and IKEA
    Walmart on the other hand is one of the largest discount retail stores in the world operating 8,416 stores and clubs in 14 countries and serving 176 million customers per year to date.
  7. Ingvar Kamprad: Manager of IKEA
    He puts his focus on the attention of the company effectiveness and efficiency in order to ensure that the company services are carried out in time.
  8. IKEA and Super Amart Companies Marketing Strategies
    IKEA is considered the largest retail store in the globe, while Super Amart is considered the largest discount retail store in Australia.
  9. IKEA Company’s Social Entrepreneurship
    One of the potential benefits to IKEA for operating a joint partnership is that it serves to integrate the resources of the partnering business entities, which in turn results in production and cost efficiencies.
  10. IKEA Company: Retail Internationalisation Development
    It is clear that with an ambitious growth plan like this, the choice of the entry modes and strategies is of great strategic significance and can define the overall success of the business in regional […]
  11. IKEA’s Corporate Culture and Global Strategies
    In order to develop this culture, IKEA has always focussed on the spirit of openness and freedom for every worker in the company.
  12. IKEA (Sweden Furniture)
    This has been used to reduce costs that the company might incur in the course of transporting furniture. The company believes in value chain and this has enabled it to maintain a personal touch with […]
  13. IKEA’s Entry Into the Chinese Market
    IKEA has accumulated innovative business advantages and thus should choose to enter the Chinese market through differentiated strategies that adapt to the characteristics of consumers in the host market.
  14. IKEA’s Entry to Chinese Market: Strategy in Context
    The given paper is devoted to the analysis of IKEA, as one of the global leaders in the sphere of ready-to-assemble furniture and its strategic decision to enter the Chinese market with the primary goal […]
  15. Marketing Communications in IKEA
    This proposal overviews relevant literature on the importance of branding for organizations and consumers and marketing communication tools and analyzes the case of Ikea. The purpose of marketing communication tools is the promotion of a […]
  16. IKEA Strategic Management and Branding in the US
    The compatibility between IKEA’s products and similar goods that were manufactured in the US was the major problem that hindered the success of the company in the American market.
  17. IKEA and Market Competition
    The document also includes the responsibility of the organization to improve continually on the policies that are related to workplace safety.
  18. Ikea
    The supply technique of IKEA is amazing in that it is beneficial to the customers and the environment: the reduction of trucks in the supply chain has lowered carbon dioxide emissions.
  19. Marketing Excellence: IKEA
    In the 1980s, IKEA began to expand its business operations to the United States and other parts of the European markets.
  20. IKEA’s Value-Added Workflow: Integrating Offline with Online Systems
    The IKEA workflow can be actualized by integrating offline and online systems to create an ultimate experience and value for the customer.
  21. Supply Chain: IKEA Case Study Analysis
    The Ikea case concerns the assessment of the steps the corporation is taking to strengthen supply chains and reduce the negative impact on the environment in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  22. Key Drivers of Change and Possible Scenarios for IKEA
    The strategy is associated with the risk of high financial costs and damage to the goods. The second key factor relates to the difference in socio-cultural perceptions in western and eastern countries.
  23. IKEA’s Five Areas of Logistical Work
    IKEA provides a practical, time and money-saving path from the supplier to the customers, considering logistics as the main constituent of the successful enterprise. IKEA works hard to improve the five logistics areas for higher […]
  24. IKEA Company: Marketing Mix
    The secret of IKEA’s success on the global market lies in its perfect execution of all components of the marketing mix.
  25. IKEA: Brand Analysis
    IKEA’s target market is the middles-class and this population is a characteristic feature in the emerging markets across Europe and China.
  26. Blizzard, IKEA and Huawei: Risks and Solutions
    The paper discusses Blizzard, IKEA and Huawei companies, and exploring the possible sources of political risk for each of firms, given the countries in which they have a presence.
  27. IKEA Being People and Planet Positive
    The purpose of this report is to demonstrate that IKEA is not indifferent to people’s habits, and does everything in its power to make life on the planet more sustainable and positive.
  28. IKEA Company’s Innovation and Marketing Strategy
    The main innovatory idea behind the flat pack is to make the idea much beneficial for the economic class in the disaster situation, the flat is designed in such a way that the investment is […]
  29. IKEA Company’s Business Analysis
    Therefore with the new flat-pack homes, in comparison with the old life, the new life experience will be that the aid workers will save on time and cost in addition to having the surety of […]
  30. IKEA Firm’s Human Resource Management
    The main secret of the company lies in the fact that it is constantly introducing numerous changes to the production process.

