128 Rape Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 Best Rape Topic Ideas & Essay Examples

  1. The Red Record Rape Analysis
    The whites considered the progress of the African Americans as something that threatened the success and achievements of the whites in the society.
  2. The Role of Society and Media in Rape Culture
    One of the major roles that the media has played leading to the harassment and rape of women is the sexual objectification of women.
  3. Rape in Ancient Societies
    As long as the fallacies of integrity and closure are upheld, a desire to penetrate becomes a desire to rape.[3] The above statement also reveals an important feature of the act of rape that it […]
  4. Ethical Dilemmas Regarding Rape and Abortion
    Therefore, this paper discusses the module 8 case study and related cases regarding rape and abortion, applying dialectical thinking to the module 8 case and why Mary in the case study should not undergo abortion […]
  5. The Rape Case: Rape or Consensual Sex
    Additionally, the stereotypes of rape in this case are included through the characteristics of the victim such as age, sexual behaviours, mode of dressing, relations with the perpetrator and the place of the offence.[9] In […]
  6. Analyzing Patricia Lockwood’s “Rape Joke” and the Need for Open Dialogue on Sexual Assault
    The issue that will be explored in this writing is the misconceptions regarding sexual assault that lead to the suppression of discussions of this problem among the public.
  7. Rape Culture in College: Causes and Effects
    The objectives of this research paper will be to provide a clear understanding of the concept of rape culture, address the intersectionality of social identities, review and critique the existing interventions, and Advocate for the […]
  8. Campus Rape: Ethical and Social Aspects
    Campus rape is the problem at the intersection of social class and gender, and it requires the transformation of the cultural foundations of life on campus to make the educational institution a safe place.
  9. Reasons for Using Penal Penetration for Rape in UK Law
    Because the population believed in rape in terms of penile penetration and only males doing it, the government believed that emphasizing this component was the best way to define the crime of rape.”The public viewed […]
  10. The Psychological Impacts of Rape and Potential Interventions
    Health professionals and general practitioners responding to women ought to explore past experiences of reproductive control in addition to sexual assault and rape as a likely factor in unexplained health symptoms such as anxiety and […]
  11. Researching of Rape Counseling
    On the other hand, the male victim assaulted by a stranger in the washroom will not have a fear of pregnancy, and there will be no need to take contraceptives.
  12. Feminist Theoretical Perspectives on Rape
    There is a number of theoretical perspectives aimed at explaining what stands behind rape, that is, how rape is reinforced by, why it is more widespread in specific concepts, and what a rapist’s motivations for […]
  13. Aspects of Rape Shield Laws
    When the probative value of previous sexual behavior of the victim significantly outweighs the possible harm for the victim, the victim’s sexual history can serve as evidence for the trial.
  14. Providing Professional Assistance to Rape Victims in Canada
    The extreme degree of helplessness, the brutal encroachment of physical and personal boundaries, and the threat to life – all of the above make rape one of the most traumatic stresses.
  15. Discssion of Rape Victims in Canada
    This article highlights one of the major gaps in the complex topic of the scientific approach to helping women survivors of rape.
  16. Rape Victims Rights Legislation
    The Parental Rights and sexual assault Law state that if a childbirth is a result of a rape case, the rape victim is automatically granted custody of the child and the rapist denied custody.
  17. Rape: Definition, Different Factors, and How to Prevent
    Gender-based attitudes are believed to be the main cause of this. Most perpetrators are believed to be under the influence of drugs.
  18. Preventative Measures of Rape
    On the contrary, if the intercourse or the penetration is done without the consent of the victim, the act becomes a rape case.
  19. Responsibility for Rape: Was There Consent?
    In this case, men’s rea for the crime should be negligence the defendant might not have known that he is causing harm to the victim.
  20. Effects of Just World Beliefs and Rape Myth Acceptance
    Both women and men can be victims of rape but the latter is considered the biggest perpetrator of the crime. For example, some pervasive sexual behaviors and norms, such as the objectification of women, may […]
  21. Sexual Assault and Rape in American Prisons
    Hence, according to Lennard, lowering “the number of people sent to prisons and detention centers” is pivotal in addressing the issue.
  22. Rape Victimizations. Sexual Violence Survey
    This essay explores my perspective about rape and how it relates to the discussions provided in the 2015 sexual violence survey report.
  23. Rape Theories and Policies to Minimize Crimes
    The use of sexual assault as a weapon of war in Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia, with about 500,000 and 60,000 rapes committed respectively, is a monument to the world.
  24. Rape Penalties: Is it Right or Wrong?
    So here again, rape as such is not an outstanding cause, it is an attendant circumstance in the operation of mental defect, of overcrowded living conditions, of the alcoholism of parents and their neglect of […]
  25. Marital Rape Between a Husband and His Wife
    However, should the man force the wife to have sexual intercourse with a third party, the man should be prosecuted and convicted as a stranger and divorce would be justifiable.
  26. Rape and Sexual Assault: Historical Evidence Analysis
    In order to understand the perceptions and attitudes of women’s experiences of sexual assault, specific attention should be paid to the debates that historians develop to investigate acts of violence.
  27. Variability in Hospital Care of Rape Victims
    In various debates regarding medical ethics, under the doctrines of the Catholic Church, the term contraception refers to the prevention of contraception.
  28. The Effect of Music Videos on College Students’ Perceptions of Rape
    The primary purpose of the article is to examine “the effect of sexualized portrayals of female artists in music videos on college students’ perceptions of date rape.”
  29. Attribution and Marital Rape Analysis
    The attribute of illiteracy and poor education to marital rape is also misdirected. In this case, people’s thinking depends on these myths and therefore their behaviour is inclined to the cultural myths.

