247 Prison Topics & Essay Examples

Whether you are writing about criminal justice reform or the sociology of prison population, you’ll find a good topic here. Check out these recommendations of prison essay topics put together by our experts.

🔝 Top-10 Prison Research Topics

  1. Stanford Prison Experiment: Results Analysis
  2. Ethical Issues With the Stanford Prison Experiment – Essay
  3. Unethical and Ethical Issues in Prisons (Corrections)
  4. Ethical Concerns in the Stanford Prison Experiment
  5. Jeffrey H. Reiman: The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison
  6. Shawangunk Correctional Facility
  7. Cognitive Dissonance and Stanford Prison Experiment
  8. Michel Foucault: Views on Prisons and Psychiatric Hospitals
  9. Prison System in England and Wales
  10. The Purpose of a Prison: Rehabilitation and Punish

🔥 Hottest Argumentative Essay Topics about Prisons

Prison Makes Criminals Worse

Compile an argumentative paper from a position that prisons don’t work as rehabilitating environments and instead turn people into even worse criminals. Describe the root causes of this phenomenon, additional factors, and ways of improving incarceration outcomes. Explain how your suggestions would help people reintegrate into civilian life.

The Stanford Prison Experiment

Assess the significance of the Stanford prison experiment. Provide details about its background, goals, and findings in the study of the human condition. Establish if its findings are reliable and show how people’s behavior changes behind bars. Briefly describe its effects on the designated prisoners and guards.

Contraband Control and Detection in Prison

Create a research paper about the current means of contraband control and detection in US prisons. Do modern gadgets such as drones make it easier or harder for incarceration facilities? Cover the most elaborate use cases and how prisons deal with them. Explain how prisons deal with mail, cell phones, and drug contraband.

Prison Gangs Violence: Mississippi Case

Research the cases of gang violence that are going on in the Mississippi prisons. Assess the main reasons for it, such as a lack of staff, growing gang affiliations, and other factors. Cover the main types of violence perpetrated at these institutions and how the government can improve the situation.

Issues of Children of Incarcerated Parents

Write about the psychological and social effects of incarceration on children. Describe the challenges such individuals face, including risks of being suspended or expelled from schools, economic struggles, and even being involved in criminal activity. Explain how to avoid these scenarios and if universal policy solutions effectively mitigate risks for children.