📌 Most Interesting IKEA Topics to Write about

  1. IKEA: People and Environment as Key Elements That Can Result Into Business Success in the Long Term
    The management of the firm appreciates the price sensitive nature of the customers. This is due to the firm’s global scale of operation.
  2. IKEA’s Strategy Success Analysis
    The effectiveness of this strategy is based on the fact the target price ranges are set 30% to 50% lower than the prices of the main competitors.
  3. McDonaldization of IKEA
    However, the flip side of this principle is the irrationality of the rational, resulting in the excessive complexity of finding the necessary product.
  4. IKEA and General Motors Companies’ Operation Management
    In operation management, the bottleneck is the process or the particular phase that has the lowest capacity. Capacity planning is the process that aims at the identification of the product availability that is necessary to […]
  5. Cultivating Innovation at IKEA Company
    For a store manager, the work of changing the store layout will involve several steps. It will specify the cost of each new improvement to the store layout.
  6. IKEA Company’s Future: In-Store or Online Retailing
    As evident from its mission, one of the unique traits that make IKEA distinct from the rest of the companies in the industry is the pricing of its products.
  7. IKEA Company’s Pricing and Consumer Service
    IKEA firm, a Swedish company manufactures furnishing furniture products that are natural and radiant for home use. For instance, the Klippan sofa is a famous piece of furniture sold and made by IKEA Company.
  8. IKEA Isala Cabinet’s Design Analysis
    The proportions of the cabinet slightly resemble Jacobean furniture, yet the cabinet belongs to the Scandinavian contemporary style of furniture. The cabinet is made of fiberboard and plastic and covered in acrylic paint.
  9. IKEA Company’s Global Sourcing Challenge
    It remains apparent that reflecting company’s values and philosophies in the relationships with the employees and suppliers will ensure the compliance of the proposed decision with IKEA’s corporate culture and a mission statement.
  10. IKEA Company and Its Intrapreneurial Organisation
    The author emphasizes on the factors that subsidised the major success of the company and explain the reasons why IKEA is so unique and momentous to the modern market in terms of its approach and […]
  11. Mobile Marketing Ideas: Starbucks, IKEA, L’Oreal, LG and O2
    This innovation allows the users of digital devices to check their balance and to pay for their purchases at Starbucks with a simple flash of the QR code, which takes the mobile payments to the […]
  12. IKEA Company’s Global Strategy
    The paper identifies the types of products that are produced by the Philippines and its neighbors. By examining the data, it is clear that most of these countries produce the same products with a small […]
  13. IKEA Company: Current Situation Analysis
    SWOT Analysis of IKEA The SWOT analysis of the organization shows that IKEA has very good chances of integrating into a new market due to the sustainability principles that it is guided by.
  14. IKEA Company’s Marketing Strategy
    In this context, IKEA’s ability to identify market elements of the target audience is vital in aligning products and services. The strategy will improve IKEA’s strategy to serve customers located in various parts of the […]
  15. Will We Still Love IKEA?
    In this firm, the choice is not in the hands the employees, but instead it is the responsibility of the management.
  16. IKEA Analysis
    On the basis of the foregoing arguments, we can conclude that customer value in the supply chain is based on the “combination of economic values and environmental values “.
  17. IKEA Expansion Strategies
    However, to achieve all this success, the company’s operations have been based on basic plans and strategies that have ensured that its operations are sustainable and profitable in the short run and in the long […]
  18. IKEA: Providing High Quality Affordable Lighting Solutions
    To gain a better understanding of the potential for this proposal it is necessary to imagine a future where the transfer of power from source to appliance is possible without the use of wires.
  19. IKEA International Business
    In spite of the company proximity to European markets, the market fragmentation and high cost retailers was a great motivator to the entry of IKEA business.
  20. Global Compact Principles (IKEA)
    In order to achieve its objectives as well as those of the stakeholders, IKEA has put an emphasis in respecting the provisions of Global Compact Principle 1 and Principle 8.
  21. IKEA and the UN’s Global Compact
    But in the 21st century many companies are aware that the bottom-line is not the only requirement to success, business organizations like IKEA must learn to develop sustainable practices that will benefit not only the […]
  22. Wireless Technology in IKEA
    In case with wireless power, the focus is made on efficiency because it influences the extent by which the energy is sent to the receivers of the power.
  23. IKEA: Overview of Marketing Strategies
    The company focuses on the customers who are not interested in the furniture bought for a lifetime, but in the furniture that is suitable for them at the current moment.
  24. IKEA’s Operation in the USA
    This has seen the firm expand its stores to markets that the company had not ventured into before. The firm is not a bed of roses as many had been mislead to believe.
  25. Market opportunities of IKEA in USA
    IKEA has also high demand in the US market and is currently succeeding, but it is not yet able to overtake competition in the furniture market in the country as it did in the other […]
  26. Judging from past experience/internationalization- Should IKEA continue to internationalize?
    Successful Country in Internationalization Sweden which is the home country of IKEA was the most successful in internationalization of IKEA’s products.

