Evaluation of the model includes the discussion of its logical congruence, legitimacy, and generation to prove the correctness of its application in today’s nursing practice with respect to patients’ and their families’ needs and expectations.
To meet the needs of patients in the diverse contemporary community, one must focus on creating consistent communication between a nurse and a patient based on the latter’s environment and background.
Kant advanced two approaches of categorical imperative; first, the maxim of an individual’s action should be universal; and second, a person should treat another with dignity, not as means to reach personal objectives. Also, section […]
In this paper, the concepts of nursing retention and turnover are explained in the context of nursing shortage. Given the negative effects of nurse turnover, strategies to reduce turnover and promote nursing retention have been […]
As was already mentioned above, the main focus of Peplau’s theory is on the relations between a nurse and a patient. In Peplau’s theory, health is a process of moving towards the state of productive […]
One of these models was developed in 2003 to promote the importance of the interactions between a nurse and their patient and the impact of this relationship on the health outcomes.
There are three main requirements of the nursing treatment that should focus on protection from harmful influence, motivation from growth, and insurance of a nurturing environment.
Also, the theory addresses the concepts of leadership and suggests that successful nurse leaders should build trust in their followers and comply with a number of principles that promote the professional development of the followers.
Despite governmental economic support and universities encouraging the pursuit of a nursing career, professional dissatisfaction of the nursing staff, high burnout rates, and stressful working environments contribute to a growing number of retiring nurses.
The specific nursing theory that will be encompassed in the paper is Kurt Lewin’s change management theory, whereas the theoretical framework is related to nursing and medication administrations and errors.
In conclusion, meta paradigms can be incorporated into the major concepts of self-care deficit theory, which include nursing, humans, and the environment.
It was during Kolcaba’s master studies that she took a position of a head-nurse in an Alzheimer’s unit and became interested in the outcomes of comfort, and decided to impart a theoretical shape to the […]
To do that, the author’s goal is to define the difference between a theory and a philosophy and to the stages of epistemological process occurring in the health care environment.
Therefore, it is essential to understand the reasoning behind the establishment of a hierarchy of values in nursing. Modern nurses are taught numerous aspects of proper treatment and communication strategies that are essential for the […]
In the first place, these two figures focused on the input of the patient care theory, which allowed them to constitute theories of nursing process and self-care deficit, respectively.
The theory is applicable in different settings to support the needs of many patients with psychological issues. Her competencies in social and cultural anthropology played a significant role in the development of the Transcultural Nursing […]
Since nursing has traditionally been a women’s profession, it is important to understand the oppression of women to gain insight into some of the most pressing issues in nursing.
The patient is the focus of the treatment plans and is liable for making the necessary informed decisions. Nursing is an art due to the values of compassion, empathy, and caring for handling patients.
The theory promotes the need for a holistic approach to nursing that handles the connection between the universe and human being hence influencing the grand theories and the metaparadigm in nursing.
The explanatory theory is the second type used to define the relationship between ideas. The first premise is that there is a connection between the patient’s confidence and quality of life or well-being.
Referred as the “father of existentialism”, S ren Kierkegaard’s philosophically insightful and penetrating work not only focused on the social critique of the 19th-century culture and Christian faith within the state church but also in […]
The nursing theory that I utilized during my practice experience was the Theory of Culture Care Diversity and Universality. The Culture Care Theory focuses on the uniqueness of each human being and the importance of […]
Nightingale’s experiences with war victims compelled her to reexamine the role of the environment in the healing process. This philosophical underpinning would support the creation and promotion of the environment theory of nursing.
Theoretical aspects of nursing consider the health care system and the role of the nurse in it, the concept of public health and criteria for its assessment; demographics, communication, training, legal standards of nursing activities.
In this nursing theory course, I have learned that this process is a constant cycle of gathering and analyzing evidence, synthesizing it into practice recommendations, disseminating the information to other healthcare practitioners, and evaluating its […]
The tenet of unfreezing is critical because it “is the process which involves finding a method of making it possible for people to let go of an old pattern that was somehow counterproductive”.