🏆 Best Titles for a Prison Essay

  1. Leadership Approaches in Prison
    The leader should also ensure the subordinates monitor the behaviors of the targeted prisoners. The main focus will be to examine the potential causes of the issues affecting the prison.
  2. Gangs in Prison: Black Guerrilla Family
    The fact that the gang members were called “Disciples” and the ten rules were a reference to the Ten Commandments demonstrate that inmates seek to find a purpose to follow.
  3. Prison Overcrowding
    As mentioned in the introduction, building more prisons is just one of the many solutions to the problem of overcrowding in prisons.
  4. Bureaucratic Style of Prison Management
    Therefore, the primary focus of the bureaucratic style of prison management is to ensure the growth and continuity of the prison system.
  5. The Purpose of Prisons Overview
    Statistics prove that there was a minor reduction of the US residents in prisons, and, still, those are the minor amounts.
  6. “Good Time” in Prisons: Benefits and Drawbacks
    A pre-term release can negatively affect prisoners’ mindsets, increase the risk of ex-inmates committing a crime and returning to prison, and be dangerous to society.
  7. US Prison Reformatory Reforms Analysis
    The reform agenda that was started in the 1700s saw the creation of prisons as a departure from hanging of offenders, to cruel punishment, to manual labor, to rehabilitation and to current reforms that continue […]
  8. Prisons and Delinquency According to Foucault
    The feeling of dehumanization in the prisons is also contributed by overcrowding, strip searches, and degradation of the prisoners by the prison officers.
  9. Prison Life, Recidivism and Reintegration
    The purpose of prison is to assist in reducing the rate of offenses committed in society and lessen daily crimes. In Canada, the Circle of Support and Accountability concept uses a team of skilled volunteers […]
  10. Supermax Prisons: Pros and Cons
    The main purpose of such prisons should be isolation and safety leading to correction instead of destruction of personal character or mental and physical harm.
  11. The Prison System Structure in the United States
    Over the past decades, the Federal Bureau of Prisons and the US Department of Justice have adopted many reforms to ensure successful reentry, including the transfer of prisoners to halfway houses in the final months […]
  12. Notorious Prisons E01 Oklahoma State Penitentiary Documentary
    This lockdown was effected following two particularly destructive prison riots; the first in 1973 in which most of the prison succumbed to flame, and the second in 1985, where most of the prison staff was […]
  13. Socrate’s Choice to Remain in Prison
    Being a man who believed and supported all that the government of Athens stood for, he was not going to be the one to falter from his beliefs and faith in the state and its […]
  14. The Needs of Prison Inmates Serving a Life Sentence
    The purpose of the treatment group is determined by the reason for the chosen population’s vulnerability and their conditions of life.
  15. Ethical Analysis of Conflict of Interest in Prison
    If the evaluation of an inmate at the request of the prosecutor’s office takes place in the presence of the inmate, that is, I will have to talk to him about the situation and take […]
  16. Scientific Integrity: The Stanford Prison Experiment
    The most important lesson drawn from the experiment is that scientific integrity is essential in the process of collecting evidence. In conclusion, the Stanford prison experiment is not about groupthink, obedience, and compliance but rather […]
  17. North Central Correctional Institute or Gardner Prison
    The rapid expansion and rehabilitation of the prison facilities have enabled the prison to increase the number of inmates in the prison.
  18. The History of San Quentin State Prison
    In this paper, we will focus on San Quentin State prison, based in California, USA, where we will discuss factors such as current conditions of the prison, proposals, and approaches to help protect the public, […]
  19. Policy Analysis on the Prison Rape Elimination Act 2003
    Prison Rape Elimination Act of 2003 is the first federal law in America to ever tackle the issue of prison rape, which existed ever since the conception of the modern prison system, but has been […]
  20. Imprisonment Effects: Prisons’ and Society’s Role
    The USA’s inmate population is the largest in the world. Is it the prison departments, the society, or the inmates themselves?
  21. Social Issue of Private Prisons
    At this point in the social life of society, many problems require attention and the spread of awareness. It is worth noting that the central part of society that is affected by this problem is […]
  22. For-Profit Prisons: Benefits and Disadvantages
    Liberals, on the other hand, are more likely to see private prisons as a threat to the welfare of prisoners and society at large, citing worries about the degrading treatment of prisoners and a lack […]
  23. The Conditions of Russian Prisons
    Although this is not always the case, but rather the influence of cinematography, in Russian prisons, the prisoners are in a constant struggle. The state of the prisons and the staff’s attitude repeatedly violate all […]
  24. The Importance of Health Care for Prisons
    Factors needed to ensure the safety and comfort of inmates include proper holding conditions, rational decision-making, adequate supplies for food and other necessities, adequate staffing and training of prison attendees, and provision of necessary support […]
  25. Private Prisons’ Benefits vs. Drawbacks
    Many of the duties involved with prison management are passed to the private corporation rather than the government. Similarly, a public jail is owned and run by the local, state, and federal governments, while a […]
  26. The UNICOR, the Prison University Project, and the Safer Foundation
    The UNICOR, the Prison University Project, and the Safer Foundation meet the reentry objectives to a different extent, with the first two programs emphasizing only the preparation goal.
  27. Riots in Kingsman, Arizona Prison
    Riots in correctional facilities are frequent, and it is the duty of the administration to ensure preparedness for critical situations and eliminate any chance for mistakes.
  28. The Use of Prison Gardens as a Model for Corrections
    The industrial revolution in the country then advanced the matter further, with the number of prisons and corrections officers growing. The inability to maintain the current large numbers of inmates in the U.S.leads to a […]
  29. Prison Misconduct Issues in USA and World
    The aim of the analysis will be to determine whether there is a relationship between the X-variables and Y-variables as hypothesised.
  30. Prisons as Mental Health Institutions
    The following list contains the group’s goals: Identification of the cause of unfavorable circumstances; Resolution of legal disputes regarding the perpetrators; Help the victim to improve their living conditions; Achieving the payment of a fine […]
  31. Prison Labor: Mass Imprisonment
    They are subjected to a long day of selecting and loading the coffee into packets later sold at Starbucks. Therefore, there is a need to produce in large quantities to serve all clients and, in […]
  32. Black Children Start on the Road to Prison in Preschool
    The Center for American Progress report analyses and compares the Black and white child upbringing in the United States. Therefore, it could be said that both teachers’ and education systems’ biases toward black children in […]
  33. Construction of a New Prison in New York
    The policies will describe when the need to apply force is suitable in the new facility. Once the facility has been established, the resulting impact on the victim’s family and the community will be accounted […]