🥇 Most Interesting Rape Topics to Write About

  1. Sexual Assault and Rape: Issues, Theories, and Public Response
    However, this definition is because of a long evolution process over the years since the rise of the anti-rape movement in the United States in the 1970s.
  2. Reaction to Rape by American Male Bystanders
    The study followed a good research study in order to achieve the targeted goals. The researchers also used the best research method in order to have a successful study.
  3. History of Marital or Spousal Rape
    This means that the subsistence of these marital exemptions in 33 states signifies that many people hold the view that rape in marriage is not a crime and is lesser as compared to raping a […]
  4. Rape and Its Justice Literature Reference
    She is the Associate Director of the Center for Public Health and Disasters, and the Associate Director of the Southern California Injury Prevention Research Center, both located in the UCLA School of Public Health.
  5. Rape: Planning the Investigation
    The duty of the first responding officer is to secure the victims, the primary witnesses, and the area where the crime took place.
  6. Rape in Laws and Literature of Medieval England
    Despite the seriousness of the crime, “convictions were rare, and lawmakers did not consider the raped woman to be the only victim of the crime”.
  7. Rape as a Weapon of War: Democratic Republic of Congo
    While some researchers argue that the occurrence of wartime rape, with its frequency, savagery and systematic organization during these times, is inherently entwined with the nature of the conflicts, most of them emphasize that the […]
  8. Democratic Republic of the Congo Mass Rapes
    Rape is used as a weapon of war in the Congo and the situation seems to get more and more horrible.
  9. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder After Rape Attempt
    During the treatment of the patient, the Target Memory is the day the girl was attacked. In her treatment, it is necessary to eliminate the feeling of guilt for the accident.
  10. The Rape of Nanjing: Issue Analysis
    Nevertheless, the exact details of the war crimes are a source of controversy among the Japanese, the Chinese, and also the American historians to this day.
  11. Rape: The Misunderstood Crime
    The cases of rape are on the rise and if not put in check, people will continue to live in fear.
  12. Prison Rape: Issue Analysis
    Among all the exhortations and abuse by the prison officials, the rape and sexual assault on the prisons are the worst of its kinds.
  13. Date Rape Is Not a Crime: Discussion
    This normally impairs the reasoning of the rapist and at the same time, it impairs the defense of the victim. In both situations, that is, date and stranger rape the violation of the victim’s right […]
  14. Date Rape Issue in College Campuses
    The decorum of the society was usually controlled by a federal body of the state, and the laws used to be abided by by all the people residing in the society.
  15. International Court Punishing Rape in Armed Conflict
    One of the main questions that often arise is the effectiveness of this court to punish sexual crimes in a way that would bring justice to the victims.
  16. Marital Rape and Joint Custody of the Child
    In order to be able to come to a reasonable conclusion at the end of the paper and evaluate the situation from a number of different perspective, the researcher will investigate the root of the […]
  17. Victim Advocacy: Date Rape
    The difference between spousal rape and date rape lies in the kind of connection between the perpetrator and the victim. Date rapes are known for the extensive usage of alcohol and drugs to force the […]
  18. Rape in India, Its Factors and Legal Measures