For instance, understanding the definition of nursing helps to understand the purpose of a nurse. This course helped me realize the applications of nursing theory to practice.
This theory assumes the development of an internal state, as well as the acceptance of the desire to lead a healthy lifestyle under the conditions that any circumstances may limit a person.
The work summarizes the key points of Patricia Benner’s article that discloses the peculiarities of contrastive proficiency levels. The distinguished scholar strives to prove that proficiency levels can represent a ladder of success.
This methodology is focused around linking the goal of patient safety to the culture of the entire healthcare facility. This theory allows this need to be revived time after time in workers’ minds through safety […]
The purpose of this paper is to apply one of the MRT known as the Illness-Constellation Model in guiding the understanding of the mortality of African American women in prenatal.
The students in this course will learn the conceptions and theories primary to the art and science in nursing. This course focuses on the beginners of nursing care of customers to encourage healthy transition for […]
The theory assumes that the nurse’s role is to identify and meet the patient’s immediate need for help. The patient cannot state the nature and significance of the anxiety without the help of a nurse […]
To use theory effectively in all realms of practice, training, and investigation, it is necessary to understand how to explain, analyze, and assess the concept.
The following paper compares and contrasts some theorist sites on the availability of information on the Nursing Process Theory by Ida Jean Orlando, showing how easy it is to use this model in nursing practice […]
All nursing models or theories have common positions; these include such concepts as the source of patient’s problems, the goal of the nursing interventions, the means of nursing interventions, the role of the nurse, and […]
This paper looks at the theory in terms of its scope, the context within which it developed the content of the theory, the significance of the theory, internal consistency within the theory, the testability of […]
This journal entry defines the theory of Dorothea Orem, determines the achievement of goals set initially, and explains the use of seven domains of practice in the context of personal nursing practice.
The task of the medicine consists in resorting to the biological system, whereas the main scope of nursing is confined to focusing on the behavioral system.
The sections of the work discuss the theory to use in research, the conceptual framework with the use of Koy and colleagues’ study as an example, and the connection of nursing theories to Biblical perspectives.
The nursing theory of needs provided by Virginia Henderson is pivotal within the scope of the field. The external environment involves the material and social aspects that are outside of the individual and interact with […]
In conclusion, it should be emphasized that the chosen criteria for evaluating the theory, such as Testability and Contribution to Understanding, are meaningful for determining essential aspects of the theory.
However, it is worth imagining the year 1853, when Florence Nightingale formed the mentioned advice and the conditions for the patients of that time, the vast majority of whom were soldiers of the War of […]
However, a more consistent presentation of important information and findings in the paper can significantly improve the overall quality of the research paper.
The theory’s framework works in a series of steps, the first of which is to establish the level of care that a patient needs and the level of self-care that they feasibly can or know […]
Role categories like role ambiguity, role overload, and role conflict contribute to role stress. The change from nurse-to-nurse practitioner is an illustration of role ambiguity.
For example, Barreiro et al.aimed to examine diagnostic validation of the low self-efficacy concept in health and nursing care by constructing a middle-range theory for diagnosis validation.
However, the theory-practice divide has become the profession’s most difficult obstacle, lowering the quality of the service in both education and clinical practice. In the assigned case study, the issue of the theory-practice gap is […]
Undoubtedly, the work and contribution to the development of nursing by Jean Watson are challenging to underestimate and overestimate. Moreover, nursing is a significant business, and the work of a professional nurse is extremely valuable.
Therefore, it can be said that Watson’s theory is based on the centrality of human care and the transpersonal links between the person offering clinical care and the other receiving the same.
This is because they can assess the complexity and complexity of patient care and base all further interventions on the findings of the assessment. A feature of the phenomenon under study is the existence of […]
So, I have prepared a talk about the experiences of my colleagues that are similar to the symptoms of burnout and researched the consequences of this situation to highlight the importance of the issue.