👩‍⚕️ Corrections Topics for Research

  1. Prison systems in different countries. Compare and contrast the way prisons work in other parts of the world.
  2. The effects of overcrowding on the prison population. Evaluate the physical and mental effects of putting too many inmates in prison facilities.
  3. Juvenile offenders: Rehabilitation vs punishment. Write a paper about the best course of action when dealing with younger offenders.
  4. Living conditions in prison as a form of abuse. Make an essay about the effects of the living standards as a type of abuse to the prisoners.
  5. The impact of different disciplinary approaches on rehabilitation. Provide information about several types of corrective methods and their effectiveness.

👍 Good Essay Topics on Prison

  1. School-To-Prison Pipeline: Educational Perspective
    The school-to-prison pipeline is a phenomenon, which implies that expelling students can push them to face the criminal justice system. Keeping students informed about the existence of such a phenomenon and discussing it in classrooms […]
  2. Prison Reform in the US: Background Information
    To understand the issue, one would need to look at the history of the American punishment system, how it changed throughout the turbulence of the post-war age, and came to the today’s state of existence.
  3. Injustice in American Prison System
    Between the articles of violence and the observations about the extent of injustice in the American prison system, there is a high level of injustice instigated by the U.S.government to the African Americans.
  4. Researching of Prisons in Corcoran
    The present essay explains an ornate connection link between agriculture and prisons and discusses the influence of political and economic trends in the US from the 1970-s the 1990-s on some of the failures of […]
  5. Mass Incarceration: Prison System in America
    In 1934, a new building was erected on the island, cause of the transfer of Alcatraz to the U.S.federal system. Guantanamo was established in 2002 on the grounds of a U.S.military base.
  6. The United States vs. Norway Prisons
    The article by Gerhold emphasizes the system’s effectiveness by highlighting that “only 20% of those released become repeat offenders in the country” in Norway, compared to the 76. To summarize, the Halden prison in Norway […]
  7. Ethical Issues in “Prison Experiments” Video
    To resolve the identified ethical issues and prevent them in the future, it is critical to ensure that the subjects are not placed in coercive environments and a vulnerable position as it significantly impacts their […]
  8. The Stanford Prison Experiment: Ethics Principles
    Examples of the violation of these are deception in how the participants selected to be prisoners were delivered to the facility and the violent treatment they experienced.
  9. Woman Doing Life: Notes From a Prison for Women
    However, it is not correct to believe that this act is the only legal document to reduce and control unwanted sexual contact in jails and prisons in terms of which prisoners are provided with fail-safe […]
  10. Prison Industrial Complex and Its Development
    In order to predict the likelihood of this trend taking place in the future, it is essential to analyze the history of PIC in terms of profit.
  11. Profit and Racism in the Prisons of the United States
    As an argument for the work of prisoners, the prison of Angola makes the argument that work is a way of rehabilitation for the prisoner.
  12. Sexual Assault and Rape in American Prisons
    Hence, according to Lennard, lowering “the number of people sent to prisons and detention centers” is pivotal in addressing the issue.
  13. Analysis of Prison Letters of Paul
    The primary accomplishments of Paul while he was in prison are the aforementioned letter, which became part of the New Testament, and his tireless work, which caused many of his contemporaries to convert to Christianity.
  14. Mental Health Issues of Disabled People in Prison
    There is a need to enforce the rights of disabled people in prisons by understanding the causes of mental health issues and developing the necessary support systems.
  15. Private Prisons in the United States