    Therefore, the aim of the study was to find out the factors contributing to the increasing trends of rape in India and investigate effective solutions to the problem.
  19. Rape, Robbery, Murder, and Aggravated Assault
    The FBI observed that after two years of declines in violent crimes in the US, in the year 2015, however, an increment of 3.
  20. Policy Analysis on the Prison Rape Elimination Act 2003
    Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 is the first federal law in America to ever tackle the issue of prison rape, which existed ever since the conception of the modern prison system, but has been […]
  21. Stress and Recovery After Rape
    This essay discusses the rape of an acquaintance, the stress she went through, and the approach she used to cope with the problem.
  22. Does Evolution Explain Why Men Rape
    Brownmiller argues that rape results from the prevalent male-female struggle in the society where men seek to reclaim their perceived social status and domination through humiliation and degradation of women and this may take the […]
  23. Rape as a Tool of War in the Democratic Republic of Congo
    Rape also brings fear to communities and they go on with their lives with the awareness of the looming danger. It also affects the economic situation of communities as they are afraid to go on […]
  24. Should Names of Rape Victims Be Disclosed in Public
    Proponents argue that information about the rape victim should be disseminated in an honest and truthful manner while opponents assert that the identity of rape victims should not be revealed given the serious nature of […]
  25. Rape as a Tool of War in DRC
    Sexual violence continued in the Congo throughout the peace process and the national elections in 2006. The war in the Democratic Republic of Congo led to a serious economic crisis.
  26. Sexual Violence Against Women: Rape
    Simultaneously, these sexual writings train women to believe that they are in charge of situating the confines and speed of sexual intercourse in their interaction with men.
  27. Violent Crime: Rape and Sexual Assault
    Most of rape are said to been committed by very close members of the family and friends and only a few cases are as a result abuse by total strangers and this explains why most […]
  28. Prevention of Date Rapes With the SARA Model
    Date rape is a domestic crime, it is a huge problem to lots of people, and it needs to be solved somehow.
  29. Problems Associated With a Rape Shield Law
    A process that leads to publication of the private aspect of the witness, which in turn results in the reluctance of rape victims reporting the crimes.

🎓 Good Research Topics about Rape

  1. Health Midterm Review: Sex, Rape, and Pregnancy
  2. Comparing Rape-Related Cases: Evaluating Criminal Outcomes
  3. Investigating the Relationship Between Self-Esteem and Rape
  4. Echoing Footsteps: Rape, Victims, Survivors, and What We Can Do
  5. Gender Role Theory and Male Rape Victims
  6. Chatting, Online Communities, and Cyber-Rape
  7. How Therapy Helps Children Cope with Rape
  8. Anxiety Disorders: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Relating to Rape
  9. Everyday Sexism: Dress Codes and Rape Culture
  10. High Profile Rape Trials and Policy Advocacy
  11. Longitudinal Associations Between Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Severity and Personality Disorder Features Among Female Rape Survivors
  12. Marital Rape: The Legal and Social Evolution of the Problem
  13. Custodial Rape and Its Effect on Society
  14. The Myth That Most Instances of Rape Are Committed by Strangers
  15. Discrimination Against Males and Rape
  16. Criminal and Terrorism: Profiling Serial Rape
  17. Art Therapy with Rape Victims
  18. Conflict and Consensus Approaches to Rape
  19. Are Statutory Rape Laws Patronizing to Girls and Discriminatory to Boys
  20. Cultural Myths and Supports for Rape