💡 Interesting Topics to Write about Nursing Theory
In this changing understanding of concepts, scientific research in nursing is developing, the purpose of which is an objective assessment of all the changes taking place and the choice of the path of development of […]
The most striking manifestation in the profession is the interpretation of the role of the nurse as a transcultural and humanistic professional whose activity is aimed at serving all people.
Although the theory of nursing integrates the four meta paradigms the interest of this paper is health and nursing concepts. The nursing theory incorporates the health metaparadigm by taking a holistic approach to the treatment […]
The profession of nursing highly involves interpersonal skills, which may significantly influence the relationship between the clinician and the patient, resulting in better physiological and physical wellness as well as better outcomes.
These include the use of the old and new testament, the union of the father, son, and the holy spirit, man created in the likeness of God, the regeneration of the holy spirit, and salvation […]
Unlike Lewin’s approach, Roger’s model is more oriented towards the staff’s response and acceptance of the change through the gradual shifting process.
This essay analysis how social support relates to Practice Improvement Project that applies the teach-back method to assist patients with hypertension understand the condition and maintain their blood pressure.
The outcomes proved the correlation between the efficiency of the developed initiative and the principles of the theory, which means that the latter provides sufficient support for such experiments.
A nursing conceptual model, on the other hand, refers to an image of a phenomenon. Hence, a conceptual model attempts to expound more on the theory by providing a vivid picture of the explained relationships.
Therefore, it is vital to examine the application of social and behavioral theories to the operations of healthcare facilities in practice by considering the case of the 65-year-old woman admitted for a mastectomy.
It must pay attention to maintaining human health, improving the quality of life, and solving problems related to the health of a person, family, groups of people, and the whole society.
Most of the time, patients confuse things and may give false information that may result in the provision of different healthcare instead of the expected one.
A question that a nurse attending to Linda may ask herself in relation to Roy’s perspective of the physiologic need includes is; does the condition of asthma impair Linda’s oxygenation?
Therefore, the actions of an individual determine his happiness and the aspect of what is ethically good. This theory is directly related to the nursing professional code of ethics as indicated in the provisions of […]
Being a very important part of modern medicine, nursing as a science obviously has a great number of different theories which main aim is to increase the level of knowledge of people who work in […]
It can also be described as a structured and systematic enunciation of reports related to the queries encountered in the nursing discipline. In addition, the nurse can be accused of ignorance and having a strained […]
In the healthcare field, nurses work their level best to promote patient satisfaction and improve the quality of care provided. One strategy to deal with the problem involves the use of the theory of nursing […]
The essence of the family nursing approach is that the nurse communicates with all family members, even if providing care for only one of them. This approach is justified since family members can support each other when facing complex or difficult diagnoses (Bell, 2016). Also, acquaintance with all family members and their medical history helps […]
Nursing was recognized as a science, and instead of a traditional model of learning from more experienced nurses, a science-based approach to the training of the would-be specialists in this occupation was implemented. Indeed, theoretical […]
Nursing theories provide useful information concerning the definitions of nursing and the practice itself, principles that form the foundation for nursing, and also the goals and functions of nursing.
The task of a nurse is to develop and follow moral philosophy that is concerned with establishing a standard of correctness by the prescription of certain rules and principles.
I believe a theory in the nursing field aims to improve understanding of the process of medical care to provide the best service for patients ultimately. Without theory, it would be challenging to make real […]
For this event, I examined the role of nursing leadership in healthcare and its implementation into interprofessional collaboration to improve patient-centered care.
This paper will consider the role of Nightingale in the formation of the nursing profession, discuss a study based on her theory, and analyze the relationship among theory, research, and practice.
Therefore, when one nursing theory is applied to the whole education process, it seems to be easy to understand the essence of nursing and follow clear instructions and guidelines.
The patient-centered nursing model guides practitioners to respond to patients’ conditions and health using personalized care delivery procedures. This model meets the generalizability test since it is applicable in different fields, scenarios, and settings to […]
With the application of such a theory, it can be possible to introduce superior procedures, behaviors, and cultural attributes that will streamline existing nursing practices.