    These prisons started way back in the 1840s and continue to be operational today since the government finds it cost-effective to relegate some of the prisons to the private sector.
  16. Jail and Prison Comparison: Description, History, Pros and Cons, and Factors
    In terms of security differences, one notes that the level of security is higher in federal prisons compared to state prisons.
  17. Florida Prisons: Location, Population and Current Issue
    This paper will identify the types and locations of Florida’s prisons with a description of the recent inmate population and an analysis of the issues that currently affect the prison system.
  18. Life in Prison: Issues Analysis
    There are many claims that quite a number of the components of conduct, as well as the language prototypes within the subcultures of inmates, are modeled to act as a response to the various deficits […]
  19. The Evolution of Probation, Parole, Prisons, Jails, and Sentencing
    The evolution of probation started in England and later spread to America as recognizance upon release and bail on condition that the suspect would avail him/herself before the court.
  20. Medical Experimentation in Prisons
    I conclude that we are not ready to lift the restrictions, but the improvement of the quality of life in prisons and the control over ethics in research might allow us to consider changes.Dr.
  21. Criminology: Employee Satisfaction Within Prison
    In effect, one of the main plans that I would put in place to ensure that the work is done effectively is to improve the morale of the staff.
  22. War on Drugs and Prison Overcrowding Analysis
    In this way, it is possible to reduce the number of inmates in state prisons because studies have shown that low-level offenders make more than 55% of the total number of inmates in American prisons.
  23. Prison Contraband Control and Detection
    This paper will highlight the effects of contraband in the prison system and some of the steps being taken to control the issue.
  24. Types of Procedures in Prisons
    The booking process involves procedures such as recording the name of the suspect and the reasons for the arrest. The officers then scan the fingerprints of the suspect and the information is noted down in […]
  25. Prison-Based Sex Offender Treatment Programs
    The outlined research question points to the purpose of the study. The researchers compare the recidivism patterns of offenders who undergo sex offender treatment with the same patterns for offenders who do not undergo the […]
  26. Prisons: How They Changed in the Past 25-30 Years
    The correctional services offered by the Criminal Justice System of a country are of great importance in the effective running of the society.
  27. Stanford Prison Experiment by Philip Zimbardo: Legal Research
    The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of situational variables on human behavior. What was even worse was that the initiator of the experiment kept watching as these things going on in […]
  28. Prison Overcrowding: Catalysts and Solutions
    The process of decongesting correctional facilities requires careful planning to come up with the correct procedures that will be implemented to reduce the number of inmates in the correction facilities.
  29. Prison Facilities and Certified Mental Facilities
    The main purpose of this research is to find out the extent to which the prison facilities are not relevant and or appropriate in the handling of mentally ill individuals.
  30. Modern Prison, Its Facilities and Design Support
    It will be the highest building in the facility, and the upper floor will be used for monitoring purposes. The playground will be in front of the dormitories and located at a place where monitoring […]
  31. Modern Prison: Correctional Task Force Project
    The jail will be a men facility; the facility will be divided into three classes according to the classification of crime committed.
  32. Keeping Women Out of Prison
    Peer counselors should form part of the workers since they will be required to continually counsel the inmate and prepare her for life outside the precincts of jail.
  33. Religion in Prison Overview and Analysis
    Independence of religion is the right to reverence of a supreme being by professing a preferred religion. In fact, it is to the benefit of inmates and the community as a whole.