🎓 Good Research Topics about IKEA

  1. Comparison of IKEA and Furniture Brand International
  2. Analysis of Walmart’s and the IKEA’s Generic Competitive
  3. How IKEA Has Incorporated Sustainability Principles?
  4. What Is Value and Image for IKEA?
  5. Reasons for IKEA’s Delayed Entry Into the Indian Market
  6. What Benefits Does IKEA Get From Globalization?
  7. Analysis of Internationalization Process of IKEA
  8. The Impact of Green Issues on the Design of IKEA Products
  9. Customer Behavior Analysis of IKEA
  10. Development of Green Technology Marketing at IKEA
  11. IKEA: Letting the Buyer Define What the Product Will Be
  12. What Action Should IKEA Take Regarding Rangan Export?
  13. Brand Differentiation and Positioning for IKEA
  14. Communication and Relationship Management at IKEA
  15. Comparing the Entrepreneurial Journeys of Zara and IKEA
  16. What Made IKEA So Successful?
  17. Corporate Governance and Business Ethics of IKEA
  18. Cross Cultural Communication: The Case Study of IKEA
  19. Effective Inventory Control and Management at IKEA
  20. Enterprise Resource Planning: IKEA
  21. What Are IKEA’s Competitive Priorities?
  22. Ethics and Business Strategy: Sexual Orientation in IKEA
  23. External Factors Affecting IKEA
  24. Global Home-Furnishing Retailers: IKEA
  25. Study of IKEA’s Product Design and Pricing Strategy

🔍 Interesting Topics to Write about IKEA

  1. Brand Across Cultures: The Case of IKEA
  2. History of IKEA: A Swedish Catalogue Founded by Ingvar Kamprad
  3. Blue Ocean Strategy: How IKEA Created a New Market
  4. Corporate Strategy of IKEA Malaysia
  5. IKEA: Expanding Through Franchising to the South American Market
  6. Corporate Social Responsibility for IKEA
  7. Critical Analysis of Strategic Aspects of IKEA and McDonalds
  8. Effects of Globalization on IKEA
  9. Facility Management in IKEA Company
  10. Achieving Competitive Advantages on the Example of IKEA
  11. IKEA: E-Marketing Systems and Processes
  12. Recognition With the IKEA Finance, Leadership, Policy and Solar Energy Awards
  13. Advertising and Sales Promotion of IKEA
  14. The Organizational Structure of IKEA Business
  15. Indian Rugs and Child Labor: IKEA
  16. IKEA’s Continuing Development and Success
  17. Competitive Strategy of IKEA Assignment
  18. Human Resource Management Methods for IKEA
  19. IKEA and Green Supply Chain Management
  20. Small City Development in Sweden and IKEA
  21. Creation and Maintenance of a Healthy Organizational Culture at IKEA
  22. IKEA: Consumer and Organizational Behavior
  23. IKEA’s Approach Toward International Marketing and Trade
  24. Key Challenges Facing Brand IKEA
  25. IKEA and the Psychology of Shopping

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IvyPanda. (2025, March 15). 136 IKEA Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/ikea-essay-topics/

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"136 IKEA Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 15 Mar. 2025, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/ikea-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. (2025) '136 IKEA Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 15 March. (Accessed: 21 March 2025).


IvyPanda. 2025. "136 IKEA Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 15, 2025. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/ikea-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "136 IKEA Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 15, 2025. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/ikea-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "136 IKEA Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 15, 2025. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/ikea-essay-topics/.