98 Organizational Change Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 Best Organizational Change Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. Netflix Organizational Change Case Study
    Following the struggles that Netflix has undergone in an attempt to introduce price plans in correspondence to the cost of the Internet and licensing fee, the company adopted strategies that envisage the Lewis Three Step […]
  2. General Motors: Implementing Organizational Change
    The government now has a 60% shareholding in the company; therefore, we can say that the ownership and control of the organization has shifted to the government.
  3. Improvement of Information Security of the Nike Company
    Nike should, therefore, ensure the data is protected by allocating individuals to monitor the activities in the database and front-end of the website.
  4. Organizational Change Process: Toyota Motor
    The end goal of the first stage is to define causal relations between a company’s past decisions and current challenges. If a company and an OD consultant aim at long-term cooperation, the data gathered at […]
  5. Zara Fashion Retailer’s Organizational Change
    Although this report has mentioned many areas within Zara’s operational and human resource strategies that need redirection as a direct consequence of the ever-shifting business environment, it lays its focus on how the fashion retailer […]
  6. Organizational Change: Sony Corporation
    The negative cash flow and the failure to realize their objectives were unacceptable to the shareholders and therefore a major change needed to be initiated in order to bring back Sony Corporation to the top […]
  7. The Concept of Planned and Unplanned Organizational Change
    Planned change happens after leaders identify the need for transformations and organize a strategy to realize the change. Resistance to change denotes the practice of opposing transformations that affect the status quo in an organization.
  8. Organizational Change: Political and Symbolic Frames
    The study of their influence on problems of organizational behavior can be seen in the example of the resistance to change of employees in the marketing department.
  9. Xerox: Organizational Culture and Change
    Eager to implement organizational change, leaders might leap into change implementation fueled by enthusiasm, offering real and symbolic support, and demanding results. For that reason, this chapter will examine organizational culture and its role in […]
  10. Etihad Airways: Organizational Change
    By February 2018, the company had a fleet of 117 planes consisting of Boeing and Airbuses that delivered cargo and passengers to destinations in Africa, the U. Etihad needs to respond to changes in the […]
  11. Honda A – Organizational Change & Development
    The main subject discussed is change management, the need for change, and how Honda could adjust its strategy to become a stronger competitor in the market.
  12. Nokia Corporation Organization Development and Change
    In 1967, Nokia Corporation had expanded and had the capacity to sell its products outside the home country of Finland.
  13. Reasons for Organizational Change
    This change will also ensure the company provides the best services and goods to its customers. The company might also adopt new technologies and programs in order to achieve its goals.
  14. Unfreezing in Nursing Organizational Change Theory
    The tenet of unfreezing is critical because it “is the process which involves finding a method of making it possible for people to let go of an old pattern that was somehow counterproductive”.
  15. Marriott and Target: Organizational Change and Security Breaches
    In 2014, Marriott recorded losses amounting to around 600 million USD due to cyber attacks while those of Target were around 162 million USD in 2013.
  16. Eight Dimensions of Organizational Capacity for Change
    The role of a leader for any organization is critical because leaders both represent the company and motivate employees to improve the organization’s economic outcomes and thus become more successful.
  17. Organizational Change With Lewin-Schein Model
    The three primary stages of the framework include unfreezing, movement, and refreezing, indicating different steps of the change model. Nevertheless, both authors concluded that the groundwork in the form of unfreezing was essential to the […]
  18. Organizational and Change Theory in Healthcare
    The purpose of this paper is to highlight a crisis that occurred in my organization, and to reveal the model used by the management to solve the issue.
  19. Organizational Change & Culture: Overview
    Organizations should be responsive to change, be innovative and flexible. Change influences competitive advantage and success of organizations.
  20. Organizational Change Model
    Training of the employees should be a priority in that it will equip employees with a crucial skill to the new market.
  21. Factors That Contribute to Organizational Change
    External forces Different changes taking place in the market and the economy of operation may force a business to change; in most cases, the change is in the efforts of adopting new mechanisms and systems […]
  22. Organizational Change and Transformation
    Nonetheless, it is important to highlight the vitality of the ability to transform and adapt as the market itself, rivals, and consumers are dynamic in their behavior, actions, and preferences.
  23. Organizational Change at BayCare Health System
    One of the recent major changes at the BayCare facility was the implementation of hourly rounds to reduce patient falls. It was time for BayCare nurses to encourage regular rounds, and the outcomes were positive: […]
  24. Power and Organizational Change
    I could execute the change because I had the authority and approach to influence people. I advise the leaders that they need to be keen in the future because when they hurry to execute adjustments, […]
  25. Organizational Change: The Effect of Transformational Leadership on Employees
    Results demonstrate that work engagement and valence mediate the relationship between transformational leadership and employees’ behavior in the circumstances of organizational change.
  26. Organizational Change in Orlando Health
    The development of an organization is a constant, purposeful change in the direction and functioning of the organization. Orlando Health, due to the pandemic and the increased demand for the services of medical staff, has […]