⚖️ Prison Topics on Reforms and Alternatives

  1. The effectiveness of incarceration alternatives. Assess the merit of punishments that aren’t prison-related.
  2. Norway’s approach to prison reform. Write a paper about the successes and shortcomings of prison reform in this country.
  3. Best ways of improving healthcare for inmates. Describe how you would improve the health of US inmates using facts and statistics from other countries.
  4. Major reforms of the US prison system. Talk about the history of penitentiary system improvements in the US.
  5. The power of prisons in reforming convicts. Assess the ability of modern prisons to reform institutions and improve the lives of ex-cons.

🎓 Simple & Easy Thesis Titles about Jail

  1. Substance Abuse and America’s Prison Population
    The Juvenile program offers an opportunity for the community to prevent the young people stay away from criminal behavior and efficiently rehabilitate the young wrongdoers.
  2. Prison: Imprisoning and Alternative Ways
    Most of the population is intended to think that the most “comfortable” place for criminals and those who are attempting to cross the border of justice is in the prison with its cruel realities and […]
  3. Prison Gangs’ Evolution and Solutions to Them
    Prison gangs develop in prison environments and sore of increase in disturbances in prison such as that experienced in the United States in the early 1990s may point to more prison gang activity, according to […]
  4. The Spread of HIV and AIDS in Prisons: Causes and Measures of Control
    Other causes of the spread of the disease include overcrowding and lack of education on the danger of the virus. At-risk individuals need to be sensitized about the devastating consequences of this virus and the […]
  5. Prison Punishment in the United States
    The United States criminal justice system is one of the countries that ignore the guidelines in regard to the law. It is a form of torture which is not generally undertaken to punish the victim […]
  6. Tuberculosis Control and Prevention in Prisons
    It is widely accepted that the overall conditions in the US correction facilities, along with the background lifestyles of some inmates, lead to a dramatic disease rate in cells.
  7. Mass Incarceration and the Prison Industrial Complex
    Deontology is one of the classical ethical theories that can be used to understand the problem of mass incarceration and the prison industrial complex.
  8. Young Adults in Prison and Behavioral Correction
    Prisons providing special confinement for young adults use the concept of ‘assisted resistance in their rehabilitative efforts to promote the impetus of their inmates specifically to stop them from further committing offenses. To the young […]
  9. The Stanford Prison Experiment Overview
    The persons who agreed to participate in the experiment were all volunteers simply because the chief experimenter did not control the warders during the experiment in which they infringed upon the human rights of the […]
  10. Opinion and Clarification of the Stanford Prison Experiment
    An analysis of the experiment reveals that the fake prison environment managed to evoke emotions and feelings in the prisoners, the prison warden, and even Zimbardo who played the warden.
  11. Stanford Prison Experiment Definition
    Some played the role of prisoners and others that of prison guards in a situation formed to suggest a sense of the psychology of custody.
  12. The Stanford Prison Experiment and My Perception of Human Behaviour
    Nevertheless, despite the fact that in his book The Lucifer Effect: Understanding how good people turn evil, Zimbardo strived to undermine the soundness of a dispositional outlook on the subject matter, while providing readers with […]
  13. Negotiations in the Attica Prison Riot
    It is the purpose of this paper to determine how the negotiators used their power or leverage in the negotiations? What went wrong in the negotiations?
  14. Applied Functional Behavioural Analysis in Prison
    The basic rights of the prisoners are taken away and conflict between wardens and prisoners kick in when the wardens try to assert their authority.
  15. Functional Behavior Analysis in Dealing With Problematic Behavior in Prison
    These inmates are left in the hands of prison security staff that in most cases do not have any form of training to deal with any extreme behavior.
  16. Social Psychology: Attitudes and Behaviors in Prison
    Fundamentally, the role of people in prison is to undergo reforms, unfortunately, they do not perceive this. According to Levitan and Visser, people attitudes are open or rigid to change depending on the social network […]
  17. Has Proposition 36 Relieved Prison Overcrowding in California’s Prisons?
    The proponents of this proposition believe that it is the most effective policy to ease congestion in the state’s prisons via a substantial reduction in the number of people being sent to prison as well […]
  18. Prison Isolation: Its Effects and Damage
    This unwillingness of prisoners in isolated confinement is in considerable measure a rejoinder to the insight that such imprisonment is an evident effort by the system to “break them down” mentally, and in some cases, […]
  19. Prison Overcrowding and Costs in Nevada
    It is being pushed on the advice that Nevada prison populations are going to mushroom in the future and the facilities cannot deal with it.
  20. The Theory and Practice of the Privatisation of Prisons
    To solve these problems, especially the cost factor, the UK has encouraged the private sector to build and run new prisons.
  21. Prison Rape: Issue Analysis
    Among all the exhortations and abuse by the prison officials, the rape and sexual assault on the prisons are the worst of its kinds.
  22. Prison Overcrowding in the United States
    The increase in the liberties of prisoners occurred against the backdrop of the historical abuse of power of the prison system, as well as the increased awareness of the need for prison systems to follow […]
  23. Stigma of Conviction and Prison: Reentry to Society
    The study indicated that some forms of measurement and assistance help for certain types of offenders under particular conditions but, overall, the consensus that emerged is that this kind of program still has a long […]

🔎 Controversial Topics about Prisons

  1. Capital punishment is a critical crime deterrent. Make a case for the death sentence as a crucial part of crime prevention.
  2. The root causes of mass incarceration in the US. Talk about the main factors contributing to the high prison population in America.
  3. The ethics of prison labor in commercial prisons. Discuss if it’s ethical for private prisons to make a profit from forced labor.
  4. Punishment is a primary purpose of incarceration. Write an essay that supports this claim and shows how rehabilitation never played a major role in the prison system.
  5. Pardoning elderly life-sentence convicts. Create a paper supporting releasing elderly convicts before they die serving life sentences.

