Welcome to Ancient Egypt: When Legends Were Born Essay

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Introduction: The Legends, Revived

Ancient Egypt is one of those mysteries which are yet to be solved. Taking a closer look at the specific culture and historical details of the famous state, one can see the whimsical mechanism of the world long gone.

Djoser and Imhotep: The First Pyramid and the Last Tomb

The pharaoh and his successor

The pharaoh who made Egypt complete, Djoser ruled Ancient Egypt in 2635 B. C. His major accomplishment was developing the Egyptian architecture and making the state complete. As for Imhotep, he was Djoser’s right hand and the one who contributed to the further development of the architecture and art.

A famous Egyptian architect, he was also considered the man who started the development of medicine in Ancient Egypt. A vizier, a physician and an architect, Imhotep was a true genius; no wonder that he was defined as a deity later on.

Djoser and Imhotep, carved in people’s memories: the architecture

When it comes to the architecture associated with Djoser, the first and the foremost thing to mention is that he was the one to begin the tradition of building pyramids. The pyramid of Djoser is considered the oldest and the first one ever made.

As for Djoser’s second self, Imhotep, one must mark that Imhotep was actually responsible for building the Pyramid of Djoser. In addition, Imhotep is considered to be the first one who suggested using columns in architecture, not to mention the numerous drawings and plans which Imhotep made for various architectural elements.

Realism in Ancient Egypt

When reality strikes: the most accurate representations of the world

When it comes to the specifics of the Egyptian sculptures, it strikes how well-designed the images of human bodies are and how weirdly these images are mixed with the animalistic imagery, mostly the images of animals’ or birds’ heads. For instance, the realism in the images of pharaohs is truly striking.

Diving into the universe of the unrealistic: let your fantasy go

However, when it comes to the images of Egyptian gods, the unrealistic elements become obvious. For example, the image of Ptah makes the audience rub their eyes – the image of a human body with a bird’s head at the top is truly striking.

Falcon in Ancient Egypt: From a Bird’s-Eye View

The represented deity: praise Monthu!

Whenever one speaks of the Ancient Egypt, the image of a falcon is the first thing that pops in one’s mind apart from pyramids. Indeed, representing the herald of the famous Egyptian deity, Monthu, the opponent of Ra, falcon is an important element of the ancient Egyptian culture.

More falcons in Egyptian culture: flying high

Another deity which was usually depicted with a falcon head and a human body was Horus, one of the oldest deities in the Egyptian culture. To worship the crowd of gods somehow related to a falcon, King Scorpion’s head was made and placed in the temple at Hierankonplis.

Conclusion: Back from the Time Travel

An incredible mixture of exotic culture and specific political structure, Ancient Egypt with its glorious pharaohs is a really exciting place to explore. And, as more details about the life of people in the Ancient Egypt become clear, the long-forgotten magical world revives, making one gasp in awe.

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IvyPanda. (2018, November 6). Welcome to Ancient Egypt: When Legends Were Born. https://ivypanda.com/essays/welcome-to-ancient-egypt-when-legends-were-born/

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"Welcome to Ancient Egypt: When Legends Were Born." IvyPanda, 6 Nov. 2018, ivypanda.com/essays/welcome-to-ancient-egypt-when-legends-were-born/.


IvyPanda. (2018) 'Welcome to Ancient Egypt: When Legends Were Born'. 6 November.


IvyPanda. 2018. "Welcome to Ancient Egypt: When Legends Were Born." November 6, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/welcome-to-ancient-egypt-when-legends-were-born/.

1. IvyPanda. "Welcome to Ancient Egypt: When Legends Were Born." November 6, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/welcome-to-ancient-egypt-when-legends-were-born/.


IvyPanda. "Welcome to Ancient Egypt: When Legends Were Born." November 6, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/welcome-to-ancient-egypt-when-legends-were-born/.

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