115 Malcolm X Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 Best Malcolm X Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. Malcolm X’s “Ballot or the Bullet” Speech
    The speech was powerful and motivational, with the speaker masterfully using the rhetorical devices of ethos, pathos, and logos to appeal to his audience.
  2. Malcolm X: Analysis of Learning to Read
    Malcolm Little was Malcolm X’s previous name before he chose the letter X to represent the loss of his African ethnic identity.
  3. “A Homemade Education” Book by Malcolm X
    After the release, Malcolm had the tools he needed to change his life and the lives of many others in America.
  4. The Speech “Message to the Grassroots” by Malcolm X
    When Malcolm refers to black people as a big family and when he constantly repeats the word “common” in regards to the white man as the common enemy, he makes the audience experience a feeling […]
  5. Martin Luther King Jr.’s and Malcolm X’s Leadership Styles
    Thesis: Martin Luther King and Malcolm X were both charismatic leaders, but the latter was more of a transformational leader as well because of his idealistic views and his ability to inspire his followers to […]
  6. Malcolm X’s “Ballot or Bullet” Speech: An Analysis
    There is nothing ethical in Malcolm’s urgings in his overt and covert ‘call to arms’ though he cleverly covers up by giving a choice of either using the ‘Ballot’ or the ‘Bullet’ when he actually […]
  7. Comparing MLK with Malcolm X
    Martin Luther King and Malcolm X were the two major leaders in the Civil Rights Movement of mid 20th century. Though Malcolm X did not live to achieve his goals, his followers were instrumental in […]
  8. Aspects of “Learning to Read” Essay by Malcolm X
    In the essay, he describes how learning to read gave him a new sense of purpose and self-esteem and transformed his life.
  9. Malcolm X and Frederick Douglass’ Comparison
    He was challenged in the area of writing and was incapacitated without the skill and ability to write letters to Mr. He was then to be imprisoned, and inside the four walls of the prison, […]
  10. Race Identity Evaluation in the Film “Malcolm X”
    Considering the points at which Omi’s work crosses the plot of the movie and marking the differences between the two, one can track the slightest implementations of racism in the modern American society, which is […]
  11. Costume and Makeup as Narrative Devices in the Malcolm X Film
    Costumes and makeup illustrate the various stages of Malcolm X’s life in the film, from his hustler days in Boston to his conversion to the Nation of Islam and later travels.
  12. Islam and Racism: Malcolm X’s Letter From Mecca
    Malcolm’s experience of the pilgrimage has made him believe that real unity and understanding actually can exist between people regardless of their country of birth, the color of skin, or the language they speak.
  13. Reflection on Malcolm X
    This is reflected in the speech Malcolm X delivered in a bid to unify the African Americans. In my view, Malcolm X was using these revolutions to spur the African Americans into action.
  14. The Ballot or the Bullet Speech by Malcolm X
    Malcolm X’s philosophy is partially separatist in nature, but, at the same time, it is filled with the spirit of unity.
  15. Malcolm X Warns, “It Shall Be The Ballot or The Bullet”
    Near the beginning of his speech, Malcolm X said: The first step for those of us who believe in the philosophy of Black Nationalism is to realize that the problem begins right here.
  16. Malcolm X’s “Learning to Read” During Imprisonment
    The mind of an imprisoned person will want to free itself in spite of the fact that it is tightly coupled to the body of the person.
  17. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X
    Although Malcolm X did not favor violence, he had a strong objection on the subject of nonviolence philosophy on the blacks.
  18. The Autobiography of Malcolm X
    One of the greatest and most influential men that captured the attention of both his friends and enemies, and articulated the struggle, the hunger, and the credence of African-American in the early 1960s is none […]
  19. Malcolm X: Life and Influence in History
    Upon release on Parole Malcolm becomes a model citizen and an active member of the Detroit temple of the Nation of Islam. Even after his parole, he remained very active in organizing his fellows and […]
  20. Reading Competition: “Malcolm X” by Helfer and DuBurke
    Probably, it is because they realize neither the best way to read nor the importance of reading to their future. Likewise, I have learned to read using competition to encourage me, thus it is my […]
  21. Malcolm X: Galvanizing Change Through Speech
    Malcolm X is remembered as a literary genius, and “The Ballot or the Ballot” is his greatest oratory achievement. In conclusion, in 1964, Malcolm X made the landmark “The Ballot or the Bullet” speech expressing […]
  22. Film Studies: “Malcolm X”
    But in doings so he earned the wrath of the very people with whom he worked and was assassinated while he was crusading for the cause of equality.
  23. Malcolm X’s Views on Race, Politics, and Religion
    This essay will contend that although individual persons, both black and white, also contributed to Malcolm’s development, his views and the racist social and political institutions he faced throughout his life predominantly influenced his attitudes.
  24. Socio-Religious Philosophies of Malcolm X and King
    Malcolm X and King have similar socio-religious philosophies in terms of viewing the role of religion in freeing Black people from oppression.