⭐ Good Research Topics about Prison

  1. Gun Crime: Prison Program for the Rehabilitation
    The elaboration of the current rehabilitation program for the gun offenders is heavily indebted Prochaska, DiClemente wheel of change to rehabilitation which regards as a reflexive process of changing a person’s patterns of thinking, cognition […]
  2. Overcrowd Prisons With Non-Violent Offenders
    The sentencing reforms that began in the 1980s had a simple purpose, to contain and diminish criminal activity by extending prison sentences which served to not only remove offenders from the community for a longer […]
  3. Slavery Still Exists in American Prisons
    An examination of the history of the penal system as it existed in the State of Texas proves to be the best illustration of the comparisons between the penal system and the system of slavery.
  4. Supermax Prisons and Its Legal and Ethical Issues
    Therefore, the placement of prisoners in supermaxes, which are known for their ill-treatment and cruelty, can result in the violation of laws and human rights.
  5. The Concept of School-To-Prison Pipeline Process
    Schools that are unable to handle the disorder impose penalties encouraging expulsion and leading to a higher level of school violence.
  6. Total Military Experience Effects on Arrests in Prison Inmates
    The objective of the study is to find the relationship between service in the army and the number of arrests in veterans.
  7. Children in Adult Prisons: Reasons for Concern
    The fact that some children in the United States are sent to adult prisons is of great concern to many researchers and policy-makers.
  8. Private Prisons’ Ethics and Capital-Driven Corruption
    The promotion of private prisons in the U.S.context was a response to the identified crisis. Even though there is a slight propensity to justify the idea of private prisons as the tools for containing prisoners […]
  9. Gender and Conflict in Prisons
    The aim of this paper is to discuss the gender differences between incarcerated populations in terms of the likelihood of engaging in violence as well as interpersonal and racial conflicts.
  10. The US Prison System: Qualitative and Quantitative Research
    The term can also be used in the field of academics to refer to the study of programs, policies, and theories that are related to the practice of corrections.
  11. Prison Overcrowding: A Persistent Problem
    It was found that overcrowding contributed to the reduction of the mental well-being of prisoners and the correctional staff; nevertheless, there was no relationship between the decrease in crime rates and the increase in the […]
  12. Prison Life in the USA
    The fact that the number of offenders who live in prison increased greatly attracts the attention of experts and the representatives of the general public.
  13. Prison and Social Movement in Black Feminist View
    Arguably, much of black feminist theories have insisted not only that the state has a particular perspective, but that the state’s perspective differs significantly, and problematically, from that of the black women in general and […]
  14. The Stanford Prison Experiment by Philip Zimbardo
    This work provides a brief introduction and summary of his work, analyses the data, discusses its relevance to criminal justice, and compares the study to the real-life Abu Gharib’s situation. In the same article, Zimbardo […]
  15. Stanford Prison Experiment and Criminal Justice
    The researchers used cameras and microphones to assess the behavior of the correctional staffs and inmates. The capability of managing the correctional facility depends on effective communication between the inmates and the prison guards.
  16. Aging Population Issues in American Prison System
    A case of an increase in the number of elderly people in prison was reported in 2000 when the number of elderly prisoners was only 3% of total America’s prison population, but in 10 years […]
  17. Ethical Dilemmas in Prison’s Research
    The present paper aims to discuss the applicability of confidentiality and privacy provisions to prison research by addressing both the general rules regarding confidentiality of information in research and the specific considerations that apply to […]
  18. Supermax and Prison Regimes in the UK
    The prison regimes of Supermax and prisons in the United Kingdom are similar in that they classify criminals, according to their age, gender, crimes committed, and the risk they pose to the prisoners, prison guards, […]
  19. Blacks’ Prison Experiences in Hip Hop Culture
    Though considering the controversy that has been the “elephant in the room” for quite a time, Dyson clearly takes his argument to an admittedly high level of convincingness, it is not only the consideration of […]
  20. Prison Privatization: Pros and Cons
    Privatization of the prisons may allow the prisons to expand faster because the private sector has the financial ability for the same.
  21. Security Threat Groups and Prison Gangs
    The hate and cruelty seem to be guiding powers of the Brotherhood; the words of John Greschner, the member of the gang and the former commissioner sentenced for the murder, characterize the main position of […]
  22. Prison System Classification in Virginia
    This paper looks at the purpose of classification in the prison system as well as how classification systems are used to place offenders. Similar to other states, classification of offenders in the prison systems is […]
  23. Prison Issues in “Ishmael” by Daniel Quinn
    He talked about the survival of the human race, the redistribution of power and wealth, and the destruction of the prison.
  24. California Prison Gangs: Disrupting and Dismantling
    This would also evaluate the effectiveness of the programs in reintegrating the individual back into society by the elimination of stigmatization of the gang members.
  25. Female Prison Gangs: Are There Any?
    I believe there are no prison gangs as women see themselves as torn from the rest of their world and try to keep the connection.
  26. Controlling and Preventing Gang Activity
    It is obvious that if there are two or more gangs on the territory of a prison they are going to fight for the sphere of influence.
  27. Prison in the USA: Solutions to Reducing Overpopulation
    First of all, it is necessary to improve the justice system which is the reason of overpopulation in prisons. Secondly, it is necessary to rethink the life of inmates in prison.
  28. Aging Offenders in Prison
    The increased number of elderly inmates is partly due to the introduction of longer sentences in the 1970s and 1980s as US took a tough approach to crime.
  29. Criminology: Prisons Impact on Crime Rates
    While prisons are intended to reduce the crime rate in society, they can contribute to increases in the crime rate since the prison system often leads to the production of delinquents.
  30. Criminology: What Is the Solution to the Prison Problem?
    What you have to understand is that the current prison system within the U.S.does not rehabilitate at all and in fact promotes greater instances of criminal behavior.
  31. Cooper’s Ethical Decision-Making Model: Corcoran State Prison
    According to Rigg and Caruso, the actions of the fellow prison guards were unwarranted and amounts to unethical behavior as well as contrary to the mission and values of the California Department of Corrections and […]
  32. History From the Inside Out: Prison Life in Nineteenth-Century by L. Goldsmith
    For instance, in the Charleston prison, records indicated certain patterns of behavior among prisoners and guards that are unique to the correctional institutions.
  33. The Justice System: Prison Congestion
    The criminal justice system often fails to respond to crime in a humane and efficient manner hence in most parts of the world, prisons display elements of violation of human rights.
  34. The Policy Process and Outcome for Privatization of Prisons in the United States of America
    Consequently, this model is believed to be in favour of the interest of the political elite at the expense of the interests of the disadvantaged and politically disorganized.