👍 Good Essay Topics on Organizational Change

  1. Continuous Education: Navigating Organizational Change
    Moreover, it is crucial to have a proper leader as the head of every team in the facility, as decisive leadership could improve communication and enhance employees’ engagement in the company’s activities.
  2. Organizational Leadership Style and Change Management
    As a nursing director, the essence of my current leadership is the ability to influence human resources, the competitive advantage of the organization, and the results that follow, ensuring quality healthcare and patient satisfaction.
  3. McDonald’s Organizational Change and Employee Empowerment
    In the case of McDonald’s, culture and leadership were present in the form of employees’ openness to new practices and operation executives’ clear articulation of a vision for change.
  4. Emerging Digital Workplace Technologies and Organizational Change
    Emerging technology in an organization usually leads to the disruption of the existing relationships and routines within the firm. The emerging technology has brought about tremendous changes within the operation of an organization, a fact […]
  5. Honda and PT Kereta Api Indonesia: Organizational Change
    Companies do not operate within a vacuum, they need to take into consideration the market forces that can impact them on a daily basis.
  6. Friendship Police Department Organizational Change
    The one that is going to challenge the efforts, which will be aimed at rectifying the situation, is the lack of trust that the employees have for the new leader who they expect to become […]
  7. Organizational Change: Models Influencing American Terrorism
    This paper seeks to discuss the three models of terrorism, the effects of international terrorism locally, and the impacts of international terrorism on local cell groups.
  8. Sony Corporation: Organizational Change
    This paper will link organizational changes of Sony Corporation with the McKinsey’s 7S model and analyze its promises towards the environment, employees and the public.
  9. Analysis of Leadership and Organizational Change
    Any leader who wants to execute change has to put into consideration that he has to seriously consider what the employees think is the right way of performing a certain task effectively, he has to […]
  10. St. Luke’s School’s Organizational Change
    One individual who has steered the institution to the realization of its mission and vision is Mark Davis, the head of the institution.
  11. Organizational Change Based on Planning
    Within this perspective, the role of the manager is to play the role of a technician whose core duty is to take the rational path in light of the established knowledge to effectively manage change.
  12. Managing Organizational Change: IPIC and Mubadala Merger
    The entire structure of the company had to be reinvented to encompass new employees, transform the decision-making apparatus, and enhance the capacity of the organization to handle larger amounts of finances necessary to operate in […]
  13. Jazan School’s Organizational Change Project
    The upgrading of the learning process is a comprehensive endeavor that involves altering the educational viewpoints of a number of participants in an institution. This uncertainty is a hindrance to the execution of e-learning in […]
  14. Organizational Development and Change
    The identified missed step, data feedback and confrontation, added to the failure of the intervention as the consultant did not resolve some of the disputes in the data collection process.
  15. Effective Organizational Change in Education
    To empower change, it is necessary to understand the organization as a system and consider the human element. This idea recalls the suggestion of Fullan to consider the human element and its goals partially coincide […]
  16. Organizational Development: Process and Change
    I was able to communicate the expected positive outcomes to the management, which led me to assume that the employees share the readiness and commitment to change.
  17. Organizational Change Models in Response to Hurricanes
    One of the advantages of a bureaucratic model is that it is more effective and efficient in implementing organizational change. The network model is an effective management approach that can be applied during hurricane disasters.
  18. Organizational Change: Pros & Cons, Ways to Manage
    Given the described situation, the associated pros can be outlined as follows: Reducing the rate of employees’ turnover, Increasing the extent of employees’ professional effectiveness, Increasing the extent of the company’s overall rate of commercial […]