💡 Most Interesting Malcolm X Topics to Write About

  1. The Speeches by Martin Luther King and Malcolm X
    I want to thank you for this interesting and properly built discussion about how justice and the law are combined in the speeches by Martin Luther King and Malcolm X. The indefatigable aggressiveness of the […]
  2. “The Ballot or the Bullet” by Malcolm X and “Letter from a Birmingham Jail” by M. L. King
    According to the activist, the latter means allowing all people to live freely and without fear, segregation, violence, and the need to fight for their rights.
  3. Malcolm X and His Second Conversion
    However, Malcolm would never have the opportunity to fully evolve his new worldview, as he was shot and killed in 1965.
  4. Malcolm X: The Idea of Black Supremacy
    Elijah Muhammad and Malcolm X had an arduous relationship at the beginning of the 1960s due to the rumors of the latter’s marriage, which was prohibited by the organization’s codex and doctrine.
  5. Martin Luther King vs. Malcolm X as Civil Rights Leaders
    Martin Luther King addressed both black and white people, and his goal was to convince them of Jim Crow’s moral injustice and social discrimination.
  6. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Malcolm X
    Under the leadership of Martin Luther King, whom the activists chose as their representative and leader, they protested the arrest with a bus boycott that put a strain on the town’s economy.
  7. Malcolm X and Sherman Alexie
    In fact, Learning to Read is an account of Malcolm, his life as a prisoner showing how the dictionary contributed to his present position.
  8. The Autobiography of Malcolm X as Told to Alex Haley
    After Malcolm X has gained a huge popularity, as he thought, and was suspended from the Nation of Islam, the real fear for his own life attended him more often.
  9. Freedom: Malcolm X’s vs. Anna Quindlen’s Views
    However, in reality, we only have the freedom to think whatever we like, and only as long as we know that this freedom is restricted to thought only.
  10. “The Ballot or the Bullet“ the Speech by Malcolm X
    Malcolm X’s speech “The Ballot or the Bullet” is focused on several themes important for describing the experiences of many African Americans in the sixties.
  11. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X: Who Is Closer to Success?
    Martin Luther King Jr.and Malcolm X are remembered for their outstanding fight for civil rights in the United States at a time when the black community faced oppression and inequality in different ways.
  12. “Malcolm X” (1992) by Spike Lee
    The movie tells the story of Malcolm Little, also known as Malcolm X, – the Afro-American spiritual leader and a fighter for human rights who lived in the USA in the 1960s. Washington’s talent is […]
  13. John Locke’s vs. Malcolm X’s Political Philosophy
    In the context of Malcolm X’s view, the American war for independence underpins the notion that American society awaits another fight for the liberation of the black community.
  14. Emotional Scene in the “Malcolm X” Film
    The most powerful part of the film was when Malcolm X started his ‘Nation of Islam’ campaign in the streets of the ghetto.
  15. King Jr. and Malcolm X in African American History
    Malcolm was able to sell his ideas to the African Americans in various meetings in the streets of Harlem and in major universities across the United States.
  16. The Civil Rights Movement: Martin King and Malcolm X’s Views
    King also stressed that the major concepts he adopted were taken from the “Sermon on the Mount and the Gandhian method of nonviolent resistance”.
  17. Harrison Bergeron and Malcolm X as Revolutionaries
    Harrison was the man who was not afraid to stand up to the existing social order and makes some steps to achieve his major goal, which was to make all people free from burdens that […]
  18. The Activities of Malcolm X
    This desire elevated him to one of the highly influential African Americans in the long history of the United States and the black community in the country.
  19. Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Comparison
    In the entire history of the United States, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King were the greatest advocators of freedom and civil rights. He believed that the whites were not to be allowed to misbehave […]
  20. Fight Against the Demonization in «Malcolm X»
    In light of critics’ remarks in the book “The mistakes of Malcolm X”, the director went beyond propaganda and told the story of a society changer. In this instance, the signifier refers to the negative […]
  21. Critical Review: Malcolm X by Spike Lee
    In prison, Malcolm experienced an epiphany, a vision by Elijah Muhammed which aimed to make him understand his role and purpose in life, to promote the deliverance of the black man against the “devil’s curse”.
  22. The Black Arts Era: Contributions of Malcolm X & Martin Luther King Jr.
    The era was heralded by the establishment of the Black Arts Movement in Harlem in the decade of the 1960s. Many historians view this movement as the artistic arm of the Black Power movement, representing […]
  23. Political Theories of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King, Jr.
    The struggle reached a climax in the mid 1960s, and in the midst of it all were two charismatic and articulate leaders, Martin Luther King, Jr.and Malcolm X.
  24. Autobiography of Malcolm X
    Written by Alex Haley, a journalist by profession, The Autobiography of Malcolm X is a description of Malcolm’s life in a country dominated with racial discrimination, poverty, abuse of drugs, and crime.