📝 Essay Topics on Prisons in Democratic Countries

  1. The ethics of solitary confinement in the democratic nations. Assess the ethical consequence of putting people in solitary cells and how democratic countries handle them.
  2. Incarceration alternatives in democratic societies. Write a paper on how the justice systems outside of the US provide alternatives to putting people behind bars.
  3. The role of prisons in a democracy. Evaluate the role of these facilities and how they correspond to the democratic systems of different states.
  4. How privatizing prisons influences the quality of prison services in democracies. Make an essay about the effects of building and running private prisons in the US and other parts of the free world.
  5. The effectiveness of rehabilitation programs in Scandinavia. Assess the effectiveness of prisoner reform programs in Scandinavian countries.

✍️ Prison Essay Topics for College

  1. Prison Life in the United States
  2. Differences Between Jails and Prisons
  3. Prisons Role in Society
  4. The Concept of Vipassana Prison Program
  5. The Significance of the Prison Films
  6. Social Psychology Issues: The Stanford Prison Experiment
  7. A Grand Escape From the Prison of Chauvinism: Awoken and Ready to Fight the Society Prejudices
  8. Jeff Henderson’s Life After Prison
  9. Prison Term Policy Recommendation
  10. The History of Prisons in Pre-1900 America
  11. Jail and Prison: What’s the Difference?
  12. What Is the Relationship Between Race, Poverty and Prison?
  13. Women in Prison: Issues and Challenges Faced by Female Inmates
  14. Strategies to Decrease Recidivism Upon an Inmate’s Release From Prison
  15. An Introduction to Correctional Facilities
  16. African Americans in America’s Prison Systems