⭐ Simple & Easy Rape Essay Titles

  1. Factors Influencing the Judgement of Marital Rape
  2. The Psychological Explanations of Rape
  3. Anti-rape and Rape Crisis Center Movements
  4. Coercion Rape Sexual Relations on a First or Second Date Women
  5. Male Predators and Female Prey: Gender Roles and Rape Culture
  6. Arguing Against the Only Abortion Justification Is Rape
  7. Early Psychological Intervention After Rape: A Feasibility Study
  8. Assessing the Feminist Views of Rape Law
  9. Rape and Sexual Assault Against Women Act
  10. Common-Law Rape and Modern Statutes Describing Sexual Assault
  11. Prevention Techniques for Rape and Child Abuse
  12. How Technology Can Prevent Rape
  13. Australia and Changing Laws on Rape
  14. How the Criminal Justice System Handle Rape and Sexual Assault
  15. Cause and Effect: Club Drugs and Date Rape
  16. Psychological Motive for Committing Stranger Rape
  17. Comparing Treatments for Post-traumatic Stress Disorder in Domestic Violence and Women Victims of Rape
  18. Date Rape and Sexual Assault: Myths, Facts, and Issues
  19. Conflict and Consensus Approaches to Rape
  20. The Rape and Abuse of Women in the Military

❓ Rape Research Questions

  1. How Common Is Rape and Abuse of Women in the Military?
  2. What Effect Does Sexual Rape Have on Mental Health Problems?
  3. Are Rape Myths Beliefs That Have Been Misinterpreted by Society?
  4. What Psychological Damage Does Sexual Violence and Rape Cause to the Victim?
  5. How Does Society Show Contempt for a Rape Victim?
  6. What Are the Views of Women’s Shelter Workers on Marital Rape?
  7. Are Rapes and Sexual Assaults Considered Hate Crimes?
  8. Who Are the Real Rape Victims?
  9. Do Societal Myths about Rape Prevent Women from Gaining Justice Within the Legal System?
  10. Which Group of Women Is at the Highest Risk for Rape-Related Problems?
  11. How Does the Criminal Justice System Consider Rape and Sexual Assault?
  12. Why Do Rape Victims Blame Themselves?
  13. Do Rape Shield Laws Truly Provide a Fair Protection?
  14. What Are the Common Myths Surrounding the Offence of Rape?
  15. How Are Victims with Rape Trauma Syndrome Treated?
  16. What Is the Psychology Behind Rape Victim Blaming?
  17. Are There Gender Differences in Beliefs About Female and Male Rape?
  18. What Are the Main Motives Behind Why a Man Rapes?
  19. How Do Expert Nurses Perceive the Revictimization of Rape Victims?
  20. What Are the Consequences of Rape Culture in America?
  21. Is There a Connection Between Pornography and Rape?
  22. Why Are North Carolina’s Rape Laws More Favorable to Women Than to Men?
  23. How commons Are College Sexual Assaults and Rapes?
  24. What Are the Socio-Cultural, Personal, and Psychological Factors of Rape?
  25. Are Statutory Rape Laws Patronizing Girls and Discriminating Against Boys?
  26. What Is the Historical and Political Development of Rape Victims’ Rights and Policies?
  27. How Does the Objectification of Women in the Media Affect Rape Culture?
  28. What Is the True Meaning of Rape and Its Consequences?
  29. Is Victim Blaming in Rape Culture Myth or Fact?
  30. What Are the Similarities and Differences Between Chinese, Japanese, and Western Views on Rape?

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"128 Rape Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda, 18 Mar. 2025, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/rape-essay-topics/.


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IvyPanda. 2025. "128 Rape Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 18, 2025. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/rape-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "128 Rape Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 18, 2025. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/rape-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "128 Rape Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 18, 2025. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/rape-essay-topics/.