⭐ Good Research Topics about Malcolm X

  1. Malcolm X’s Legendary Speech: The Ballot or the Bullet
  2. Strategies and Goals of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. And Malcolm X During the Civil Rights Movement
  3. Malcolm X and His Goals in the Civil Rights Movement in America
  4. African American Literature: The Autobiography of Malcolm X
  5. Childhood and Young Adulthood of Malcolm X
  6. Black Nationalist Movement: Malcolm X
  7. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X – Two Views, One Cause
  8. Race and Gender Throughout Malcolm X’s Life
  9. Malcolm X’s and Black Separatism
  10. The Black Power Movements vs. The Civil Rights Movement: Martin Luther King vs. Malcolm X
  11. The Inspirations From the Life Story of Malcolm X
  12. Perfect Examples of Freedom Fighters: Martin Luther King, Jr. And Malcolm X
  13. The Civil Rights Strategies of Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther King
  14. The Ideological and Spiritual Transformation of Malcolm X
  15. Dr. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X: Vision for Equality and Freedom From Racism
  16. Religious and Social Visions of Malcolm X
  17. Malcolm X’s Legacy From the Ghetto to Activist
  18. Breaking Down the Symbolism in Malcolm X’s Life
  19. Early and Late View of Nation of Islam Leader Malcolm X
  20. Social Justice and Civil Equality: Martin Luther King and Malcolm X ​

👍 Simple & Easy Malcolm X Essay Titles

  1. Icons for the Civil Rights Movement: Martin Luther King Jr. And Malcolm X
  2. The Idea That All Men Are Created Equal: A Contradiction Study of Martin Luther King Jr. And Malcolm X
  3. Civil Disobedience and Various Approaches of Dr. Martin Luther King and Malcolm X
  4. Ritual Dimension: Malcolm X’s Hajj
  5. Contemporary Black Nationalism and Malcolm X
  6. Philosophies and Tactics of Dr. King and Malcolm X
  7. Life and Times of Malcolm X Essay
  8. Malcolm X: A Radical Vision for Civil Rights
  9. The Impact Malcolm X Had on the Civil Rights Movement
  10. Societal Structural Changes and the Influence of Malcolm X
  11. American Civil Rights Leaders: Martin Luther King and Malcolm X
  12. Malcolm X’s Knowledge and Liberation
  13. 1960’s Diary Entries Witness to the Assassination of Malcolm X
  14. Malcolm X’s Ideologies Before Mecca and Following
  15. Beyond Pan-Africanism: Garveyism, Malcolm X and the End of the Colonial Nation-State
  16. Civil Rights Leaders: Dr. Martin Luther King vs. Malcolm X
  17. The Life and Leadership of Malcolm X
  18. Malcolm X’s Life, Philosophy, and Accomplishments
  19. African American Leader: Malcolm X: A Man Who Changed American History
  20. The Life and Influence on the Black Civil Rights Movement of Malcolm X

❓ Malcolm X Research Questions

  1. Who Is Malcolm X, and Why Is He Famous?
  2. What Was Malcolm X Best Known For?
  3. Who Died First, Malcolm X or Martin Luther King?
  4. Why Was Malcolm X Jailed?
  5. What Is a Good Thesis Statement for Malcolm X?
  6. Why Was Malcolm X Important?
  7. What Was the Purpose of Malcolm X’s Writing?
  8. What Was Malcolm X Known for Saying?
  9. What Did Malcolm X Symbolize?
  10. What Does Malcolm X Tell His Teacher He Wants to Be When He Grows Up?
  11. How Important Was Martin Luther King Compared to Malcolm X?
  12. How Martin Luther King Jr, Stokely Carmichael, and Malcolm X Fought for Black Power and Civil Rights?
  13. Was Martin Luther King Jr’s or Malcolm X’s Doctrines a Better Course of Action for African Americans?
  14. What Impact Did Malcolm X and the Nation of Islam Have on the Civil Rights Movement?
  15. What Do Martin Luther King, Jr. And Malcolm X Represent in America, World History, and Culture?
  16. What Short-Term Impact Did Malcolm X Have on the Black Civil Right Movement 1965-1968?
  17. What Would Have Happened if Malcolm X Had Not Been Assassinated?
  18. Why Black Activists Rejected Martin Luther King and Followed Malcolm X?
  19. Why Does Martin Luther King Have a Public Holiday but Not Malcolm X?
  20. Why the Life and Journey of Malcolm X Should Be Taught in School?
  21. How Did Malcolm X Overcome the Obstacles of His Early Life?
  22. What Did Malcolm X Do Almost to Get Killed by Archie?
  23. What Was Malcolm X’s Essential Attitude Toward the Issue of Education?
  24. What Happened to Malcolm X’s Historical Reputation Over Time?
  25. What Was Malcolm X’s Main Accomplishment?
  26. What Praises and Criticism Is There of Malcolm X?
  27. How Did Malcolm X Push for Equality?

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IvyPanda. (2025, March 15). 115 Malcolm X Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/malcolm-x-essay-topics/

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"115 Malcolm X Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 15 Mar. 2025, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/malcolm-x-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. (2025) '115 Malcolm X Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 15 March. (Accessed: 22 March 2025).


IvyPanda. 2025. "115 Malcolm X Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 15, 2025. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/malcolm-x-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "115 Malcolm X Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 15, 2025. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/malcolm-x-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "115 Malcolm X Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 15, 2025. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/malcolm-x-essay-topics/.