💡 Most Interesting Prison Research Topics

  1. The United States Should Improve Their Penal System and Alternatives to Prison
  2. Transforming the American Prison System
  3. The Prison Detainment System’s Need for Reforming: Too Many Inmates Led to an Organization Issue
  4. The 1993 Prison Riot in the Southern Ohio Correctional Facility
  5. Rehabilitation: Prison and Community Corrections
  6. The Stanford Prison Experiment and Its Effects on Social
  7. Social Psychology and the Stanford Prison Experiment by Philip Zimbardo
  8. Impact of the Prison System on Violent Gangs
  9. The Development and Provision of Prison Library for Juvenile
  10. The Link Between Increased Prison Population and Improper Punishment System
  11. Reasons Why Angola’s Prison System Is an Effective Correction System
  12. The Reasons Why Going Into Prison Is a Horrible Experience
  13. Strategic Agribusiness Operation Realignment in the Texas Prison System
  14. State Making, and Systems of Governance Based on Prison Gangs
  15. Importance of Swedish and American Penitentiary Systems
  16. The Role of Solitary Confinement in Prison Offenses
  17. The Attica Prison Riot of 1971 and Its Impact on Prison Reform
  18. Overview of Alabama Prison Safety Law
  19. The Role of the United States and the Federal Penitentiary System
  20. The Reasons Why Individuals Who Abuse Animals Should Be Put Into Prison
  21. The Prison Industrial Complex and How Does It Generate Profit
  22. Why Prison Safety Is Vital
  23. United States Prison Population and the Criminal Justice Programme
  24. State Prison Inmates Should Be Paroled Early to Help With the States Budget
  25. General Information About the California State Prison System

❓ Research Questions about Prisons

  1. Why the Police Want Prison Reform?
  2. Why Is There an Increase in the Number of Prisoners?
  3. What Takes Women Into the Prison System?
  4. Should Prison and Jail Be the Primary Service Provider?
  5. What Are the Positive Impacts and Benefits of Imprisonment?
  6. What Are the Main Goals of the Prison Reform System?
  7. Why Is the American Penitentiary System an Important Part of American Society?
  8. What Are the Reasons for the Constant Increase in the Number of Prisoners in the United States?
  9. Why Is the Danish Military System Better Than American Prison System?
  10. What Is the Current Prison System in the United States?
  11. Should Homosexual Prison Inmates Have a Right to Share the Same Cell?
  12. What Is the Current Magnitude and Associated Problems of Overcrowding in Prisons?
  13. Should Convicted Teenagers Spend Their Youth in Juvenile Prison?
  14. What Do the State and Federal Penitentiary Systems Have in Common?
  15. Why Is America’s Prison System Failed?
  16. Why Should Prison Reform Be Used as a Last Resort?
  17. What Are Prison Gangs?
  18. What Is the Relationship Between the War on Drugs and Prison Overcrowding?
  19. What Happens Behind Prison Doors?
  20. Why Should Children Not Go to Prison?
  21. Why were the Prison Camps During the American Civil War Were So Terrible?
  22. Why Is There Concern About the Privatization of the Penitentiary System in America?
  23. Why Is Andersonville Civil War Prison Notorious?
  24. Was the Stanford Prison Study Ethical?
  25. Why Should the Us Government Find an Alternative to Jail?
  26. What Are the Causes and Consequences of Torture in Prison?
  27. How Did the Stanford Prison Experiment Affect the Prisoners?
  28. What Happens if Drug Offenders Go to Jail?
  29. What Are the Problems of Privatizing the American Penitentiary System?
  30. Should Prison and Death Be an Easy Decision for a Court?

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IvyPanda. (2024, November 17). 247 Prison Topics & Essay Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/prison-essay-topics/

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"247 Prison Topics & Essay Examples." IvyPanda, 17 Nov. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/prison-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. (2024) '247 Prison Topics & Essay Examples'. 17 November.


IvyPanda. 2024. "247 Prison Topics & Essay Examples." November 17, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/prison-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda. "247 Prison Topics & Essay Examples." November 17, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/prison-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda. "247 Prison Topics & Essay Examples." November 17, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/prison-essay-topics/.