  19. Quay International Convention Centre’s Organizational Change
    The scope of this report included the overview of the concept of organizational development, its application to a specific case study, and the provision of a structural analysis of the management of change required in […]
  20. Organizational Change in Good and Bad Examples
    The change was challenging, and the resistance was intense, but the company managed to succeed due to proper planning and communication. Organizational change should be conducted strategically, and it is the leadership that is in […]
  21. Organizational Change and Personal Leadership Development
    During the meeting she organized with the representatives of Hughes and Raytheon, the project leaders expressed their concerns related to potential risks and the shortage of resources.
  22. Microsoft Company’s Organizational Change
    Change reflects the company’s striving to be responsive to the needs of customers while, at the same time, creating a solid basis for the pursuit of organizational excellence.
  23. Managing Organizational Change: A Multiple Perspective Approach
    The stakeholders also begin to embrace the change because it will result in better results. Change diagnosis “is necessary because it helps in the preparation of a befitting organizational approach”.
  24. The Role of Leadership in Organizational Change
    They may be charged with the sourcing of the new technology, deployment of the new technology to the various departments and management of the time frames of implementing the new technology.
  25. Abu Dhabi Police Organizational Change
    It will highlight the causes and the benefits of the changes that have occurred in the police force since 1957. In 1959, the number of officers in the police force was increased from 80 to […]
  26. Organizational Change and Development: Mr. Carlos Ghosn
    For coordinating one of the most violent downscaling movements and leading the turnabout of Nissan Company at the verge of bankruptcy, Carlos attained his celebrity standing.
  27. Organizational Change Project “Fat Tax” in Denmark
    Analyzing the effects of the reform in the context of a specific organization and taking a closer look at the changes that the Fat Tax has inflicted on it, one can possibly decide whether the […]
  28. Organizational Culture in Change Management
    A culture that develops within an organization is quite difficult to change and if someone joins the organization they have to adapt to the new culture, and eventually he or she becomes a part of […]
  29. Resistance to Organizational Change
    In order to overcome the resistance, it is imperative to educate the managers and communicate to the users the need for change. Their unique intellects and thoughts should be stimulated provided that they conform to […]
  30. Journal of Organizational Change Management
    As a result, it is crucial for the leadership of an organization to devise and pursue cultural practices that are in tandem with the broad goals and objectives.
  31. Achieving Readiness for Organizational Change Review
    His main purpose entails examining the significance of being equipped to welcome change, the strategy that people can adopt to implement a change, and the criteria that can be deployed to evaluate the change.
  32. The Influence of Emotions on Organizational Change
    The domains of organizational behavior are very essential in understanding the effect of emotions on the performance of employees. The corporate world is now discovering that the positive emotions of employees should not be left […]
  33. Framework for Organizational Change: Emirates National Oil Company
    It plans to meet the energy growing needs of the people of Dubai by having an up-to-date technology to use in the implementation of the organization’s practices.
  34. Organizational Change Models and Approaches
    These approaches have to take into account the employees of the organization, the cultural setting and value system that are in use within the organization and the business environment that the organization operates in.
  35. Organizational Change in YAI NETWORK
    At the beginning of the change management process, the organization should initially carry out a systematic diagnosis to determine the need for change and capability of the company to make the change.
  36. Analysis of Organizational Change Outcomes
    In particular, the study sought to find out whether the reported drop in incidences of sexual harassment in the military resulted from behavior change or it was just caused by change in the responses of […]

