Executive Summary
The business world is changing very fast due to changes in various factors of production. Firms are forced to come up with projects that will make them competitive in this market. This is one such project. In this project, the main aim is to improve communication, increase the working space and generally improve service delivery within the firm. The project has a clearly defined scope and objectives which state what the project stands to achieve. To make this a success, various stakeholders within the firm will play various responsibilities within their respective areas. From the top management to junior officers, each member will have a role to play in this project to realise desired results.
Project Definition
The vision of this project clearly states its purpose and aim in this industry. The vision gives this project a sense of direction. With a clear vision statement, the project members, and other members of this organisation will be certain of what is to be achieved by this project. They will have to develop their expectations based on the vision stated in the project. The following is the vision statement of this firm.
- To develop a robust telecommunication infrastructure within this firm between various customer locations.
This vision statement clearly states what is expected of the project upon its completion. The project should improve interdepartmental communication within the firm as a way of improving the efficiency of the entire firm.
According to Panneerselvam and Senthilkumar (2010, p. 110), projects should always have clear objectives to be achieved by the project members. This scholar says that most projects have failed due to the lack of clearly stated objectives in the project. Project objectives help in defining the scope of the project. This scholar says that project objectives must always meet the SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time-sensitive) criteria. The following are some of the project objectives.
- To provide customers with an online system which would enable them to communicate directly to the firm from their homes.
- To develop a new work premise having a bigger working space, increased parking spaces, and reduced costs of operations as compared to the existing one.
- To relocate existing technological infrastructure to the new premises within a span of two days without causing any inconvenience to the customers.
- To have a generally improved system of communication within various departments within this firm upon completion of the project.
The above objectives are the specific objectives that should be achieved upon completion of this project. There are some benefits that the project will bring as the implementation will be underway. The above objectives can be adjusted accordingly, based on the prevailing circumstances.
Defining scope of a project is one of the most important aspects of a project. A project should always be focused on achieving specific objectives. Defining project scope helps in various ways. First, it helps in making the project members determine what is expected of them within a given time-frame. Meredith and Mantel (2012, p. 62) observe that in most of the cases, people will have very great expectations of a project whenever it is launched. In most of the cases, the expectation can be too high to be realised by the project. This is always the case when the project involves information and communication technology.
Over expectation of a project can be dangerous because members of the firm may fail to see the benefits of the project. Defining the scope of a project sets the mind of various stakeholders to what the project will offer. In this project, the scope will be to improve communication within the departments and offer improved working space within the firm. This will generally improve the efficiency of the firm and increase its productivity.
Project Organisation
Project Team Role Responsibilities

List of References
Bender, M 2010, A manager’s guide to project management: learn how to apply best practices, FT Press, Upper Saddle River.
Meredith, J & Mantel, S 2012, Project management: a managerial approach, Wiley, Hoboken.
Panneerselvam, R & Senthilkumar, P 2010, Project management, PHI Learning, New Delhi.