⭐ Simple & Easy Organizational Change Essay Titles

  1. Organizational Change and Development: The Stanley Works Corporation
    In this case, the company engaged in the promotion of workers from the sales department to the management department. As part of the technological changes, the company embraced ADAM’s digital toolkit, with the aim of […]
  2. Ensuring the Effectiveness of an Organizational Change
    The information, in regards to the challenges currently faced by Flairtex Fashions, contained in the case study, allows us to identify a number of internal and external forces that presuppose the eventual prospect of company’s […]
  3. How HR Responsibilities Assist in Organization Change
    As a result of the changes in the healthcare market, the human resource department of the hospital had to develop collaborative efforts with the top management of the hospital. Organizational change involves the shift in […]
  4. Managing Organizational Change
    It studies the types of change and the major elements of change, resistance to change, and the assessment of change. Organizational strategy shows the importance of change in an organization and gives the strategy of […]
  5. Organizational Change Plan for Accor Company
    The scope of the plan includes the following: A plan to move the company form the old principles to the new change.
  6. Sustainability and the Need for Change: Organizational Change and Transformational
    If the trend of the rich continuing to get richer is not checked, the effect is that more persons in the middle class will keep on feeling the pressure of the spending power of an […]
  7. Organizational Change: Creating Change Through Strategic Communication
    Managers evaluate the level of productivity of each employee and assess if there is a need to train his/her employees to informational change to keep up with the demand in the market.
  8. Increasing Efficiency in Operations Through the Organizational Change
    These include the importance of change and the challenges of organizational change that are related to resistance to change. This will help them in securing the maximum benefits of organizational change1 Change in an organization […]
  9. Organization Change vs. Managing People and Organization Culture
    Managers of Citigroup, Enron and Hewlett-Packard agree that organizational cultures institutionary shape the way in which firms choose to use technology.
  10. “Organizational Change and Managerial Sense Making: Working Through Paradox” by Luscher and Lewis
    The article “Organizational change and managerial sensemaking” by Luscher and Lewis seeks to explore the need for business firms and organizations to implement organizational development programs on a permanent basis in order to be at […]
  11. Human Resource Management and Organizational Change
    In summary, the basic of the matching model is the fit between the external strategies of the firm and the internal strategies that include HRM strategies.
  12. Leadership & Organization Development by Lok, Peter and John Crawford
    In this article, the researchers attempt to describe the relationship between organizational commitment, culture and subculture and their impacts on leadership style and job satisfaction in organizational development and change.
  13. Culture Change for Barclays Bank
    The inclusion of the employees in the decision to change. The communication gap between the management and the employees threatens the need for change.
  14. Managing Organizational Change by Graetz, F., Rimmer, M., Lawrence, A. and Smith, A.
    Performance management focuses on the processes designed to manage the performance of the organization, group, and individual against the objectives of the organization.
  15. Organizational Behavior: Structure, Development and Change
    Managing change in an organizational is the practice of designing and executing the change wisely with an aim of minimizing resistance of workers in addition to outlaying business, while as well maximizing the efficiency of […]
  16. Yahoo: Organizational Development and Change
    Other products and services include the following: Yahoo associates with several content suppliers in products like Yahoo Sports, Yahoo Music, Yahoo Finance, Yahoo Movies, Yahoo Answers, Yahoo Games and Yahoo News to offer news and […]
  17. Managing Organizational Change: Work Reduction Policy
    It is the duty of managers to ensure that the success of the organization and the welfare of employees get first priority.
  18. Organizational Development and Change Implementation
    It is therefore necessary for business leaders and government sectors as well to understand organisational development elements so as to link the desired novel behaviours to the key performing task requirements of the organisation and […]
  19. Leading Cultural and Organizational Change at the Royal Conservatory of Music
    The events that triggered the Royal Conservatory of Music to initiate change events have been captured in the text book as the forces of change.
  20. Leading Culture and Organizational Change at the Royal Conservatory of the Music
    Identifying the gifted children and sponsoring them to pursue further studies in the music industry is part of the institution’s program.
  21. Organizational Change Management: Culture, Development and Innovation
    This is where well structured team building activities are bound to work wonders, so that the people are prepared psychologically for things to come, and to be well aware of their role and importance in […]
  22. Organizational Change, Diagnosis and Redesign
    The company CEO who is democratic encourages workers contribution to the management and running of the company whereas the autocratic leader is strict and runs a one man show.
  23. Wilders Department Store Organizational Change
    In implementing the change, the firm should ensure that it communicates the proposed change clearly to all employees, as well as making the understand the need and the benefits they will derive from the implemented […]
  24. Managing Organizational Change: Resistance to the Change
    When a change is occurring in an organization, the management are the agents of change; the way the communicate the change to be implemented in an organization determines whether the change will be embraced by […]
  25. Philosophies of Organizational Change
    In this approach, the executives or the management tend to oversee the co-ordination as well as originating and controlling of organizational change plans.
  26. How to Carry a Successful Organizational Change
    It is also important to ensure that employees’ at all structural levels within the organization have good knowledge of change management, and their responsibilities in implementing change.
  27. Change Management and Strategic Planning
    In this paper, I explore change management and strategic planning in terms of definition, inter-relationships and the impact of change on individuals and organizations.
  28. Organization Change Management and Role of Mangers in Change
    The major concern of organizational change management is to win the target people to change their behavior and the way of life.
  29. Organizational Change: Group Dynamics
    Group dynamics could also be used to promote teambuilding, which is fundamental in the formation of group responses to the intended change process.
  30. Globalization, Leadership and Organizational Change
    For instance, if a company is going global, it will be difficult to make decisions because it has little knowledge and experience of the global markets.

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IvyPanda. (2024, November 23). 98 Organizational Change Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/organizational-change-essay-topics/

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"98 Organizational Change Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 23 Nov. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/organizational-change-essay-topics/.


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IvyPanda. 2024. "98 Organizational Change Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 23, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/organizational-change-essay-topics/.

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IvyPanda. "98 Organizational Change Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." November 23, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/organizational-change-essay-topics/.